
* = literature in compendia.

1. Primary texts (to be studied in English) 176 pp.

Biblical and classical world

New Testament: Matt 1-2; Mark 5:21-43; Mark 7-10; Luke 1-2; Eph 5:21-6:9; Col 3:18-4:1; 1 Thess; 1 Tim, 21 pp.

*Quintilian, The Orator’s Education, Book 1.1-3 (only English text), 20 pp.

History of Christianity

*The Infancy Gospel of Thomas, 7 pp.

*The passion of Perpetua and Felicitas, 13 pp.

*Chrysostom : An Address on Vainglory and the Right Way for Parents to Bring Up Their Children, (85-87, 93-122), 33 pp..

*Augustine : Confessions, Book 1 (only English text) , 30 pp.

*Luther : Large cathechism (Preface, the Forth Commandment) , 16 pp.

*Children’s Bible stories (Abraham and Isaac, Jesus in the temple, The Beloved Daughter, Jesus and the children, The Crucifixion), 19 pp. The Illustrated Family Bible (Bible text: New International Version), London/New York/Stuttgart: Dorling Kindersley, 1997, 46-47, 227, 254-55, 280-81, 304-05 The Lion Bible: Everlasting Stories (Bible text retold by Lois Rock), Oxford: Lion Publishing, 2001, 34-35, 168-69, 182-83, 192-93, 202-03.

Children’s rights

*“Declaration of the rights of the child , 2 pp. .

*“Convention on the rights of the child , 15 pp. .

2. Secondary literature related to the primary texts 328 pp.

Strange, W.A. : Children in the Early Church: Children in the Ancient World, the New Testament and the Early Church, 1996. Carlisle, Paternoster . 123 pp.

Gundry-Volf, J.M.: in Bunge, M.J. (ed.), The Child in Christian Thought : The Least and the Greatest: Children in the New Testament, 2001 . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans . pp 29-60.

*Mercer, J.A.: in Mercer, J.A., Welcoming Children: A Practical Theology of Childhood : Children in the Gospel of Mark, 2005 . St. Louis, Miss.: Chalice . pp 43-70.

*Aasgaard, R. : The Childhood of Jesus: Uncovering the Apocryphal Infancy Gospel of Thomas, forthcoming, 28 pp .

Guroian, V.: in Bunge : The Ecclesial Family: John Chrysostom on Parenthood and Children, pp 61-77.

Stortz, M. E.: in Bunge : Where or When Was Your Servant Innocent?’: Augustine on Childhood, pp 78-102.

Strohl, J. E.: in Bunge : The Child in Luther’s Theology: ‘For What Purpoes Do We Older Folks Exist, Other Than to Care for … the Young?, pp 134-59.

*Bottigheimer, R. B. : The Bible for Children: From the Age of Gutenberg to the Present, 1996 . New Haven/London, Yale University Press. xi-xiv, 59-69, 70-81, 88-90, 180-96, 217-18.

3. General historical perspectives 230 pp.

Cunningham, H. : Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500, 2005 . 2nd edition, London: Longman . 230 pp.

4. Socio-cultural perspectives 146 pp.

*Jenks, C.: in Jenks, C.: Childhood : Sociological Approaches to Childhood, 2005 . 2nd edition, London/New York: Routledge. pp 29-48.

*Rogers, W.S.: in Woodhead, M. et al. (ed.), Understanding Childhood: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Childhood Volume 1 : Gendered Childhoods, 2003 . Chichester: John Wiley & Sons . pp 179-214.

*Burr, R. and Montgomery, H.: in Maybin, J. et al. (ed.), Childhoods in Context, Childhood Volume 2 : Family, Kinship and Beyond, 2003 . Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. pp 39-52; 61-70.

*Mackinnon, D.: in Maybin: Children and Work, pp 173-81; 191-208.

*Montgomery, H. and Burr, R.: in Montgomery, H. et al. (ed.), Changing Childhoods: Local and Global, Childhood Volume 4 : Children, Poverty and Social Inequality, 2003 . Chichester: John Wiley & Sons . pp 45-63, 77-79.

*Montgomery, H.: in Montgomery : Intervening in Children’s Lives, pp 187-90; 201-219.

5. Methodological and theological perspectives 177 pp.

Bunge, M.: in Bunge : Introduction, pp 1-28.

Riggs, M.Y.: in Bunge : African American Children, “The Hope of the Race”: Mary Church Terrell, the Social Gospel, and the Work of the Black Women’s Club Movement, pp 365-85.

Miller-McLemore, B.J.: in Bunge : Let the Children Come’ Revisited: Contemporary Feminist Theologians on Children, pp 446-73.

*May, S. et al., Children Matter: Celebrating Their Place in the Church, Family, and Community, Grand Rapids/Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans, 2005, pp 47-72 (“Theology and Children”), pp 126-49 (“Children in the Faith Community”).

*Salomonsen, J. : Initiation to Adulthood: The Challenge of Modernity, the Paradox of Ritual, and the Gifts of Confirmation in a Norwegian Context, 2005 . Unpublished conference lecture . 16 pp.

*Ipgrave, J.: in Jackson, R., International Perspectives on Citizenship, Education and Religious Diversity : Dialogue, citizenship, and religious education, 2003 . London/New York, RoutledgeFalmer. pp 147-68.

*DeVries, D.: in Interpretation 55 : Toward a Theology of Childhood, 2001 . pp 61-73.

The following books/compendia need to be obtained for the course:

1. Cunningham, H.: Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500, 2nd edition, London: Longman, 2005. 2. Strange, W.A.: Children in the Early Church: Children in the Ancient World, the New Testament and the Early Church, Carlisle, Paternoster, 1996. 3. Bunge, M.J. (ed.): The Child in Christian Thought, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001. 4. Compendium A to course CONT4104: Childhood – Theological and Socio-Cultural Perspectives 5. Compendium B to course CONT4104: Childhood – Theological and Socio-Cultural Perspectives.

Published May 1, 2006 5:27 PM - Last modified May 3, 2006 4:05 PM