
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.08.2003Professor Notto Thelle? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica? Introduction: What is contextual theology? Models of contextual theology?

  • Literature: Bevans I (70p)

  • Lectures: 2hrs: Start of classes.

  • Prerequisities:
02.09.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? Models of contextual theology?

  • Literature: Bevans II (70p)

  • Lectures: 2hrs

  • Prerequisities: Learn Class-fronter, library, internet
09.09.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? Contextual theology and interfaith dialogue?

  • Literature: Bergmann I (50pp) + Knitter, Leirvik (45pp)

  • Lectures: 2hrs

  • Prerequisities: First presentation of reflection - Classfronter
16.09.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? Feminist perspective - other perspectives?

  • Literature: Bergmann II (50pp) + Johnson, King (50pp)

  • Lectures: 2hrs

  • Prerequisities: Forum discussion - Classfronter
24.09.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Hemsedal? The context of suffering? Hemsedal - Seminar with the two other courses in contextual theology
  • Literature: Bergmann III (50pp) + Sobrino (46pp)
30.09.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? ?
  • Literature: West, Scott I (70pp)

  • Lectures: 2hrs
07.10.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? ?
  • Literature: Scott II (70pp)

  • Lectures: 2hrs

  • Prerequisities: Second presentation of reflection - Classfronter
14.10.2003No lecture? ? ?

  • Literature: Schreiter I (70pp)
21.10.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? 14.15-16.00, room305, Domus Theologica? ?

  • Literature: Schreiter II (70pp)

  • Prerequisities: Forum discussion
28.10.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? ?
  • Literature: St?lsett ed. I (75pp)
04.11.2003No lecture? ? ?

  • Literature: St?lsett ed. II (75pp)
11.11.2003No lecture ? ? ?

  • Literature: Tracy I (65p)
18.11.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? ?

  • Literature: Tracy II (65pp)

  • Lectures: 2hrs

  • Prerequisities: Third presentation of reflection
25.11.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? ?

  • Lectures: 2hrs

  • Prerequisities: Forum discussion
02.12.2003Professor Notto Thelle ? Kl 14.15-16.00, rom 305, Domus Theologica ? ?

  • Lectures: 2 hrs.

  • Prerequisities: Deadline for completed reflection
Published June 16, 2003 8:19 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2003 4:27 PM