Contextualisation of theology: Background, history and main tenets
Bergmann, S.: God in Context. A Survey of Contextual Theology, Swedish original: "Gud i funktion. En orientering i den kontextuella teologin." Verbum. Stockholm 2003. pp.1-112.
Contextual theologies: Contexts, Methods and Models
Bevans, S. B.: Models of Contextual Theology, Maryknoll1992. Orbis Books. 146 p.
Sobrino, J.: The Principle of Mercy. Taking the Crucified People from the Cross, Maryknoll NY 1994. Orbis Books. p. 1-46. (46 p.).
Johnson, E. A.: SHE WHO IS. The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse, New York 1992. Crossroad. p. 124-149. (Chapter 7 ?Spirit-Sophia?) (26 p.).
Intercontextual Theology: Methods and Issues
Schreiter, R. J.: The New Catholicity. Theology between the Global and the Local, Maryknoll 1997. Orbis Books. 140 p.
Hermeneutical tools
West, G.: The Academy of the Poor. Towards a Dialogical Reading of the Bible, Sheffield 1999. Sheffield Academic Press. p. 9-62 (54 p.).
Scott, J.: Domination and the Arts of Resistance. Hidden Transcripts, New Haven & London 1990. Yale University Press. p. ix-xii; 1-44; 108-182 (121 p.).
Loomba, A. : Colonialism/Postcolonialism, 1998 . London and New York, Routledge. (268 pages).
Sugirtharajah, R. S. : Postcolonial Reconfigurations: An Alternative Way of Reading the Bible and Doing Theology , London: SCM Press. pp 86-127 (chapters 5-7 - "A Modern Tool-Shed for a Global Village"; "Getting the Mixture Right: Promises and Perils of Postcolonial Criticism and Biblical Interpretation"; "Postcolonialism and Indian Christian Theology") (41 pages).
Inter-religious perspectives
Leirvik, O.: “Interfaith Dialogue and Liberation Theology: between Liberal Multiculturalism and Interreligious Activism.” in: Leirvik, O. & St?lsett, S. J. (eds.): The Power of Faiths in Global Politics, Oslo, Novus: 2004, pp 129-142 (14 pages)
Knitter, P.: One Earth Many Religions: Multifaith Dialogue and Global Responsibility, Maryknoll, N.Y. 1995. Orbis press. (chap. 2 ?Talking about what really matters: A correlational and globally responsible model for dialogue?), p. 23-37.
Globalisation studies
See above: Schreiter
Theological Gender studies
King, U. (ed.): Feminist Theology from the Third World: A Reader, London 1994. SPCK / Orbis Press. p. 1-22. ?Introduction? (22 p.).
See above :Johnson, E.