Syllabus/achievement requirements

Ahmed, Sara, (2000)  Strange Encounters. Embodied Others in Post-Coloniality, ( chp 1, 4, 7  (100 p.) London: Routledge

Agier, M./Fernbach, D. (2016), Borderlands,  (Introduction, Chp 1, 5, 6  (200 p)),  Polity Press, Cambridge/Malden.

Fanon, F. (2007 [1961]), The Wretched of the Earth,  200 p., Grove Press, NY.

Isin, Engin  (2012) Citizens without frontiers, , ch 1, 4-6,  (ca 150 p. ) London: Bloomsbury

Isin, Engin  / Nielsen, E (2006)  Acts of Citizenship, (50 pages)

The following three articles  (60 p.) (on Fronter) from the forthcoming book,  Machado, D. / Turner B  / Wyller , T (Ed.) Borderland Religion Borders and reforming politics and practices , London:  Routledge 2017/18

Machado, Daisy L. ”Santa Muerte: A Transgressing Saint Transgresses Borders”

Wyller, Trygve, “A heterotopic power of the powerless: Reformatting Religion in Congolese borderland services in Pietermaritzburg”

Settler, Federico, “A post-colonial perspective on religion and migration”

Mavelli, Luca / Wilson, K. Eirin, (2016), The Refugee Crisis and Religion. Secularism, Security and Hospitality in Question, (chp 1, 3-9 (150 p.) London: Rowman & Littlefield

Ponzanesi, Sandra /  Colpani, Gianmaria  (2016),  Postcolonial  Transitions in Europe: Contexts, Practices and Politics, ( part I, 1-2, part II 10-11, part V, 19, (150 p.)London: Rowman & Littlefield

Siddiqui, Mona,  (2015) Hospitality and Islam: Welcoming in God’s Name,  (100 p.) New Haven: Yale University Press

Snyder Susan (2012) Asylum-seeking, Migration and Church, ( part I and II, 150 p) Farnham: Ashgate

Wyller. Trygve, “A spatial Power that dissolves itself. Space, Theology and Empathy - when the Colonized Enter the Empire”, (20 p.) in :Sander, H J / Villadsen , K/ Wyller, T (eds.),  The Spaces of Others - Heterotopic Spaces. Practicing and Theorizing Hospitality and Counter-Conduct beyond the Religion/Secular Divide. G?ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2016 


Recommended reading:


Agamben, Giorgio,  (2005) State of Exception, (180 p.) Chicago: Chicago University Press

Spivak G. C. (1988), Can the Subaltern Speak?, in C. Nelson/L. Grossberg (ed.), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, Chicago, pp. 271–315.







Published May 10, 2017 8:58 AM - Last modified May 10, 2017 8:58 AM