
Grunnb?ker (574s + 40s bilder):

Oliver Leaman (2004): Islamic Aestetics. An Introduction. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiania (195s)

Abdulkader Tayob (1999): Islam. A short Introduction.  Signs, symbols and values. Oneworld, Oxford (leses 137s)

Jonatan Bloom and Sheila Blair (1997): Islamic Arts, Phaidon, London. (leses 242s)


PDF- og elektroniske artikler (359s)

C. H. Becker (2006): “On the History of Muslim Worship” in The Development of Islamic Ritual, ed. by Gerald Hawting, Ashgate, Variourum. Pp. 49-74 (26s).

A. J. Wensinick (2006): “The Origin of the Muslim Laws of Ritual Purity”, in The Development of Islamic Ritual, ed. by Gerald Hawting, Ashgate, Variourum. Pp. 75-93 (19s).

S. D. Goitein (2006): “Ramadan, the Muslim Month of Fasting”, in The Development of Islamic Ritual, ed. by Gerald Hawting, Ashgate, Variourum, Pp. 152-165 (14s).

Patricia L. Baker (2004): Islam and the Religious Arts – Cp. 9. “Dressing in the Faith”, pp. 220-241 (22s).

Shampa Mazumdar and Sanjoy Mazumdar (2005): “The Articulation of religion in Domestic Space: Rituals in the Immigrant Muslim Home”, in Contesting Rituals: Islam and Practices of Identity-Making, ed. by Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, North Carolina. Pp. 125-143 (18s).

Rachel Woodlock (2011): “Many Hijabs: Interpretative Approaches to the Questions of Islamic Female Dress”, in The Sociology of Islam, Ed. by Tugrul Keskin, Ithaca Press, UK, Pp. 395-413 (18s).

Brannon Wheeler (2006): Mecca and Eden. Rituals, Relics, and Territory in Islam, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, Pp. 47-70 and 123-133 (35s).

Oddbj?rn Leirvik (2002): “Nedb?ygd og oppreist. Nokra kristen-muslimske refleksjonar om religi?st kroppsspr?k”, i Kirke og Kultur, Universitetsforlaget Oslo. Pp. 179-189 (11s).

Carolun Fluehr-Kobban (1994): Islamic Society in Practice, Chp. 2 – “The Five Pillars of Islam as Observed by Muslims”, University Press of Florida, Pp. 18-43 (26s).

Barbara D. Metcalf (1996): Sacred Words, Sanctioned Practice, new Communities”, in Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe, Ed. by Barbara D. Metcalf, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London. Pp. 1-25 (25s).

Ingvild Flaskerud (2012): “The Votive Image in Iranian Shi’ism” in The Art and Material Culture of Iranian Shi’ism. Iconography and Religious Devotion in Shi’I Islam, Ed. by Pedram Khosronejad I. B. Tauris, London & New York (18s)

Ingvild Flaskerud (2010): “Biledbruk og biledstrid I islam”, i Din, 3-4/210 (online available) (20s).

Vernon James Schubel (1996): Karbala as Sacred Space amon North American Shi’a” in Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe, Ed. by Barbara D. Metcalf, University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London. Pp. 186-203 (17s).

Avinoam Shalem (2012): ”What do we mean when we say ?Islamic art?? A plea for a critical rewriting of the history of the arts of Islam” in Journal of Art Historiography, Number 6, June 2012 (online available) (18s).

Islamil R. al-Faruki (2010): “Islam and Art”, in Islam. Volume III Worship and Ritual, Ed. by Mona Siddiqui, Sage Los Angeles, London, New Delhi. (20s).

Wijdan Ali (2006): “Beauty and Aesthetics in Islam” in Muslim Heritage (online available), (4s).

Robert Irwin (2000): “Louis Massignon and the Esoteric Interpretation of Islamic Art” in Discovering Islamic Art, Ed. by Stephen Vernoit. I. B. Tauris Publishers. London New York.  (8s).

Omar W. Nasim (1998): “Toward an Islamic Aesthetic Theory” in The American Journal of Social Science, 15:1, Pp. 71-90 (online available) (20s).

Mogens Wenzel Andersen (2006): “Musikken i Islam” i Storm over Europa: Islam – fred eller trussel, Red. Af Lone N?rgaard og Tabita Wulff, Lyngby, Holkenfeldt 3. (15s). 

Eckart Ehlers (2013): “Gardens in Islam. A Metaphor for Heavenly Paradise”, in Fikrun wa Fann / Goethe Institute (online available) (4s).

Attilio Petruccioli (2006). "Rethinking the Islamic Garden" in Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Bulletin 103. Pp. 349-363. (online available) (16s).







Publisert 17. okt. 2016 10:30 - Sist endret 17. okt. 2016 10:30