Syllabus/achievement requirements

  • Kozinets, Robert W. 2015. Netnography. Redefined. London: Sage Publishing
  • Hoover, Stewart M. 2016. The Media and Religious Authority.  University Park: Penn State University Press
  • Hjarvard, Stig & L?vheim, Mia. 2012. Mediatization and Religion. Nordic perspectives. G?teborg: Nordicom  - free download here:
  • Lundby, Knut (ed). 2014. Mediatization of Communitcation. A handbook (a list of articles to be read from this book will be given at term start, only students at RESA4500 should read this book)
Published May 15, 2017 10:46 AM - Last modified May 15, 2017 10:46 AM