- Bibelen og Koranen
- John Barton (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1998
- Enten Abdullah Saeed: Interpreting the Qur’an. Towards a Contemporary Approach. London og New York: Routledge 2006 eller Farid Esack: The Qur’an. A Short Introduction. Oxford: Oneworld 2002
- Enten Muslim-Christian Research Group: The challenge of the Scriptures. The Bible and the Qur’an. New York: Orbis 1989 (90s, kompendiumutg?ve) eller David Ford and C.C. Pecknold (red.): The Promise of Scriptural Reasoning. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2006 (utval, 100s)
Resten av pensum blir trykt i kompendium, eller blir gjort tilgjengeleg online.
A. GRUNNLEGGANDE (ca. 560 s)
1) Innf?ring i bibeltolkning (185 s)
Barton, J.: The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation, 1998. Cambridge Unviersity Press, Cambridge. Kap. 1-3, 5-8, 10, 16-18, 20 (185 s).
2) Innf?ring i korantolkning (225 s)
Kari Vogt: Innledende essay, i Koranen. Tilrettelagt i oversettelse ved Einar Berg. Oslo: De norske bokklubbene 2000, s. vii-xxxii (25s)
Abdullah Saeed: Interpreting the Qur’an. Towards a Contemporary Approach. London og New York: Routledge 2006 (154s)
Farid Esack: The Qur’an. A Short Introduction. Oxford: Oneworld 2002 (192s)
Navid Kermani: From revelation to interpretation: Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd and the literary study of the Qur’an, i Suha Taji-Farouki (red.): Modern Muslim Intellectuals and the Qur’an. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2004, s. 169-192 (i kompendium).
Abdulkader Tayob: “Liberal Islam between Texts and its Modern Condition”, i ISIM Review 18, Autumn 2006, s-19-20 (online artikkel)
3) Interreligi?s hermeneutikk (150 s)
Ursula King: The World’s Scriptures: Resources for Dialogue and Renewal. University of Bristol, 1999 (13s) (online artikkel)
Enten Muslim-Christian Research Group: The challenge of the Scriptures. The Bible and the Qur’an. New York: Orbis 1989 (90s, kompendiumutg?ve) eller David Ford and C.C. Pecknold (red.): The Promise of Scriptural Reasoning. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 2006 (utval, 100s)
Oddbj?rn Leirvik: Trusdialog om skriftene. i Islam og kristendom. Konflikt eller dialog? Oslo: Pax 2006, kap. 11-14 (28s) (elektronisk tekstarkiv) Pensum p? KRIS1229 ”Islam, kristendom og Vesten” men b?r lesast av dei som ikkje har tatt dette emnet).
Oddbj?rn Leirvik: History as a Literary Weapon: The Gospel of Barnabas in Muslim-Christian Polemics, 2001, i Studia Theologica 2002:1, s. 4-26 (23s) (elektronisk tekstarkiv)
4) Lesaren og fellesskapet, sp?rsm?let om tolkningsautoritet (85 s)
Khaled Abou El Fadl: The text and authority, i Speaking in God’s name. Islamic Law, Authority, and Women. Oxford: Oneworld 2001, s. 96-140 (i kompendium).
Mary Ann Tolbert: A new teaching with authority: A re-evaluation of the Authority of the Bible, i Fernando F. Segovia og Mary Ann Tolbert (red.): Teaching the Bible. The Discourses and Politics of Biblical Pedagogy. New York: Orbis 1998, s. 168-189 (online artikkel)
Pablo Richard: The hermeneutics of Liberation: Theoretical Grounding for the Communitarian Reading of the Bible, i Fernando F. Segovia og Mary Ann Tolbert (red.): Teaching the Bible. The Discourses and Politics of Biblical Pedagogy. New York: Orbis 1998, s. 272-282 (i kompendium).
5) Tolkningsperspektiv: kj?nn og seksualitet
Asma Barlas: Amina Wadud’s hermeneutics of the Qur’an: women rereading sacred texts, i Modern Muslim Intellectuals and the Qur’an,2004, s. 97-123 (i kompendium).
Hisako Kinukawa: On John 7:53-8:11: A Well-Cherished but Much-Clouded Story, i Fernando F. Segovia og Mary Ann Tolbert (red.): Reading from this Place, Volume 2: Social Location and Biblical Interpretation in Global Perspective,1995, s. 82-96 (i kompendium).
Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle: Sexuality, diversity and ethics in the agenda of progressive Muslims i Omid Safi (red.): Progressive Muslims on Justice, Gender, and Pluralism. Oxford: Oneworld 2003, s. 190-234 (i kompendium).
Den norske kirkes l?renemnd: Skriftforst?else og skriftbruk med s?rlig henblikk p? homofilt samliv, kap. 3.3-3.6 i Skriftforst?else og skriftbruk med s?rlig henblikk p? homofilisaken. Oslo 2006: Kirker?det (s. 34-99) (online)
6) Tolkingsperspektiv: religi?s pluralisme og sosial rettferd (120 s)
Nurcholish Majid: Interpreting the Qur’anic principle of pluralism, i Abdullah Saeed (red): Approaches to the Qur’an in contemporary Indonesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2005, s. 209-226 (i kompendium).
Farid Esack: Redefining comrades and opponents. Interreligious Solidarity for Justice, i Qur’an, Liberation and Pluralism. An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity against Oppression_, Oxford: Oneworld 1997, s. 179-206 (i kompendium).
Heikki R?is?nen: A Biblical Critic in the Global Village: Can Exegesis Serve Interreligious Harmony? og Jesus between Christianity and Islam: Muhammad’s portrait of the Jewish Prophet, i Marcion, Muhammad and the Mahatma. London: SCM Press 1997, s. 1-16 og 81-97(i kompendium).
Oddbj?rn Leirvik: Evangeliet i dialog. I Nytt norsk kirkeblad 1:2006, s. 29-39 (online artikkel)
José Cárdenas Pallares: The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Money, i Leif E. Vaage (red.): Subversive Scriptures. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press 1997, s. 60-74 (i kompendium).
Musa W. Dube: 'Go Therefore and Make Disciples of All Nations' (Matt 28:19a): A Postcolonial Perspective on Biblical Criticism and Pedagogy, i Fernando F. Segovia og Mary Ann Tolbert (red.): Teaching the Bible. The Discourses and Politics of Biblical Pedagogy. New York: Orbis 1998, s. 224-246 (i kompendium).