Syllabus/achievement requirements


Project description: Jesus [and Muhammad] in cultural complexity: interpretation, memory and identifications, (2007, 10 pp - electronic text archive).

Eriksen, T. H.: What is cultural complexity?, (2008, 13pp - electronic text archive).

2. JESUS (380 pp)

Patterson, S. J. : The God of Jesus: the historical Jesus and the search for meaning, 1998. Trinity Press International, Harrisburg, PA. s. 1-118; 163-182.

Halvor Moxnes: "The historical Jesus: From master narrative to cultural context" in Biblical Theology Bulletin , 1999:28. 135-149 (electronic text archive).

Halvor Moxnes: "From unique personality to charismatic movement: 100 years of shifting paradigms in historical Jesus research" in Inger Furseth og Paul Leer-Salvesen, utg. : Religion in late Modernity: Essays in honour of P?l Repstad, 2007. Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim. 187-200 (electronic text archive).

Oddbj?rn Leirvik: "Jesus in modern Muslim thought: from anti-colonial polemics to post-colonial dialogue?" in Halvor Moxnes m.fl., utg. : Jesus beyond nationalism. Constructing the historical Jesus in a Period of cultural Complexity, Equinox, London. (forthcoming 2008, 15 pp - electronic text archive).

Pope-Levison, P. and Levison, J. R.: "Jesus in Latin America" in Jesus in Global Contexts, 1992. WestminsterJohnKnox, Louisville. 26-54 (in compendium).

Cook, M. J.: "Jewish reflections on Jesus" in LeBeau, B. F.m.fl., utg. : The Historical Jesus through Catholic and Jewish Eyes, 2000. Trinity Press International, Harrisburg, PA. 95-111 (in compendium).

Kappen, S.: "Jesus and transculturation" in Sugirtharajah, R.S., utg. : Asian Faces of Jesus, 2005 (1993). Orbis, Maryknoll, NY. 173-188 (in compendium).

Schüssler Fiorenza E.: Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation, 2000. Continuum, New York. 145-74 (in compendium).

3. MUHAMMAD (305 pp)

Ramadan T.: The Messenger. The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad, 2007. Allen Lane, London. (220pp).

Peters, F. E.: "The Quest of the Historical Muhammad" in International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1991. pp. 291-315 (electronic text archive).

Schimmel, A.: "Muhammad’s unique position" in And Muhammad is his Messenger. The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety, 1995. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. pp. 56-66 (in compendium).

Rippin, A.: "Muhammad and his biographers" in Muslims. Their religious beliefs and practices. Vol. 2: The contemporary period, 1993. London and New York. pp. 47-64 (in compendium).

Kerr, D.: "’He walked in the Path of the Prophets’. Toward Christian Theological Recognition of the Prophethood of Muhammad" in Haddad and Haddad: Christian-Muslim Encounters, 1995. pp. 226-244 (in compendium).

Sanneh, L.: "Muhammad’s significance for Christians" in Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 1:1991. pp. 25-40 (in compendium).


Phipps, W. E. : Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison of the Prophets and Their Teachings, 1996. Continuum, New York. (240 pp).

Shafaat, A.: "Comments on: William E. Phipps, Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison of the Prophets and Their Teachings" in Journal of the Muslim Research Institute, 1:2001. 13 pp. (Online article).

Peters, F.C.: "Jesus and Muhammad: A historian’s reflections" in The Muslim World, 1996:3-4. pp. 334-341 (in compendium).

Hick, J.: "Jesus and Mohammad" in D. Cohn-Sherbok (ed.): Islam in A World of Diverse Faiths, pp. 114-118 (in compendium).

Oddbj?rn Leirvik: Muhammad, Christ and modern consciences, (unpublished article 20 pp, in electronic text archive).

Federer, W. J.: Jesus and Muhammad debate , in World Net Daily, March 27, 2008 (online article, 5pp)

Published May 20, 2008 1:03 AM - Last modified Aug. 20, 2008 11:17 AM