Syllabus/achievement requirements


Prosjektbeskrivelse (2007) Jesus [and Muhammad] in cultural complexity: interpretation, memory and identifications (10 s - elektronisk tekstarkiv).

Eriksen, T. H. (2009) “What is cultural complexity?” i Ward Blanton, James G. Crossley og Halvor Moxnes (red.) Jesus Beyond Nationalism. Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity. (Equinox, London) s. 9-24 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

2. JESUS (380 pp)

Patterson, S. J. (1998) The God of Jesus: the historical Jesus and the search for meaning (Trinity Press International, Harrisburg, PA.) s. 1-210 og 251-261.

Moxnes, H. (2009) “What is it to write a biography of Jesus?” I Ward Blanton, James G. Crossley og Halvor Moxnes (red.) Jesus Beyond Nationalism. Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity. (Equinox, London) s. 27-42 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

Moxnes, H. (1999) "The historical Jesus: From master narrative to cultural context" in Biblical Theology Bulletin (1999:28) s. 135-149 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

Moxnes, H. (2007) "From unique personality to charismatic movement: 100 years of shifting paradigms in historical Jesus research" in Inger Furseth og Paul Leer-Salvesen, utg. Religion in late Modernity: Essays in honour of P?l Repstad. (Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim) s. 187-200 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

Kappen, S.(1993) "Jesus and transculturation" in Sugirtharajah, R.S., utg. Asian Faces of Jesus. (Orbis, Maryknoll, NY) s. 173-188 (kompendium).

Schüssler Fiorenza E. (2000) Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation. (Continuum, New York) s. 145-174 (kompendium).

Pope-Levison, P. and Levison, J. R. (2006) "Jesus in Latin America" in Jesus in Global Contexts. (WestminsterJohnKnox, Louisville) s. 26-54 (kompendium).

Waage, P. N. (2009) “Dostoevsky and the Russian Christ”, i Ward Blanton, James G. Crossley og Halvor Moxnes (red.) Jesus Beyond Nationalism. Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity. (Equinox, London) s. 43-57 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

Cook, M. J. (2000) "Jewish reflections on Jesus" in LeBeau, B. F.m.fl., utg. The Historical Jesus through Catholic and Jewish Eyes. (Trinity Press International, Harrisburg, PA.) s. 95-111 (kompendium).

Leirvik, O. (2009) "Jesus in modern Muslim thought: from anti-colonial polemics to post-colonial dialogue?" i Ward Blanton, James G. Crossley og Halvor Moxnes (red.) Jesus Beyond Nationalism. Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity. (Equinox, London) s. 139-158 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

3. MUHAMMAD (305 pp)

Khalidi, T. (2010) Images of Muhammad. Narratives of the Prophet in Islam Across the Centuries. (Doubleday, New York etc.) “Introduction” + kap. II, III, VI, IX og X (170 s)

Ramadan T. (2007) The Messenger. The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad (Allen Lane, London) (220 s).

Peters, F. E. (1991) "The Quest of the Historical Muhammad" in International Journal of Middle East Studies s. 291-315 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

Terzi?, F. (2009) “The Problematic of Prophethood and Miracles: Mustafa Sabri’s Response”, i Islamic Studies (48, 1: 2009) s. 5-33 (elektronisk tekstarkiv)

Bjerke, A. M. (2010) “Bilder av Muhammad i den troendes sinn” (artikkel under publisering, 10 s, elektronisk tekstarkiv)

Kerr, D. (1995) "’He walked in the Path of the Prophets’. Toward Christian Theological Recognition of the Prophethood of Muhammad" in Haddad and Haddad: Christian-Muslim Encounters s. 226-244 (kompendium).

Sanneh, L. (1991) "Muhammad’s significance for Christians" in Studies in Interreligious Dialogue (1:1991) s. 25-40 (kompendium).

Winter, T. (2005) "Muhammad from a Muslim Perspective" og Ward, K. (2005) "Muhammad from a Christian Perspective" in Solemon, N. Richard Harries and Tim Winter (ed.) Abraham's Children. Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation (London: T&T Clark) s 114-131 (Kompendium).


Phipps, W. E. (1996/2003) “Introduction” og “Conclusion”, i Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison of the Prophets and Their Teachings. (Continuum, New York) s. 1-16 og 217-246 (elektronisk tekstarkiv)

Shafaat, A. (2001) “Comments on: William E. Phipps, Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison of the Prophets and Their Teachings”, in Journal of the Muslim Research Institute (1:2001) ( online artikkel 13 pp)

Winter, Tim (2009) “Jesus and Muhammad: new convergences” The Muslim World s. 21- 38 (elektronisk tekstarkiv)

Peters, F.C. (1996) "Jesus and Muhammad: A historian’s reflections" in The Muslim World (1996:3-4) s. 334-341 (kompendium).

Hick, J. (1997) "Jesus and Mohammad" in D. Cohn-Sherbok (ed.) Islam in A World of Diverse Faiths s. 114-118 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

Leirvik, O. (2008) “Muhammad, Christ and Modern Consciences” in Studies in Interreligious Dialogue (2: 2008) s.129-152 (elektronisk tekstarkiv).

Federer, W. J. (2008) “Jesus and Muhammad debate” in World Net Daily (March 27, 2008) ( online artikkel 5s)

Publisert 4. nov. 2010 08:43 - Sist endret 24. jan. 2011 11:32