Syllabus/achievement requirements

Primary Texts

Irigaray, L. (2002) The Way of Love (London & New York: Continuum) (174 pp.)

Butler, J. (2004) Precarious Life. The Powers of Mourning and Violence (London & New York: Verso) (184 pp.)

Schneider, L. C. (2008) Beyond Monotheism. A Theology of Multiplicity (London & New York: Routledge) (207 pp.)

Mahmood, S. (2005) Politics of Piety. The Islamic revival and the feminist subject (Princeton: Princeton University Press) (chapt 2 and 3 not required readings, 120 pp)

Critical Perspectives

Joy, M. (2006) Divine Love. Luce Irigaray, women, gender and religion (Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press) (pp. 1-35, pp. 124-160 + notes)

Lloyd, M. (2007) Judith Butler. From Norms to Politics (Cambridge: Polity Press) (pp. 1-48, pp. 135-156 + notes)

Taylor, C. (1989) Sources of the Self. The Making of Modern Identity (Cambridge: Harvard University Press) (pp. 3-52 + notes)

Mercy Amba Odoyoye Beads and Strands: Reflections of an African Woman on Christianity in Africa (New York: Orbis 2004)

app. 950 pp

Each student must either buy Irigaray, Butler, Mahmood, Schneider and Kanyoro or require the books from the library. A compendium can be required at the Academica bookstore with selections from Joy, Lloyd, and Taylor

Published Nov. 12, 2009 1:26 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2009 12:38 PM