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Overview, religion and Europe (sociology etc.) [433 pp]

Davie, Grace: Religion in Modern Europe : A Memory Mutates, 2000. Oxford University Press. (217 pp).

Juergensmeyer, M and Roof, W C (eds): Encyclopedia of Global Religion, 2012. Sage. Los Angeles. The following introductory articles: “Denmark”, “England”, “Europe”, “European Court of Human Rights”, “European Union” , “France”, “Germany”, “Northern Ireland”, “Russian Federation”, “Scotland”, “Sweden”, “Turkey”, “United Kingdom” (37 pages in total).

Laurence, Jonathan: The Emancipation of Europe’s Muslims, The State’s Role in Minority Integration, 2012. Princeton University Press. Princeton and Oxford. Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (169 pp.)

Roy, Olivier: "Islam in Europe. Clash of religions or convergence of religiousities" i K. Michalski (ed): Religion in the new Europe, 2006. Central European University Press. Budapest. Online article.

Religion and the European Union [163 pp]

Schlesinger, Philip and Foret, Francois: "Political Roof and Sacred Canopy? Religion and the EU Constitution" i European Journal of Social Theory, 2006 9(1). Online article.

Special edition: Religion, State and Society, 37 , 2009. 3-18; 51-80; 131-166; 181-222 (total of 122 pp) . Online article .

Hurd, E. S: "Chapter Five. The European Union and Turkey" i Elizabeth Shakman Hurd: The Politics of Secularism in International Relations, 2008. Princeton University Press. Princeton. page 84-101.

Religion in the European Court of Human Rights [204 pp.]

The following judgements by the European Court of Human Rights [(otal of 136 pp.)

ECtHR Grand Chamber, Lautsi and others v. Italy (application 30814/06) 2011 pp. 1-32

ECtHR Grand Chamber, Folger? and others v. Norway (application 15472/02) 2007, pp. 1-44

ECtHR Grand Chamber, S.A.S v. France (application 43835/11) 2015, pp. 1-60

Martínez-Torrón, J.: "Islam in Strasbourg: Can Politics Substitute for Law?" i Durham, Kirkham, Scott and Torfs (eds): Islam, Europe and Emerging Legal Issues, 2012. Ashgate Publishing, Garnham. pp. 19-61 [43 pp]. Will be made available for students on the course special course dossier.

Annicchino, Pasquale Annicchino: "Winning the Battle by Losing the War: The Lautsi Case and the Holy Alliance between American Conservative Evangelicals, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Vatican to Reshape European Identity' " in 6 Religion and Human Rights 213, Online article.

Models for pluralism and religion-state relations [230 pp.]

Kymlicha, Will: “The Rise and Fall of Multiculturalism? New debates on inclusion and accommodation in diverse societies” in International Social Science Journal, 2010, Vol.61(199), pp.97-112 (16 pp.) Online article

Plesner, Ingvill Thorson: Section (“Religio-political models”) from the PhD Thesis Freedom of religion or belief: a quest for state neutrality? University of Oslo, 2008 (5 p.)


Levinskaya, Irina: "Historical Memory: Blessing or Burden? Russian Orthodox Christians in the Modern World [10 pages]" og White, Grant S: "The Russian Orthodox Church and the European Union: Constructing a Russian Orthodox Identity in Europe [11 pages]" i Lucia Faltin and Melanie J. Wright (eds): The Religious Roots of Contemporary European Identity, 2007. Continuum International Publishing Group. London.

Simkin, Lev: "Church and State in Russia" i Silvio Ferrari and W. Cole Durham, Jr. (ed.): Law and Religion in Post-Communist Europe, 2003. Peters, Leuven. pp. 261-280 [20 pages]

Horsfjord, Vebj?rn L: "The Russian Orthodox Church: Two discourses on human rights" i in Nordic Journal on Human Rights, 4, 2012. Online article.

Turkey [57 pp]:

Yilmaz, Ihsan: "State, Law, Civil Society and Islam in Contemporary Turkey" i The Muslim World, 2005. pp. 385-411 [27 pp] . Online article.

Bardakoglu, A: "The Structure, Mission and Social Function of the Presidency of Religious Affairs (PRA)" i The Muslim World, 2008. pp. 173-181 [9 pp]. Online article.

Aydin, M: "Dyianet’s Global Vision" i The Muslim World, 2008. pp. 164-172 [9 pp] . Online article.

G?zaydin, I. B: "Diyanet and Politics" i The Muslim World, 2008. pp. 216-227 [11 pp] . Online article.

United Kingdom:

McClean, D.: "State and Church in the United Kingdom" i Gerhard Robbers (ed.): State and Church in the European Union, 2005. Nomos, Baden-Baden. pp. 553-575.


Robbers, G.: "State and Church in Germany" i Gerhard Robbers (ed.): State and Church in the European Union, 2005. Nomos, Baden-Baden . pp. 77-94 [18 pp]


Basdevant-Gaudemet, B: "State and Church in France" i Gerhard Robbers (ed.): State and Church in the European Union, 2005. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2005. pp. 157-186 [30 pp].

Ferrari, S.: "State and Church in Italy" i Gerhard Robbers (ed.): State and Church in the European Union, 2005. Nomos, Baden-Baden. pp. 209-230 [22 pp].

Published Nov. 16, 2016 10:23 AM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:22 PM