Syllabus/achievement requirements

Basic books

Posner, Raphael; Kaploun, Uri; Cohen, Shalom. Jewish Liturgy. Prayer and Synagogue Service Through the Ages. Jerusalem, 1975. (ca. 200 p. out of a total of 264 p. concern the relevant time period; passages concerning the time after 1300 CE to be overlooked)

McGowan, Andrew. Ancient Christian Worship. Early Church Practices in Social, Historical and Theological Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI, 2014. (262 p.)

Holmes Katz, Marion. Prayer in Islamic Thought and Practice. Cambrigdge, 2013. (Ca. 150 p. out of a total of 216 p. concern the relevant time period; passages concerning the time after ca. 1300 CE to be overlooked.)

Source texts

Deiss, Lucien (ed.). Springtime of the Liturgy. Collegeville, 1979. Ch. “The Sources of Jewish Prayer”, p. 1-20.

Shema (3 biblical paragraphs): Online text: (1 p.)

Mishnah, Berakhot, ch. 4. Online: (1 p.)

The Talmud of the Land of Israel. Vol. 1: Berakhot. Tr. by Tzvee Zahavy (Chicago – London, 1989), ch. 4:3, p. 170-176 (6 p.).

Seder R. Amram Gaon. Part II: The Order of Sabbath Prayer. Ed. and tr. by Tryggve Kronholm (Lund, 1974), “The evening prayer for the Sabbath”, p. 3-57 (ca. 14 p. without the notes).


Didache, ch. 7-10. Online: (2 p.)

The Liturgy of St. James (tr. Ephrem Lash): from “Let all mortal flesh keep silent” to “Our Father” (ca. 16 p.) online source

Egeria’s travels, ch. 24-49. (20 p.) online source


Qur’an, Suras 1, (other suras to be determined)

Hadith, Sahih al-Bhukari, Book 12, “Characteristics of Prayer”. Online: (14 p.)

(Another source to be determined)

Ghafoori, Ali. The Ritual Prayer of Islam. Houston, 1982. (a resource not to be read in entirety, much repetition)

Secondary literature

Bell, Catherine. Ritual. New York / Oxford, 1997. Ch. “Characteristics of Ritual-like Activites”, p. 138-169. (32 p.)

Taft, Robert. “The Structural Analysis of Liturgical Units: An Essay in Methodology”, in Robert Taft, Beyond East and West: Problems in Liturgical Understanding, 2nd rev. and enlarged ed. (Rome: Pontifical Oriental Institute), 1997, p. 187-202. (16 p.)

Ritual in Rabinnic Judaism

Levine, Lee. “The Development of Synagogue Liturgy in Late Antiquity”, in:  Eric M. Meyers, ed. Galilee through the Centuries, Winona Lake, IN, 1999, p. 123-144.  (22 p.)

Hoffman, Lawrence A. "Jewish Liturgy and Jewish Scholarship”, in: Jacob Neusner, ed. Judaism in Late Antiquity. Part I, The Literary and Archaeological Sources. Leiden, 1995, p.239-266. Online: (28 p.)

Kimelman, Reuven, “The Shema and the Amidah: Rabbinic Prayer”, in: Mark Kiley, ed. Prayer from Alexander to Constantine. A Critical Anthology, p. 108-120. (13 p.)

Ritual in Early Christianity

Alfeyev, Hilarion, “Prayer in St Isaac of Nineveh” (1995). Online: (11 p.)

Ritual in Early Islam

Monnot, Guy. “Salāt”, The Encyclopaedia of Islam: New Edition, vol. 8 (1995), pp. 925-934. (19 p.)

Goitein, S. D. “Ramadan, the Muslim Month of Fasting” (1966), p. 151-171, in: Gerald Hawting (ed.). The development of Islamic ritual. Aldershot, 2006 (art. 1966). (21 p.)

Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava. “Muslim Festivals”, p. 317-329, in: Gerald Hawting (ed.). The development of Islamic ritual. Aldershot, 2006 (art. 1978).  (13 p.)

Rippin, Andrew. Muslims: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices. Volume 1: The Formative Period, 1990. Ch. 7, “Ritual practice”, pp. 86-99. (14 p.)

Denny, Frederick M. “Islamic Ritual. Perspectives and Theories”, p. 63-77, in: Richard Martin, ed. Approaches to Islam in Religious Studies. Tucson, 1985. (15 p.)

Graham, William. “Islam in the Mirror of Ritual”, p. 349-367, in: Gerald Hawting (ed.). The development of Islamic ritual. Aldershot, 2006 (art. 1983). (20 p.)

Relationship of Jewish,Christian and Muslim rituals

Peters, F.E., The Monotheists. Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and Competition. Volume II: The Words and Will of God. Princeton, 2003. Ch. “Divine worship”, p. 168-210 (43 p.)

Bradshaw, Paul. “Jewish Influence on Early Christian Liturgy: A Reappraisal” (2008). Online: (ca. 8 p.)

Hoffmann, Lawrence, “The Jewish Lectionary, the Great Sabbath, and the Lenten Calendar. Liturgical Links between Christians and Jews in the First Three Christian Centuries”, p. 3-20, in: Alexander, J. Neil (ed.), Time and Community, Washington, DC, 1990. (18 p.)

Anazodo, Alfred. Liturgy of the Hours and Islamic Salat - A comparative study of public-liturgical worship of Christians and Muslims, doctoral thesis, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, 2002. ch. 4: “Liturgy of the Hours and Salat: A comparative representation”, p. 115-131. Online:  (16 p.)

Leirvik, Oddbj?rn. ? Some Christian-Muslim Reflections on Religious Body Language ?, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 16, 2006, 29-40. Online:  (12 p.)

Langermann, Y. Tzvi, “From Private Devotion to Communal Prayer: New Light on Abraham Maimonides‘ Synagogue Reforms“, Genzei Oedem 1, 2005, p. 31-49. (19 p.) (Muslim – Jewish)

Published Nov. 25, 2014 10:47 AM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2014 10:47 AM