

Hebraiske tekster som for TEOL1002.


Barton, J. : Reading the Old Testament. Method in Biblical Study, London 1996 Second edition. Darton, Longman and Todd. 294 s.

Lemche, N. P., Dever, W. G., Hoppe, L. L., Carroll, R. P.: i Anchor Bible Dictionary 3 : Israel, History of, New York 1992. Doubleday . s. 526-576.

Grayson, A. K., Knapp, A. B., Wright, H. T., Steinkeller, P.: i Anchor Bible Dictionary 4: Mesopotamia, History of, New York 1992. Doubleday. s. 714-777.

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Publisert 28. apr. 2006 15:18 - Sist endret 3. mai 2006 11:53