

  • Carter Florence, Anna: Preaching as Testimony, Louisville, Kentucky 2007 s. xiii – xxx, (17 s.)
  • Jakobsen, Rolv N?tvik og ?ierud, Gunnfrid Ljones: Prekenbeskrivelse. Forst? – formidle – forbedre – forkynne. H?yskoleforlaget, Kristiansand 2009. s. (132 s.)
  • Long, Thomas G.: Preaching and the Literary Forms of the Bible, Philadelphia 1989 (125 s.)
  • McClure, John S.: The Four Codes of Preaching. Rhetorical Strategies. Louisville – London 2003 s. 1 – 51 (50 s.)
  • Wingren, Gustaf: Predikan, Lund, 1949. (s. 1 – 37, 37 s.)
  • Boniface Ramsey (ed.), The Works of Saint Augustine. A Translation for the 21st Century. Essential Sermons, New City Press, Hyde Park, New York, 2013, (s. 103 – 104, 2 s.)
  • David W. Tracy, “Charity, Obscurity, Clarity: Augustine’s Search for a True Rhetoric”, in: Richard Leo Enos and Roger Thompson et al. (eds.), The Rhetoric of Saint Austine of Hippo. De Doctrina Christiana and the Search for a Distinctly Christian Rhetoric, Baylor University Press 2008, s. 267 – 288, (21 s.)
  • The works of Martin Luther, Charlottesville, Virginia 1959, Vol. 51, s. 23 – 26 (3 s.)
  • Richard Lischer (ed.), The Company of Preachers. Wisdom on Preaching Augustine to Present, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2002, s. 115 – 119 og s. 188 -195 (11 s.)
  • Isabel Best (ed.), The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Fortress Press 2012, s. 59 – 66 (7s.)


"Jesus og evangeliene" NT

Matteusevangeliet, i sin helhet i oversettelse, Matt 1:1-28:20

Tekstavsnitt p? gresk: Matt 8,5-13; Matt 15,21-28; Matt 4,1-11; 28,16-20; Matt 18,15-35; Matt 23,1-12; Matt 9,18-26 og Matt 6,9-18.


Anbefalt studiebibel:

  • The Jewish Annotated New Testament. Oxford University Press, 2011. (NRSV)


En kommentar til Matteusevangeliet:

  • John Nolland, The Gospel of Matthew (The New International Greek Testament Commentary; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005). 1481 (1272) pages. ELLER:
  • Charles H. Talbert, Matthew (Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament; Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2010). 376 (323) Pages.


?vrige vitenskapelige tekster:

  • Richard S. Ascough, ”Matthew and Community Formation.” Sid. 96-126 i The Gospel of Matthew in Current Study: Studies in Memory of William G. Thompson, S.J. Edited by David E. Aune. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001.
  • Donald D. Binder. “The Synagogue and the Gentiles.” Sid. 109-125 i Attitudes to Gentiles in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity. Edited by David C. Sim and James S. McLaren. London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
  • Warren Carter, ”Matthean Christology in Roman Imperial Key: Matthew 1.1” Sid. 143-165 i The Gospel of Matthew in its Roman Imperial Context. Edited by John Riches and David C. Sim. London: T & T Clark, 2005.
  • Nathan Eubank, Wages of Cross-Bearing and Debt of Sin: The Economy of Heaven in Matthew’s Gospel. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013. Sid. 53-108; 109-132.
  • Amy-Jill Levine. “Discharging Responsibility: Matthean Jesus, Biblical Law, and Hemorrhaging Woman.” Sid. 379-397 i Treasures New and Old: Recent Contributions to Matthean Studies. Edited by David R. Bauer and Mark Allan Powell. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996.
  • John Nolland. “Matthew and Antisemitism.” Sid. 154-169 i Built Upon the Rock: Studies in the Gospel of Matthew. Edited by Daniel M. Gurtner and John Nolland. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008.
  • Mark Allan Powell (ed.), Methods for Matthew. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2009. Sid. 44-82; 83-117; 154-193; 194-237.
  • John Riches, ”Matthew’s Missionary Strategy in Colonial Perspective.” Sid. 128-142 i The Gospel of Matthew in its Roman Imperial Context. Edited by John Riches and David C. Sim. London: T & T Clark, 2005.
  • Anders Runesson, “Judging Gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew: Between Othering and Inclusion,” Sid. 133-151 in Jesus, Matthew’s Gospel and Early Christianity: Studies in Memory of Professor Graham N. Stanton. Edited by Daniel M. Gurtner, Joel Willitts, and Richard A. Burridge. London: T & T Clark, 2011.
  • Anders Runesson, “Matthew, Gospel According to." Sid. 59-78 i vol. 2 av The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible. Edited by M. D. Coogan. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
  • Anders Runesson, ”Saving the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel: Purity, Forgiveness, and Synagogues in the Gospel of Matthew.” Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies, Vol. 11 (2014) 8-24.
  • Anders Runesson, Divine Wrath and Salvation in Matthew: The Narrative World of the First Gospel. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2016. (
  • Anthony Saldarini. Matthew’s Christian–Jewish Community. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. Sid. 124-164.


Publisert 25. mai 2016 09:57