

  • Andersen, ?ivind: I retorikkens hage. Univeristetsforlaget 2012 (s. 19 – 45 og 137 – 162, 70 s.)
  • Buttrick, David: Homiletic, Fortress Press, Philadelphia 1987 (s. 5 – 153, 148 s.)
  • Carter Florence, Anna: Preaching as Testimony, Louisville, Kentucky 2007 s. xiii – xxx, (17 s.)
  • Kartzow, Marianne Bjelland, utg. Lukas. Undring og utfordring. Oslo, Verbum, 2016.
  • Lischer, Richard (ed.), The Company of Preachers. Wisdom on Preaching Augustine to Present, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2002, s. 115 – 119 og s. 188 -195 (11 s.)
  • Jennifer Lord: Finding Language and Imagery, Fortress Press 2009 (88 s)
  • Ramsey, Boniface (ed.), The Works of Saint Augustine. A Translation for the 21st Century. Essential Sermons, New City Press, Hyde Park, New York, 2013, (s. 103 – 104, 2 s.)
  • Tracy, David W. “Charity, Obscurity, Clarity: Augustine’s Search for a True Rhetoric”, in: Richard Leo Enos and Roger Thompson et al. (eds.), The Rhetoric of Saint Austine of Hippo. De Doctrina Christiana and the Search for a Distinctly Christian Rhetoric, Baylor University Press 2008, s. 267 – 288, (21 s.)
  • Wingren, Gustaf: Predikan, Lund, 1949. (s. 1 – 37, 37 s.)
  • The works of Martin Luther, Charlottesville, Virginia 1959, Vol. 51, s. 23 – 26 (3 s.



"Jesus og evangeliene" NT



Hele evangeliet leses i oversettelse.

Gresk tekst: 1,1-4; 2; 4,1-22; 6,20-38; 7,36-8:3; 10,25-42; 12:41-48; 14,7-24; 15-16; 18,1-17; 20,45-21:4; 22-24.

  • Tekstkommentar

Johnson, L. T.: The Gospel of Luke. Sacra Pagina 3, 1991. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville.

  • Tematisk litteratur:


Green, J. B. (red.) Methods for Luke, 2010. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Green, J. B.: The Theology of the Gospel of Luke, 1995. Cambridge University Press.

Cobb, Christy, Slavery, Gender, Truth, and Power in Luke-Acts and Other Ancient Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

Bok-kapitler og artikler

Burrus, Virginia. "The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles." I A Postcolonial Commentary on the New Testament Writings, red. Fernando F. Segovia og R. S. Sugirtharajah, ss. 133-55. London: T. & T. Clark, 2007.

Anderson, Janice Capel. “Mary’s Difference: Gender and Patriarchy in the Birth Narratives.” The Journal of Religion, Vol. 67, (1987), ss. 183-202

Carter, Warren, og Amy-Jill Levine. The New Testament: Methods and Meanings. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2013, ss 1-16 og 54-71.

Schottroff, Luise. The Parables of Jesus. Minneapolis, Minn.: Fortress Press, 2006, ss. 1-14; 131-195; 225.

Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth. "Slave Wo/Men and Freedom: Some Methodological Refelctions." I Postcolonial Interventions. Essays in Honor of R. S. Sugirtharajah, red. Tat-siong Benny Liew, ss. 123-46. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2009.

Seim, Turid Karlsen. "The Gospel of Luke." Kap. 36 i Searching the Scriptures, vol 2, red. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, ss. 728-62. New York: Crossroad, 1994.

Williams, Demetrius K. ""Upon All Flesh": Acts 2, African Americans, and Intersectional Realities." I They Were All Together in One Place? Towards Minority Biblical Criticism, red. Randall C. Bailey, Tat-siong Benny Liew og Fernando F. Segovia, ss. 289-310. Atlanta: SBL, 2009.




Publisert 10. mai 2019 14:41 - Sist endret 10. mai 2019 14:42