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Margaret M. Mitchell: "The Corinthian Correspondence and the Birth of Pauline Hermeneutics" i T. J. Burke & J. K. Elliott (eds.): Paul and the Corinthians. Studies on a Community in Conflict, Essays in Honour of Margaret Thrall (NT.S 109), 2003. Brill, Leiden. 17-53.
David Hellholm: "Moses as δι?κονο? of the παλαι? διαθ?κη – Paul as δι?κονο? of the καιν? διαθ?κη" i Argumenta amplificationis in 2 Cor 2,14-4,6, 2008. ZNW 99. 43 sid. (under tryckning).– utdelas av Hellholm..
[Allts? sammanlagt: 453 sid + 7 sid grekisk text]