St Augustine (2003), City of God, trans. Henry Bettenson, London: Penguin. Selection of 60 pp.
Eire, Carlos (2010), A Very Brief History of Eternity, Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press, 200 pp.
Harris, Elizabeth J., ed. (2013), Hope: A Form of Delusion? Buddhist and Christian Perspectives, Sankt Ottilien: EOS. Contributions by Elizabeth J Harris (7 pp.) and Notto R. Thelle (18 pp).
Jeanrond, Werner G. (2020) Reasons to Hope, London/New York: T&T Clark, Bloomsbury, 250 pp.(Manus)
Kelly, Anthony (2006), Eschatology and Hope, Maryknoll: Orbis Books. Selection of 60 pp.
Moltmann, Jürgen (2002/1967), Theology of Hope, trans. James W. Leitch, London: SCM, 322 pp.
Walls, Jerry L. ed. (2008), The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Selection of 100 pp.
Wirén, Jakob (2017), Christian Eschatology and Interreligious Hospitality, Leiden/Boston: Brill/Rodopi. Selection of 80 pp.