Syllabus/achievement requirements


Gender and Religion: Theoretical Mappings (approx. 100 pp)

de Beauvoir, Simone (c1949) Book One ‘Facts and Myths’ in The Second Sex, London: Vintage Books. (approx. 60 pp, dependent on edition).   

King, Ursula (1995) Introduction: Gender and the Study of Religion. In: Ursula King (ed.), Religion & Gender, 1-38. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.


Engaging Feminist Theology: Christianity (approx. 500 pp) 

Gonzalez, M. A. (2007) Created in God’s Image: An Introduction to Feminist Theological Anthropology. New York: Orbis Books. (approx. 200 pp)

Ruether, Rosemarie Radford. (1983) Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology. Boston: Beacon Press. (approx. 270 pp)

Salomonsen, Jone (2003) “Love of Same, Love of Other”. Reading Feminist Anthropologies with Luce Irigaray and Karl Barth. Studia Theologica, 57:103-123.

Schneider, Laurel. C. and Carolyn Roncolato (2012) Queer Theologies. Religion Compass, 6(1): 1-13.


Engaging Feminist Theology: Islam (approx. 400 pp)

Barlas, Asma (2002) “Believing Women” in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur’an. Austin: University of Texas Press. (Whole book, approx. 250 pp)


Hoel, Nina (2013) Sexualising the Sacred, Sacralising Sexuality: An Analysis of Public Responses to Muslim Women’s Religious Leadership in the Context of a Cape Town Mosque.” Journal for the Study of Religion, 26(2): 25-41.

Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq (2003) Sexuality, Diversity and Ethics in the Agenda of Progressive Muslims. In: Omid Safi (ed.), Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender and Pluralism, 190-234. Oxford: Oneworld.

Wadud, Amina (1999) Qur’an and Woman: Rereading the Sacred Text from a Woman’s Perspective. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Whole book, approx. 100 pp)

Publisert 18. nov. 2016 13:31