MONOGRAPH (students must read one of these three monographs):
Gilmore, Lee (2010) Theater in a Crowded Fire: Ritual and Spirituality at Burning Man (includes DVD) (University of California Press) 236 pp (USA)
Grimes, Ronald (2000) Deeply into the Bone. Reinventing Rites of Passage (University of California Press) minimum selection of 250 pp (North America)
Kratz, Corinne A. (1994) Affecting Performance: Meaning, Movement, and Experience in Okiek Women's Initiation (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press) minimum selection of 250 pp (Kenya)
Bradshaw, Paul and John Melloh (2007) Foundations in Ritual Studies, A Reader for Students of Christian Worship (London: SPCK) 172 pp
(curriculum articles from this reader include Mary Douglas, Victor Turner, Nathan D. Mitchell, Ronald L. Grimes, Catherine Bell, Margaret Mary Kelleher),
Wolf, Margery (1992) A Thrice Told Tale: Feminism, Postmodernism and Ethnographic Responsibility (Stanford: Stanford University Press) 153 pp
a)Ritual theory
Bell, Catherine (1992) “Constructing ritual” and “Constructing meaning” in Ritual Theory and Ritual Practice (New York: Oxford University Press) 19-46
Grimes, Ronald (2006) “Performance is currency” in Rite out of Place (Oxford University Press) 147-159
Kapferer, Bruce (2004) “Ritual Dynamics and Virtual Practice: Beyond Representation and Meaning” in Social Analysis (Volume 48, Issue 2, Summer 2004) 35-54
Rappaport, Roy A. (1996) “The Obvious Aspects of Ritual” in Ronald L. Grimes (ed.) Readings in Ritual Studies (Prentice Hall) 427-440
Schieffelin, Edward (2005) "Problematizing Performance" in Graham Harvey (ed.) Ritual and Religious Belief. A Reader (Routledge) 124-138
Smith, Jonathan (1996) “The Bare Facts of Ritual” in in Ronald L. Grimes (ed.) Readings in Ritual Studies (Prentice Hall) 473-483
b) Ritual analysis
DeMaris, Richard E. (2008) “Jesus Jettisoned” in The New Testament in its Ritual World (London: Routledge) 91-111
Pearson, Mike Parker (2006) ”The origin of Old Norse ritual and religion in European Perspective” in Anders Andrén, Kristina Jennbert, Catharina Raudvere (eds.) Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives: origins, changes, and interactions (Nordic Academic Press) 86-91
Salomonsen, Jone (2009) “Shielding Girls at Risk of Aids by Weaving Zulu and Christian Ritual heritage” in Neville Richardson (ed.) Broken Bodies and Healing Communities. The Challenge of Hiv and Aids in the South African Context (Cluster Publications) 17-38
Salomonsen, Jone (2008) “From Africa to the Americas and Back: Ritual Transport and Transformation at the Crossorads Between Indigenous and Christian Worship” in Sturla J. St?lsett (ed.) Religion in a Globalized Age. Transfers & Transformations, Integration & Resistance? (Oslo: Novus Press) 57-79
Seamone, Donna (1998) “Body as Ritual Actor and Instrument of Praise: Verna Maynard’s Experience as Praise Leader in the Kitchener Church of God” in Journal of Ritual Studies (12/1 Summer 1998) 31-59.
Seamone, Donna (1997) “Worship and Spirituality: Imaginative Action, Per-forming Lives.” in Currents in Theology and Mission (12/6) 506-514.
Stephenson, Barry (2008) "Luther's Thesenportal: a case study of a "ritual-architectural event." in Material Religion (4:1) p 54-84.
c) Methods
Emerson, Robert M., Rachel Fretz, Linda L. Shaw (1995) "Writing up Fieldnotes: Creating Scenes on a Page" in Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes (University of Chicago Press) 86-107
Geertz, Clifford (1973) "Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture" in The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays (New York: Basic Books) 3-30
Spradley, James P. (1979) "Interviewing an Informant", “Doing Participant Observation” in The Ethnographic Interview (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston) pp 55-68, 53-62
d) An additional 150 pages required for term paper on chosen topic. Literature research in library and supervision from teacher will be offered to help student select appropriate readings for term paper.
Students must require or buy: one monograph + Bradshaw + Wolf + compendium