Syllabus/achievement requirements
Most of the texts on the reading list are available electronically through the Univeristy of Oslo Library. You have to be logged on to the UiO network in order to access them. Information about how to gain access from home can be found on this webpage.
The book that is listed is available at the Akademika bookstore on Blindern campus and in the library.
(Book) McDonald, R.P. (1999). Test Theory: A Unified Treatment. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Borsboom, D. (2006). The attack of the psychometricians. Psychometrika, 71, 425-440. (with discussion)
Special Issue: Validity. (2013). Journal of Educational Measurement, 50(1), 1–122.
Kolen, M. J. (1988). Traditional equating methodology. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 7(4), 29-37.
Tong, Y., & Kolen, M. J. (2010). Scaling: an ITEMS module. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 29(4), 39-48.
Ewing, M., Huff, K., Andrews, M., & King, K. (2005). Assessing the Reliability of Skills Measured by the SAT. Research Notes. RN-24. College Board.
Kobrin, J. L., Patterson, B. F., Shaw, E. J., Mattern, K. D., & Barbuti, S. M. (2008). Validity of the SAT for Predicting First-Year College Grade Point Average. Research Report No. 2008-5. College Board.
Published Apr. 10, 2018 2:00 PM
- Last modified Aug. 16, 2018 4:30 PM
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