Syllabus/achievement requirements

Studielitteratur til EDID4001 – Quality English Teaching (799 sider)

Tekster merket * finnes i kompendium. Tekster med lenker er tilgjengelige p? nett ved p?logging med UiO-bruker. ?vrige tekster gj?res tilgjengelig p? emnets l?ringsplattform.

A.Doctoral theses abstracts (20 pages)

Choose one of the following forthcoming publications, which will be available in February 2018:


Brevik, L. M. (forthcoming). How teachers teach and readers read. Developing reading comprehension in English in Norwegian upper secondary school. In U. Rindal & L. M. Brevik (eds.), English Didactics in Norway. A collection of doctoral research 1988-2018. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. [20 pages]

Burner, T. (forthcoming). Formative assessment of writing in English: A school-based study of perceptions, practices and transformations. In U. Rindal & L. M. Brevik (eds.) English Didactics in Norway. A collection of doctoral research 1988-2018. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. [20 pages]

Horverak, M. (forthcoming). English writing instruction in Norwegian upper secondary school – a linguistic and genre-pedagogical perspective. In U. Rindal & L. M. Brevik (eds.), English Didactics in Norway. A collection of doctoral research 1988-2018. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. [20 pages]

Saliu-Abdulahi, D. (forthcoming). Feedback in English writing instruction: is it formative or informative? Teacher and student perspectives. In U. Rindal & L. M. Brevik (eds.) English Didactics in Norway. A collection of doctoral research 1988-2018. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. [20 pages]

Stuvland, R. (forthcoming). Approaches to English as a foreign language (EFL) reading instruction in Norwegian primary schools. In U. Rindal & L. M. Brevik (eds.) English Didactics in Norway. A collection of doctoral research 1988-2018. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. [20 pages]

B.Master theses (277 pages)

Read all of the following publications:


Ianuzzi, M. (2017). What to do with pronunciation? Teachers’ approaches to English pronunciation in lower secondary school. (Master’s Thesis). Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo. [98 pages]

Sagli, S. (2017). Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of vocational orientation in the English subject. (Master’s Thesis). Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo. [92 pages]

Solberg, M. T. (2017). The Differentiated English Classroom: Teachers’ approaches to differentiated instruction in group lessons in lower secondary school. (Master’s Thesis). Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo. [87 pages]

C.Classroom observation (92 pages)

Read all of the following publications:


*Edwards, A. (2014). Designing Tasks which Engage Learners with Knowledge. In I. Thompson (ed.), Task Design, Subject Pedagogy and Student Engagement (pp. 13–27). London: Routledge. [15 pages]

Hjeltnes, I., Brevik, L. M., & Klette, K. (2017). Leseundervisning i engelsk. Videoforskning p? ungdomstrinnet. Bedre skole, 1, 70–77. [8 pages]

Ianuzzi, M. & Rindal, U. (2017). Uttaleundervisning i verdensspr?ket engelsk. Bedre skole, 4, 82–87. [6 pages]

Klette, K., Blikstad-Balas, M., & Roe, A. (2017). Linking Instruction and Student Achievement. A research design for a new generation of classroom studies. Acta Didactica Norge, 11(3), 1–19. [19 pages]

Mahan, K. R., Brevik, L. M., & ?degaard, M. (forthcoming). Characterizing CLIL teaching. [19 pages]

Mahan, K. R., Brevik, L. M., & ?degaard, M. (dataset). Trascription of a video-recorded lesson. [20 pages]

Solberg, M. T., Brevik, L. M., & Luoto, J. (2017). Om ? differensiere engelskundervisningen. Bedre skole, 3, 70–75. [6 pages]

D.Languages in the English L2 classroom (152 pages)

Read all of the following publications:


Brevik, L. M., Rindal, U., & Beiler, I. R. (2018). The monolingual, bilingual, or multilingual English classroom? In L. M. Brevik & U. Rindal, What is English? Oslo: Fagbokforlaget. [15 pages]

Cenoz, J., & Gorter, D. (2014). Focus on multilingualism as an approach in educational contexts. In A. Blackledge & A. Creese (eds.), Heteroglossia as practice and pedagogy (pp. 239–254). Dordrecht: Springer. [16 pages]

Chambers, F. (1991). Promoting use of the target language in the classroom, Language Learning Journal, 4, 27–31. [5 pages]

Cook, V. (2001). Using the first language in the classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 57(3), 402–423. [22 pages]

*Dahl, A. (2015). Prinsipper for grammatikkundervisningen. In Bj?rke, C., Dypedahl, M., & Myklevold, G. (Eds.), Fremmedspr?ksdidaktikk (pp. 111–124). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. [14 pages]

Dahl, A., & Krulatz, A. (2016). Engelsk som tredjespr?k: Har l?rere kompetanse til ? st?tte flerspr?klighet? Acta Didactica Norge, 10(1). [18 pages]

Hopewell, S. & Escamilla, K. (2013). Struggling Reader or Emerging Biliterate Student? Reevaluating the Criteria for Labeling Emerging Bilingual Students as Low Achieving. Journal of Literacy Research 46(1), 68–89. [22 pages]

Krashen, S. D. (1981). The "fundamental pedagogical principle" in second language teaching. Studia Linguistica, 35(12), 50–70. [20 pages]

Sert, O. (2006). The factors of code switching in ELT classrooms. The Internet TESL Journal. [20 pages]

E.Reading strategy use and instruction (96 pages)

Read all of the following publications:


Brevik, L. M. (2017). Strategies and shoes: Teaching and using reading comprehension strategies in general and vocational programmes. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(1), 76–94. [19 pages]

Brevik, L. M., & Davies, C. (2016). The potential of digital tools for enabling the observation of comprehension in the classroom. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 2, 102–117. [16 pages]

*Catterson, A. K., & Pearson, P. D.  (2017). A close reading of close reading: What does the research tell us about how to promote the thoughtful interrogation of text?  In K. A. Hinchman & D. A. Appleman (eds.), Adolescent literacies:  A handbook of practice-based research (pp. 457–476). New York: Guilford. [16 pages]

*Pearson, P. D., & Cervetti, G. N. (2017). The roots of reading comprehension instruction.  In S. E. Israel (Ed.), Handbook of research on reading comprehension (2nd ed.) (pp. 12–56). New York, NY: The Guilford Press. [45 pages]

F.Feedback in the classroom (161 pages)

Read all of the following publications:


Black, P. & William, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5(1), 7–74. [66 pages]

Burner, T. (2015). Processes of change when using portfolios to enhance formative assessment. Assessment matters, 9(2), 53–79. [27 pages]

B?hn, H., & Hansen, T. (2017). Assessing pronunciation in an EFL context: Teachers' orientations towards nativeness and intelligibility. Language Assessment Quarterly, 14(1), 54–68. [15 pages]

Gamlem, S.M. (2015): Feedback to support learning: changes in teachers’ practice and beliefs. Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professional development. [24 pages]

Saliu-Abdulahi, D. (2017). Scaffolding writing development: How formative is the feedback? Moderna spr?k, 111(1), 127–155. [29 pages]


Published Nov. 21, 2017 3:59 PM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2023 8:48 AM