EDID4009 – Master's thesis in English subject didactics

Course content

The master’s thesis allows you to specialise in a self-selected research topic relevant for teaching English a school subject. The research process usually combines theory with the analysis of empirical data, but it is also possible to write a primarily theoretical thesis.

In a thesis that is based on empirical data you may use previously collected and available data, or collect your own. Supervision is intended to help you develop your analytical skills and your ability to convey the findings in accordance with academic conventions.

Your work on the thesis will use the project description you developed in the MA methods courses?DIFO4001 – Didaktisk forskningsmetode: design og innsamling av data and DIFO4015 – Didaktisk forskningsmetode med praksis: analyse og framstilling av data ?as a point of departure.

Learning outcome

After completing the subject you are to have learnt:

Knowledge about

  • the main theories and empirical findings in a limited field of research
  • the collection of data and/or sources needed for a theoretically informed data analysis
  • ethically informed research in schools and education
  • how to cite, paraphrase and refer to research

Skills to

  • find, understand, analyse and critically evaluate research studies, sources of information and current theory in the field of English didactics
  • use relevant and suitable research methods for a project in the field of English didactics
  • write and structure scientific texts
  • refer to research literature in accordance with the current?Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) requirements
  • complete an independent, delimited and professionally relevant research project with support from a supervisor, and in accordance with current ethical guidelines

General competence to

  • convey professionally relevant research in accordance with advanced scientific requirements
  • critically reflect on and analyse research problems and research-ethical issues
  • further develop your subject didactic competence

Admission to the course

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.

Admission to the specialization in English didactics

Formal prerequisite knowledge

Admission requires having passed PROF1015 – Profesjonsidentitet, l?ring og undervisning, PROF3025 – Ledelse av elevers l?ring and PROF4045 – Tilrettelegging for elevers l?ring

It is recommended that all other courses in the master specialization are completed.


Each student is entitled to eight hours of supervision, individually or in groups. If two students are cooperating on a thesis they are supervised together.

Students are required to hand in a supervision contract during the master specialization, signed by the student and the supervisor(s).

Access to teaching: Students have to be enrolled for the course to attend classes.

For information concerning supervision, deadlines, submission of the thesis and more, see the web page?Masteroppgave i fagdidaktiske masterspesialiseringer p? Lektorprogrammet.


The master’s thesis is a coherent scientific text of about 21,000 to 28,000 words. This does not include the summary, foreword, table of contents, list of references or appendices. If two students write a thesis together, both are required to be involved in all aspects of the research and writing, and the thesis should have a length of 31,000 to 42,000 words.

The master’s thesis should have a 300-word summary that should not exceed one page in length and be placed at the beginning of the thesis. The thesis should be uploaded electronically into DUO as well as Inspera.

For information about how to upload your file to DUO, see the web page?Masteroppgave i fagdidaktiske masterspesialiseringer p? Lektorprogrammet.

The assessment committee comprises two examiners, of which one must be external.

You find the assessment guidelines for the master thesis on the semester page of the subject.

Examination support material

All sources of aid are permitted.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the highest grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 22, 2025 3:43:14 AM

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