
Pensum for NATDID4001 er i hovedsak kapitler fra b?ker og forskningsartikler. De blir presentert og diskutert p? kursets samlinger. Enkelte endringer kan derfor forekomme.



Klette, Bergem & Roe (red.) (2016) Teaching and Learning in Lower Secondary Schools in the Era of PISA and TIMSS. London, Springer. Kap. 2, 7 og 12

Knain & Kolst? (2011) Elever som forskere i naturfag. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.  Kap. 1 & 2

Mortimer, E. F.  & Scott, P. H. (2003). Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classrooms. Open University Press. England. Kap 1, 2  og 3.


Tilleggslitteratur (m? ikke kj?pes):

Kj?rnsli, M. og Jensen, F. (2016) St? kurs. Norske elevers kompetanse i naturfag, matematikk, og lesing i PISA 2015. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.   Kap. 2 og 3. 


National Research Council (2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Committee on a Conceptual Framework for for New K‐12 Science Education Standards. Board on Science Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Pp. 23-37


Sj?berg, Svein (2009). Naturfag som allmenndannelse. En kritisk fagdidaktikk, 3. utgave. Oslo, Gyldendal Akademisk. Kap 2 og 7.


Tytler, Prain, Hubber & Waldrip (eds.) (2013) Constructing representations to Learn in Science. Kap. 3 (s.31-50)


Artikler tilgjengelige p? nett med UiO-bruker:

Ainsworth, S. (2008). The Educational Value of Multiple-representations when Learning Complex Scientific Concepts. In J. K. Gilbert, M. Reiner, & M. Nakhleh (Eds.), Visualization: Theory and Practice in Science Education (pp. 191-208). Dortrecht: Springer. (Kan nedlastes gratis for UiO brukere.)


Bj?nness, B., & Kolst?, S. D. (2015). Scaffolding open inquiry: How a teacher provides students with structure and space. Nordic Studies in Science Education, 11(3), 223-237.


Furberg, A., Kluge, A., & Ludvigsen, S. (2013). Student sensemaking with science diagrams in a computer-based setting. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 8(1), 41-64.


Haug, B. (2014). Inquiry-based science: Turning teachable moments into learnable moments. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25(1), 79–96.


Haug, B. S.; ?degaard, M. (2014) From words to concepts: Focusing on word-knowledge when teaching for conceptual understanding within an inquiry-based setting. Research in Science Education  44 (5), pp 777-800


Kind, P. M. (2013). Conceptualizing the Science Curriculum: 40 Years of Developing Assessment Frameworks in Three Large‐Scale Assessments. Science Education, 97(5), 671-694.


Knain, Erik (2011). Hvordan ?pne for vitenskapshistorie i naturfagundervisning. Nordina 7 (1), 32 – 42.


Knain E. & ?degaard, M. (2018) The implementation of scientific literacy as basic skills in Norway after the school reform of 2006. In Tang, Kok-Sing, Danielsson, Kristina (Eds.): Global Developments in Literacy Research for Science Education Springer


Kolst?, S.D. (2009). Vektlegging av lesing i naturfaget – del 2. NorDiNa 5 (1), 75 – 88.


Mestad, I., & Kolst?, S. D. (2014). Using the Concept of Zone of Proximal Development to Explore the Challenges of and Opportunities in Designing Discourse Activities Based on Practical Work. Science Education, 98(6), 1054-1076.


Mork, Sonja (2013). Revidert l?replan i naturfag – ?kt fokus p? grunnleggende ferdigheter og forskerspiren. Nordina 9 (2), 206 – 210.

Niebert, K., & Gropengie?er, H. (2013). Understanding the Greenhouse Effect by Embodiment – Analysing and Using Students' and Scientists' Conceptual Resources. International Journal of Science Education, 36(2), 277-303.


Norris, Stephen and Phillips, Linda (2003). How Literacy Its Fundamental sense Is Central to Scientific Literacy. Science Education 87, 224-240.


Pearson, P. D., Moje, E., & Greenleaf, C. (2010). Literacy and Science: Each in the Service of the Other. Science, 328, 459-463.


S?rvik, G. O., Blikstad-Balas, M., & ?degaard, M. (2015). “Do Books Like These Have Authors?” New Roles for Text and New Demands on Students in Integrated Science-Literacy Instruction. Science Education, 99(1), 39-69.


S?rvik, G. O., & Mork, S. M. (2015). Scientific literacy as social practice: Implications for reading and writing in science classrooms. Nordic Studies in Science Education (NorDiNa), 11(3), 268-281.


?degaard,M. (2007) Naturfag til nytte og glede! Naturvitenskapelig allmenndannelse ved dramatiske virkemidler. NorDiNa  1 s. 76-85


?degaard, M., Haug, B.S., Mork, S.M. & S?rvik, G.O. (2014) Challenges and Support in an Integrated Inquiry and Literacy Teaching Model. International Journal of Science Education 36 (18) 2997-3020


Publisert 25. nov. 2018 15:09 - Sist endret 4. jan. 2019 16:15