


Brevik, Lisbeth M. og Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen: Les mindre – forst? mer! Strategier for lesing av fagtekster 8.–13. trinn , 2012. Gyldendal Akademisk. 1.utg, kap. 1-3 (106 sider), kap 5 (17 sider), kap. 7 (28 sider) .

Cook, Vivian: Second Language Learning and Language Teaching, 2008. Arnold. 4. utg. Kap.3 8, 9, 11 og 13.

Simensen, Aud Marit: Teaching a foreign language, principles and procedures, 2007 (2nd Edition). Fagbokforlaget. Kap. 5, 7 og 8, 9, 10 og 11.

Artikler i kompendium

Hasselg?rd, Hilde: "Grammar in Communicative English Teaching" i Spr?k og spr?kundervisning (1). Landslaget moderne spr?k., 2001. ss. 7-12 (6 s).

Ibsen, Elisabeth: "Ch 5. Meeting Literature in a Foreign Language. An Aesthetic Dimension" i with Literature, The Didactics of English Literature in the Context of the Foreign Language Classroom in Norway, 2000. H?yskoleforlaget. ss. 137-184 (47 sider).

Artikler tilgjengelig p? nettet

The Ministry of Education and Research : English subject curriculum, Applicable from: 1 August 2010. Established as a Regulation on 24 June 2010. (7 sider). English subject curriculum.

Bj?rkman, Beyza: "So You Think You Can ELF: English as a Lingua Franca as the Medium of Instruction" i Hermes – Journal of Language and Communication Studies no 45, 2010. ss. 77-97 (20 sider). So You Think You Can ELF.

Byram, Michael: "Foreign language education as a political and moral education – an essay" i Language Learning Journal, Winter No 26, 2002. ss. 43-47 (4 sider). Foreign language education as a political and moral education .

Crystal, David: "World English: Past, Present, Future" i paper to the ASKA Europa-Stiftung Symposium, 11 -13 June 1999. ss. 1-9 (9 sider). World English: Past, Present, Future.

Cummins, Jim: "BICS and CALP: Empirical and Theoretical Status of the Distinction" i Street, B. & Hornberger, N. H: Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 2nd Edition, Volume 2: Literacy, 2008. New York: Springer Science + Business Media LLC. ss. 71-83 (11 sider). BICS and CALP.

Hellekj?r, Glenn Ole: "Reading: From a forgotten to a basic skill" i Spr?k og Spr?kundervisning 2, 2007. ss. 23-29 (7 sider). Reading: From a forgotten to a basic skill.

Lawrence, Joshua F, Claire White, and Catherine E. Snow: "Improving Reading Across Subject Areas With Word Generation" i CREATE Brief, September 2011, ss. 1 - 6.

Lund, Andreas: "The multiple contexts of online language teaching" i Language Teaching Research 10(2), 2006. ss. 181-204 (23 sider). The multiple contexts of online language teaching.

Lund, Andreas: "Wikis: A Collective Approach to Language Production" i ReCALL 20, 2008. European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning. ss. 35-54 (19 sider). Wikis.

McArthur, Tom: "World English, Euro-English, Nordic English? A discussion of the kinds of English emerging in the world at large and in the European Union" i English Today, Volume 19, issue 01, 2003. ss. 54-58 (4 sider). World English, Euro-English, Nordic English?.

Little, David: "The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Content, purpose, origin, reception and impact" i Language Teaching 39, Cambridge University Press. ss. 167-190 (23 sider). The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Content, purpose, origin, reception and impact.

Brevik, Lisbeth M: "Feedback: Why it is important and why it is not enough" i Svenhard, B. (red): CLIL. Kombinert engelsk- og fagoppl?ring i videreg?ende skole, 2012. Fremmedspr?ksenteret. ss. 145-169 (24 sider). Feedback: Why it is important and why it is not enough.

Ruud, Marianne: The use of young adult literature to enhance textbook reading and course curriculum, H?gskolen i ?stfold. ss. 8-18 (11 sider). The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Content, purpose, origin, reception and impact.

Ljosland, Ragnhild: "Teaching through English: Monolingual Policy meets Multilingual Practice" i Hermes – Journal of Language and Communication Studies no 45, 2010. 99-113 (14 sider). The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Content, purpose, origin, reception and impact.

Selvi, Ali Fuad: "The non-native speaker teacher" i ELT Journal Volume 65/2 April, 2011. ss. 187-189 (2 sider). The non-native speaker teacher.

Ruud, Marianne: Multicultural literature, H?gskolen i ?stfold . ss. 1-6 (6 sider). Multicultural literature.

Broady, Elspeth: "Sameness and difference: the challenge of culture in language teaching" i Language Learning Journal, No 29, 2004. ss. 68-72 (5 sider). Sameness and difference: the challenge of culture in language teaching.

Hellekj?r, Glenn Ole og Hopfenbeck, Therese: "CLIL og lesing" i Svenhard, B. (red): CLIL. Kombinert engelsk- og fagoppl?ring i videreg?ende skole, 2012. Fremmedspr?ksenteret. ss. 96-136 (37 sider). CLIL og lesing.

Publisert 13. nov. 2013 14:49 - Sist endret 2. des. 2013 11:13