Engelsk fagdidaktikk


Boken inneholder studielitteratur som inng?r i begge emnene PPU3510D og PPU3520D

Brevik, L. M. & Gunnulfsen, A. E. (2012). Chapter 2 ‘Strategier for lesing’ & Chapter 7 ‘Lesing i engelsk’, in Les Mindre – Forst? Mer! 8.-13. trinn. Gyldendal Akademisk, 1st ed, pp. 81-110,  198-226 (57 pages).

Artikler i kompendium

Myhill, D. (2004) “Making connections: Grammar and meaning” in The Secondary English Magazine, October (4 pages)

Myhill, D., Lines, H. & Watson, A. (2011). “Making meaning with grammar: A repertoire of possibilities” in mETAphor 2. (10 pages)

Simensen, A. M. (2010). English in Scandinavia - a success story, in Dominic Wyse; Richard Andrews & James Hoffman (ed.), in The Routledge International Handbook of English, Language and Literacy Teaching.  Routledge, pp. 472-483 (11 pages)

Artikler tilgjengelige p? ITL

Rindal, U. (2013). The social aspects of English in Norwegian classrooms (10 pages)

Rindal, U. (2014, forthcoming). Who owns English in Norway? (22 pages)

Artikler tilgjengelige p? nettet

Bj?rkman, B. (2010). ‘So You Think You Can ELF: English as a Lingua Franca as the Medium of Instruction’, in Hermes – Journal of Language and Communication Studies no 45, pp. 77-97 (20 pages).

Cogo, A. (2012). ‘English as a Lingua Franca: concepts, use and implications’, in ELT Journal 66 (1), 97-105 (9 pages).

Hellekj?r, G. O. (2007). ‘Reading: From a forgotten to a basic skill, in Spr?k og Spr?kundervisning 2, pp. 23-29 (7 pages).

Little, D. (2006). ‘The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Content, purpose, origin, reception and impact’, in Language Teaching, 39, pp 167-190. Cambridge University Press. (23 pages)

Mahan, K. R. & Brevik, L. M. (2013). ‘?I can English very good? – engelske ordfeil blant norske elever og studenter’, in Bedre Skole, 3, pp. 34-39 (5 pages).

Myhill, D. A., Jones, S. M., Watson, A. & Lines, H. E. (2013). ‘Playful Explicitness with Grammar: A Pedagogy for Writing’, in Literacy 47 (2), pp. 103-111 (7 pages).

Paran, A. (2012). Language skills: questions for teaching and learning, in ELT Journal, Volume 66/4, pp. 450-458 (8 pages).

Swain, M. (2001). ‘The output hypothesis and beyond: Mediating acquisition through collaborative dialogue’, in J. P. Lantolf (Ed.), Socicultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 97-114 (18 pages)

Thornbury, S. (2001). Uncovering grammar. Oxford: Macmillan. Ch. 1 (14 pages)

Utdanningsdirektoratet (2006, 2013). English subject curriculum (LK06, Eng1-03). (9 pages).

Suggested further reading

The students who have English as their only subject choose from these texts to fulfil their reading list. Other texts will not be accepted.

Brevik, L. M. & Gunnulfsen, A.E. (2012). Chapter 1 ‘Begrepsl?ring: grunnmuren i fagtekstlesingen’, in Les Mindre – Forst? Mer! 8.-13. trinn. Gyldendal Akademisk, 1st ed., pp. 27-33 (5 pages).

Brevik, L. M. & Gunnulfsen, A.E. (2012). Chapter 2 ‘Strategier for lesing’, in Les Mindre – Forst? Mer! 8.-13. trinn. Gyldendal Akademisk, 1st ed., pp. 49-80 (31 pages).

Drew, I. & Pedersen, R. R. (2010). ‘Readers’ Theatre: A different approach to English for struggling readers’, in Acta Didacta. (18 pages)

Dypedahl, M., Hasselg?rd, H. & L?ken, B. (2012). Introducing English Grammar. Fagbokforlaget, 2nd ed. Chapter 15 From sentences to text, pp. 203-214 & Chapter 16 Genre and style, pp. 215-224 (20 pages)

Ellis, R. (2002). ‘The place of grammar instruction in the second/foreign language curriculum’, in Fotos, S. & Hinkel, E. (eds.): New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., pp. 17-34 (17 pages).

Graddol, D. (2006): English Next. British Council. (113 pages)

Griffiths, C. (2008). ‘Strategies and good language learners’, in C. Griffiths (eds.) Lessons from Good Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 83-98 (16 pages).

Hasselg?rd, H. (2001). ‘Grammar in Communicative English Teaching’, in Spr?k og spr?kundervisning (1). Landslaget moderne spr?k. pp. 7-12 (6 pages).

Hellekj?r & Hopfenbeck (2010). CLIL og lesing, in Fokus p? Spr?k 28, pp. 84–124 (40 pages). Halden: Fremmedspr?ksenteret

Kirkpatrick, A. (2007). World Englishes. Implications for international communication and English language teaching. Cambridge University Press. Part A, pp. 1-38 (38 pages)

Krashen, S. D. (1982) Five hypotheses about second language acquisition in Principles and Practice in Second Language Aquisition.  Pergamon Press, pp. 10-32 (22 pages)

Lantolf, J. P. (2000). ‘Second language learning as a mediated process’, Language Teaching, 33(2), pp. 79–96 (18 pages)

Lee, C. D., & Spratley, A. (2010). Reading in the disciplines: The challenges of adolescent literacy. New York, NY: Carnegie Corporation of New York (18 pages).

Myhill, D., Jones, S. M., Lines, H. & Watson, A. (2012). ‘Re-thinking grammar: the impact of embedded grammar teaching on students’ writing and students’ metalinguistic understanding’, in Research Papers in Education, 27, 2, pp. 139-166 (27 pages).

Newby, D. (2006). ‘Communicative language teaching’, in Fenner, A-B. & D. Newby (eds.) Coherence of principles, cohesion of competences: exploring theories and designing materials for teacher education. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, pp. 17-26 (9 pages).

Simensen, A. M. (2007). Teaching a foreign language, principles and procedures, 2nd edition. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget. Ch. 1-5, pp. 13-132 (119 pages).

Simensen, A. M. (2011). ‘Europeiske institusjoners rolle i utviklingen av engelskfaget i norsk skole’, in Didaktisk Tidskrift, 20(3), pp. 157-181 (24 pages)

Sowden, C. (2012). ‘ELF on a mushroom: the overnight growth in English as a lingua franca’, in ELT Journal 66 (1), pp. 89-96 (8 pages).

Suzuki, A. (2011). ‘Introducing diversity of English into ELT: Student teachers' responses’, in ELT Journal. 65(2), pp. 145-153 (9 pages)

Timmis (2012). Spoken language research and ELT: where are we now? in ELT Journal 66/4, pp. 514-521 (7 pages)

Truscott, J. (1996). The case against grammar correction in L2 writing classes. Language learning 46 (2), pp. 327-369 (43 pages)

Udir (2012). Framework for Basic skills (11 pages).

Weinstein, C. E., Ridley, D. S., Dahl, T., & Weber, E. S. (1988). ‘Helping students develop strategies for effective learning’. in Educational Leadership 46(4).

Willis, D., & Willis, J.  (2007) Doing Task-Based Teaching: A practical guide to task-based teaching for ELT training courses and practising teachers. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Publisert 18. nov. 2013 13:18 - Sist endret 10. des. 2013 11:11