Religionsundervisning og erfaringsdimensjonen
Artikler og bokkapitler
Andreassen, Bengt-Ove (2010): Bruk eller misbruk? Ninian Smarts dimensjonsmodell i tiln?rmingen til religion i norsk religionsdidaktikk. Religionsvidenskaeligt Tidsskrift (55) 1, s 55-73
(18 sider)
Carlsson, David: F?r?ndring i samtiden? Elevers livs?sk?dningsbeskrivningar och religionskunskap. I Carlsson, David & Thalén, Peder (red.): Det postsekul?ra klassrumme. Mot ett vidgat religionskunskapsbegrepp. s. 55-70 Uppsala: Swedish Science Press.
(15 sider)
Fancourt, Nigel (2010): ‘I’m less intolerant’: reflexive self‐assessment in religious education, British Journal of Religious Education, 32:3, 291-305, DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2010.498616
(15 sider)
Gundersen, Kristin, Kristiansen, Hanne Hellem, Samdal, Astrid Gravdal, Vest?l, Jon Magne (2014): Religion in Textbooks and among Young Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims: A Comparative Study. Acta Didactica Norge 8:1
(17 sider)
Jackson, Robert & Everington, Judith (2016): Teaching inclusive religious education impartially: an English perspective, British Journal of Religious Education, DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2016.1165184
(17 sider)
Knauth, Thorsten & K?rs, Anna (2011) The ‘contextual setting approach’: a contribution to understanding how young people view and experience religion and education in Europe, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:2, 209-223,
(14 sider)
Lidh, Carina Holmquist (2016): Representera och bli representerad. Elever med religi?s positionering talar om skolans religionskunskapsundervisning. Licentiatuppsats. Karlstad: Karlstad University Studies. S. 121-124, 152-153, 165-168, 195-198, 199-217
(32 sider)
Lippe, Marie von der (2013): Hvordan snakker ungdom om religion og hvorfor snakker de s?nn? DIN – tidsskrift for religion og kultur nr 2 2013
(24 sider)
Moulin, Dan (2011) Giving voice to ‘the silent minority’: the experience of religious students in secondary school religious education lessons, British Journal of Religious Education, 33:3, 313-326, DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2011.595916
(14 sider)
Nicolaisen, Tove (2015): Elevers komplekse identitetskrav som utfordring i religions- og livssynsundervisning. Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, ISSN 2000-9879, no 2015:1, 1-21
(21 sider)
Vest?l, J. M. (2016) Textbook Religion and Lived Religion: A Comparison of the Christian Faith as Expressed in Textbooks and by Young Church Members, Religious Education, 111:1, 95-110, DOI: 10.1080/00344087.2016.1124015.
(16 sider)
Vest?l, J. M. (2016): On teaching what cannot be said: Reflections on the role of the unsayable in religious education. Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, ISSN 2000-9879, no 2016:2, 1-21
(21 sider)
B?rekraftig utvikling
Kemp, P. (2013).Verdensborgeren. P?dagogisk og politisk ideal for det 21. ?rhundrede. 2. reviderte utgave. : K?benhavn: Hans Retizels Forlag.s. 33-108 og s. 218-272.
(129 sider)
Bonnett, B. (2012) “Environmental concern, moral education and our place in nature”. Journal of Moral Education, 41:3: 285-300,
(16 sider)
Clugston, R. (2012). “Introduction: Faith Traditions and Sustainable Development” i Rick Clugston and Steve Holt (red.) Exploring Synergies between Faith Values and Education for Sustainable Development. San Jose, Costa Rica: Earth Charter International and Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development at UPEACE:4-9,
(6 sider)
Franck, O. & Osbeck, C. (2018) Challenging the concept of ethical literacy within Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): storytelling as a method within Sustainability didactics, Education 3-13, 46:2, 133-142,
(10 sider)
Kopnina, H. (2014).“Revisiting Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): Examining nthropocentric Bias Through the Transition of Environmental Education to ESD. Sustainable Development. 22. (2), 73-83.
(11 sider)
Kvamme, O.A. (2017). The Significance of Context: Moral Education and Religious Education Facing the Challenge of Sustainability. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education. 8 (2), 24-37.
(14 sider)
Ojala, M. (2013). Emotional Awareness: On the Importance of Including Emotional Aspects in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 7 (2), 167–182.
(16 sider)
Sund, L. & ?hman, J. (2014). On the need to repoliticise environmental and sustainability education: Rethinking the postpolitical consensus. Environmental Education Research. 20 (5), 639-659.
(21 sider)
Narrativer og religionsundervisning
Breidlid, Halldis & Tove Nicolaisen (2011). I begynnelsen var fortellingen, 2. utgave. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 327-446. (118 sider)
Velg ett kapittel fra del II i Breidlid, Halldis & Tove Nicolaisen (2011). I begynnelsen var fortellingen.
(25-60 sider)
Ipgrave, Julia (2013). From Storybooks to Bullet Points: Books and the Bible in
Primary and Secondary Religious Education. British Journal of Religious Education, 35:3, 264-281.
(18 sider)
Kj?rven, Ole Kolbj?rn (2016). RLE-l?rere som bibellesere. Prismet, 5-17.
(13 sider)
Vest?l, Jon Magne (2012). The Role of Movies in Norwegian Textbooks: A Study of Film as Artefact in Religious Education. Nordidactica - Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 2, 84-105.
(21 sider)
Vest?l, Jon Magne (2014). Text Interpretation and Educational Design in
Norwegian Textbooks of Religious Education, British Journal of Religious Education, 36:1, 88-101.
(13 sider)