
University of Oslo

Institute for Educational Research

Master of philosophy in Comparative and International Education


Updated July 2005

Unfortunately mistakes may occur in the syllabus. Changes will be announced on the webpage.

*The text is in a compendium, available at Gnist Akademika.

** The book is used several places in the syllabus.

Introduction to comparative and international education

Arnove, Robert F., Altbach, Phillip G. and Kelly, Gail P. (1992) : "Introduction" In : Emergent Issues in Education, Robert F. Arnove, Phillip G. Altbach and Gail P. Kelly (eds.). New York: Sate University of New York Press. p. 13-24. (11 p.)**.

Bray, Mark (2002) : "Comparative education in East Asia: Growth, development and contributions to the global field." In: Current Issues in Comparative Education, [online], 4(2). [accessed 09.10.2004]. (9 p.) Available at:.

Crossley, Michael (2002) : "Comparative and international education: Contemporary challenges, reconceptualization and new directions for the field." In : Current Issues in Comparative Education, [online], 4(2). Available at: [accessed 09.10.2004]. (6 p.) Available at:.

Epstein, Erwin (1994) : "Comparative and international Education: Overview and historical Development." In: The International Encyclopaedia of Education , Torstein Husèn and Neville Postlethwaite (eds.). Vol. 2. Oxford : Pergamon . p. 918-922. (4 p.).

Hans, Nicholas (1958) : Comparative education : a study of educational factors and traditions , London : Routledge & Kegan Paul. Chapter 1 p.1-16. (15 p.)*.

Kelly, Gail (1992) : "Debates and trends in comparative education." In: Emergent issues in education : comparative perspectives, Robert F. Arnove, Phillip G. Altbach and Gail P. Kelly (eds.). Albany, New York: Sate University of New York Press. p. 1-12. (11 p.)**.

Kelly, Gail and Altbach, Phillip (1986) : "Comparative education: challenges and responses." In : Comparative education review, 30 (1). Chicago : Univesity of Chicago press. p. 89-107. (18 p.)*.

Mebrahtu, T. (1994) : "Development Education." In : The International Encyclopaedia of Education, Torstein Husèn & Neville Postlethwaite (eds.). Vol. 3. Oxford : Pergamon. p. 1494-1501. (7 p.)*.

Noah, Harold J. and Eckstein, Max A. (1998) : "Defining comparative education: conceptions." In : Doing comparative education: three decades of collaboration, Harold J. Noah and Max A. Eckstein (eds.). Hong Kong : Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. p. 35-40. (5 p.)*.

Noah, Harold J. and Eckstein, Max A. (1998) : "Use and abuse of comparative education." In : Doing comparative education: three decades of collaboration, Harold J. Noah and Max A. Eckstein (eds.). Hong Kong : Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong. p. 57-67. (10 p.)*.

Arnove, Robert F. (2003): "Introduction : Reframing comparative education. The dialectic of the global and the local." In : Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local, Robert F. Arnove and Carlos A. Torres (eds.). Lanham, Md : Rowman & Littlefield. p. 1-23. (24 p.)**.

Samoff, Joel (2003) : "Institionalizing international influence." In : Comparative education : the dialectic of the global and the local, Robert F. Arnove and Carlos A. Torres (eds.) Lanham, Md : Rowman & Littlefield. p. 52-114. (40 p.)**.

Total : 160 pages

Curriculum theory

Holmes, Brian and McLean, Martin (1992) : The curriculum : a comparative perspective, London : Routledge. Chapter 1. (24 p.)*.

McLean, Martin (1995) : Educational traditions compared : content, teaching and learning in industrialised countries, London : David Fulton. Minus chapter 3. (166 p.)*.

Total : 190 pages


Theories and Concepts :

Brock-Utne, Birgit (2002) : "Education and Development: A Developing Theme." In : International Review of Education, Vol.48. No.1/2. p.45-65. (20 p.).

Brock-Utne, Birgit (1998) : "Multicultural education and development education." In: Nordisk pedagogik, Vol.18. No.1. p.1-15. (16 p.) *.

Chambers, Robert (1997) : Whose reality counts? : putting the first last, London: Intermediate technology publications. chapter 1-6. (108 p.).

Freire, Paulo (1972) : Pedagogy of the oppressed, London: Penguin Books. chapter 1 and 2. (40 p.).

Heward, Christine and Bunwaree, Sheila (eds) (1998) : Gender, education and development, London: Zed Books. Chapter 1, 2, 11, 12 and 13. (78 p.).

Small, David (1997) : "Development education revisited. The New Zealand experience" : International Review of Education, Vol. 43. No. 5-6. p. 581-594. (13 p.).

Pre-Colonialisation, Colonialism, Independence and Self-Reliance:

Fuglesang, Andreas (1982) : About understanding : ideas and observations on cross-cultural communication, Uppsala : Dag Hammarskj?ld Foundation. Chapter 8 and 9. (35 p.) * .

Prah, Kwesi Kwaa (2003) : "Going native : language of instruction for education, development and african emancipation." In : Language of instruction in Tanzania and South Africa (LOITASA) , Brock-Utne, Birgit, Desai, Zubeida and Qorro, Martha (eds). Dar-es-Salaam : E & D Publishing. p. 14-34. (20 p.).

Nyerere, Julius K. (1968) : In : Essays on socialism, Nyerere, Julius K. Dar-es-Salaam : Oxford University Press. p. 44-76. (32 p.).

Odora, Catherine (1994) : "Indigenous forms of learning in East Africa with special reference to the acholi in Uganda." In : Indigenous forms of learning in Africa, Brock-Utne, Birgit (ed.). Oslo : University of Oslo, Institute for Educational Research. Report No. 7/1994. p. 61-90. (30 p.).

Shatrugna, M. (1998) : "Literacy as liberation." In : Education, development and underdevelopment, Sukla, Suresacandra and Kaul, Rehka (eds.). London : Sage Publications. p. 241-265. (25 p.)*.

Talib, M. (1998) : Educating the oppressed : observations from a school in a working class settlement in Delhi." In : Education, development and underdevelopment, Sukla, Suresacandra and Kaul, Rehka (eds.). London : Sage Publications. p. 199-210. (12 p.)* .

White, B. W. (1996) : "Talk about school : education and the colonial project in French and British Africa (1860-1960)." In : Comparative Education, Vol. 32. No. 1. p. 9-25. (16 p.) *.

Recolonialization, Globalization and the Role of Aid:

Brock-Utne, Birgit (1995) : "Cultural conditionality and aid to education in East Africa." In : International Review of Education, Vol. 41. No. 3-4. p. 177-197. (21 p.)*.

Colclough, Christopher (1993) : "Primary schooling in developing countries : the unfinished business aid." In : Key issues in educational development, Brock, Colin and Allsop, Terry (eds). Wallingford : Triangle books. p. 47-59. (13 p.)* .

Martin, C. (1993) : "UPE on the cheap : educational modernisation at school level in Mexico." In : Key issues in educational development, Brock, Colin and Allsop, Terry (eds). Wallingford : Triangle books. p. 145-167. (23 p.)*.

Phillipson, Robert (1999) : "The globalization of dominant languages." In : Globalization – on whose terms?, Brock-Utne, Birgit and Garbo, Gunnar (eds). Oslo : University of Oslo, Institute for Educational Research. Report nr 5/1999. (15 p.)* .

Rival, L. (1993) : "State schools against forest life : the impact of formal education on the Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador." In: Key issues in educational development, Brock, Colin and Allsop, Terry (eds). Wallingford : Triangle books. p.131-145. (15 p.)*.

Watson, K. (1993) : "Changing emphases in educational aid." In : Key issues in educational development, Brock, Colin and Allsop, Terry (eds). Wallingford : Triangle books. p. 59-87. (29 p.)* .

Total : 551 pages

Recommended reading:

Bown, Lalage (1993) : "Preparing the future by changing the present : women, literacy and development." In : Key issues in educational development, Brock, Colin and Allsop, Terry (eds). Wallingford : Triangle books. p. 109-131. (22p.).

Emihovich, Catherine (1994) : "Cultural continuities and discontinuities in education." In : Encyclopedia of international education, Husen, Torsten and Postlewaithe, Neville. (eds.). London : Pergamon Press. Vol.3. p. 1227-1233. (6 p.).

Freire, Paulo (1972) : Pedagogy of the Oppressed, London : Penguin Books. Chapter 3 and 4.


Key concepts:

Adams, D. (1994) : "Educational planning : differing models." In : Encyclopaedia of international education, Husen, Torsten and Postlewaithe, Neville. (eds.). London : Pergamon Press. p. 1804-1810. (6 p.).

Farrell, J. P. (1994) : "Planning education : overview." In : Encyclopedia of international education, Husen, Torsten and Postlewaithe, Neville. (eds.). London : Pergamon Press. p. 4499-4510. (11p.)*.

Tjeldvoll, Arild (1995) : "A Language of education as a subject. Educational rationales, systems, cultures and paradigms." In : The Role of education in development : from personal to international arenas, Daun, Holger et al. (eds.) Stockholm : Stockholm University Institute of International Education. p. 71-86. (15 p.)*.

Worthen, B. R. and van Dusen, L. M. (1994) : "Nature of evaluation. In : Encyclopedia of international education, Husen, Torsten and Postlewaithe, Neville. (eds.). London : Pergamon Press. p. 2109-2119. (10 p.)*.


Alheit, Peter (1999) : "On a contradictory way to ‘learning society’: A critical approach." In : Studies in the education of adults, No 1. 1999. p. 66-82. (16 p.)*.

Carnoy, Martin (1999) : Globalization and educational reform: what planners need to know., Paris : UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning. Fundamentals of educational planning - 63. (73 p.).

Hernes, Gudmund (2001) : "Social trends and challenges for education." In : International institute for educational planning’s medium term plan 2002-2007, Paris : UNESCO. p.11-30 (30 p.)*.

Whitty, Geoff and Power, Sally (1999) : "Making sense of education reform : global and national influences." In : International journal of contemporary sociology, Vol 36. No 2. 1999. p. 123-143 (20 p.)*.

Higher Education:

Castells, Manuell (1994) : "The University system. Engine of development in the new world economy." In: Revitalizing higher education, Salmi, Jamil and Verspoor, Adriaan (eds.). Oxford : Published for the IAU press by Pergamon. p. 14-40. (26 p.)* .

Douglass, John Aubrey (2000) : "A Tale of two Universities of California." In : Chronicle of the University of California, Fall 2000. Berkeley : University of California. p. 93-118. (25 p.)*.

Green, Diana (1994) : "What is quality in higher education? Concepts, policy and practice?" In: What is Quality in Higher Education?, Green, Diana (ed.). Buckingham : Open University. p. 3-20 (17 p.)*.

Middlehurst, Robin (1999) : "New realities for leadership and governance in higher education?" In : Tertiary education and management, No 5. 1999. p. 307-329. (29 p.)*.

Task force on higher education and society (2000) : Higher education in developing countries – peril and promise, Washington DC : The World Bank . (135 p.).

Economics of Education:

Eicher, Jean-Claude (2000) : "The financing of education : an economic issue?" In : European journal of education, Vol. 35. No. 1. 2000. p. 33-44. (11 p.)*.

Hartog, Joop (2000) : "Human capital as an instrument of analysis for the economics of dducation." In : European journal of education, Vol. 35. No. 1. 2000. p. 7-19. (12 p.)*.

Patrinos, Harry Anthony (2000) : "Market forces in education." In : European journal of education, Vol. 35. No. 1. 2000. p. 61-79. (18 p.)*.

Psacharopoulos, George (2000) : "Economics of education a la euro." In : European journal of education, Vol. 35. No. 1. 2000. p. 81-95. (14 p.)*.

Vila, Luis E. (2000) : "The Non-monetary benefits of education." In : European journal of education, Vol. 35. No. 1. 2000. p. 21-31. (10 p.)*.

Wagner, A., Smith, T. M. and Healy, T. (2000) : "Tertiary education : new patterns of learning and earning." In : European journal of education, Vol. 35. No. 1. 2000. p. 45-59. (14 p.)*.

Total : 493 pages

Published Apr. 21, 2005 2:57 PM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2005 4:53 PM