Syllabus/achievement requirements


Education, social exclusion and social justice: dimensions of inequality (429pp)

Coleman, J. S. (1988): Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. American Journal of Sociology 94 Supplement.95-120 (26 pp). Electronically available here

Farrell, Joseph P. (2007): Equality of Education: A Half-Century of Comparative Evidence Seen from a New Millennium. In: Arnove, Robert E. and Carlos Alterto: Comparative Education. The Dialect of the Global and the Local. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publisher. 129-150 (21pp).

Kabeer, N. (2000): Social Exclusion, poverty and discrimination. Towards an analytical framework. IDS Bulletin Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 83-97 (12 pp).Electronically available here

Kendall, Nancy (2008). Vulnerability in AIDS-affected states: Rethinking cild rights, educational institutions and development paradigms. International Journal of Educational Development, 28. 365-383 (18pp). Electronically available here

Lewin, Keith (2007): Diversity in convergence: access to education for all. Compare, Vol. 37, No.5. 577-599 (22pp).Electronically available here

Tomasevski, Katarina. Education denied. Costs and remedies. London: Zed Books. 1-199 (198pp).

UNESCO. (2010) (a): Reaching the marginalized. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010, pp. 135-213 (78 pp) Electronically available here

Unterhalter, E. (2007): Gender, Schooling and Social Justice. Foundations and Futures of Education. Abingdon, Routledge, pp. 39-93 (54 pp).

Inequality and diversity in education: implications for planning (89pp)

Inglis, C. (2008): Planning for cultural diversity. Fundamentals of Educational Planning. No. 87. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP. Introduction, Chapters 1, 2, 3. (47 pp). Electronically available here

UNESCO (2009): Overcoming inequality: Why governance matters. EFA Global Monitoring Report. 132-151 (19 pp). Electronically available here

UNESCO (2011): The Hidden Crisis: Armed Conflict and Education. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2011. Paris: UNESCO. 101-123 (23 pp). Electronically available here


The multi-dimensionality of quality (127pp)

Barrett, A., R. Chawla-Duggen, J. Lowe, J. Nikel, E. Ukpo. (2006): The Concept of Quality in Education; Review of ‘international’ literature on the concept of quality in education. EdQual Working Paper, Quality No. 2. (16 pp). Electronically available here

Kubow, P. K. and P. R. Fossum. (2007): Comparative Education: Exploring Issues in International Context. New Jersey: Pearson Merill, Prentice Hall. 125-162 (37 pp).

Tikly, L. and A. M. Barrett (2011): Social justice, capabilities and the quality of education in low income countries. International Review of Education, Vol. 31, No. 1. 3-14 (9 pp). Electronically available here

Somerset, Anthony (2011): Access, cost and quality: tensions in the development of primary education in Kenya. Journal of Education Policy, Vol. 26, No. 4. 483-497 (14). Electronically available here

UNESCO. (2005): Education for All: the Quality Imperative. EFA Global Monitoring Report. Paris: UNESCO. 27-78 (51 pp). Electronically available here

ICTs in education (107)

Castells, M. (2000): The Information Age: Economic, Society and Culture. Volume I: The Rise of the Network Society. Prologue: The net and the self. Massachusetts/Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 1-27 (27 pp).

Eriksen, O. (2004): Experiences from ICT-based teacher education: technology as a foundation for active learning. Journal of Educational Media: the Journal of the Educational Television Association, Vol 29, No. 3. 201-2011 (9pp). Electronically available here

Liu, F. (2010): The Internet in the Everyday Lifeworld. A Comparison between High School Students in China and Norway. Comparative Education, 46, 4. 527-50 (23 pp). Electronically available here

Pelgrum, W.J. and N. Law 2003. ICT in education around the world: trends, problems and prospects. Fundamentals of Educational Planning. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP. 19-29 and 87-104 (27 pp). Electronically available here

Sanchez, J, Salinas, A and Harris, J. (2011): Education with ICT in South Korea and Chile. International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 31, No. 2. 126-148 (21 pp). Electronically available here

Teaching and learning (102pp)

Ackers, J. and F. Hardman (2001): Classroom Interaction in Kenyan Primary Schools. In: Compare, Vol. 31, No. 2. 245-59 (15 pp). Electronically available here

Hargreaves, A. (2006): Four Ages of Professionalism and Professional Learning. In: P. B. Lauder, P. Brown, J.A. Dillabough, A.H. Halsey (eds). Education, Globalisation and Social Change. London: Oxford University Press. 673-691 (18 pp).

Kubow, P. K. And P. R. Fossum (2007): Comparative Education: Exploring Issues in International Context. New Jersey. Pearson Merill, Prentice Hall. Chapter 6: Teacher Professionalism. 209-59 (50 pp).

UWEZO (2012): Are our children learning? Assessment of learning outcomes among children in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Working Document by Suleman Sumra and John Mugo. ADEA Triennale on Education and Training in Africa. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, February. (19 pp).

Language and the curriculum (71pp)

Alidou, H., A. Boly, B. Brock-Utne, Y. S. Diallo, K. Heigh, H. E. Wolff (2006): Optimizing Learning and Education – the Language Factor; A Stocktaking Research on Mother Tongue and Bilingual Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Working Document. ADEA 2006 Biennial Meeting, Libreville, Gabon, March. (19 pp).Electronically available here

Halvorsen, T. A. (2011 In Press): Participation in the ICT Era -Implementations without Humiliation, Misconception and False Consciousness. In: LOITASA VII, Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers. In press. (20 pp).

Lai, P-S and M. Byram (1997): The Politics of Bilingualism: A Reproductive Analysis of the Policy of Mother Tongue Education in Hong Kong after 1997. In: H. Lauder, P. Brown, J. A. Dillabough, A. H. Halsey (eds). Education, Globalisation and Social Change. Oxford University Press. 490-504 (14 pp).

Patrinos, H.A. and E. Velez (2009): Costs and benefits of bilingual education in Guatamala. In: International Journal of Educational Development, Vol 29, No. 6, November. (5 pp). Electronically available here

Watson, K. (2007): Language, education and ethnicity. What rights will prevail in an age of globalisation?. International Journal of Educational Development. Vol. 27, No. 4. 252-65 (13 pp). Electronically available here

Public-private partnerships (88pp)

Patrinos, H. A., F. Barrera-Osorio, J. Guaqueta (2009): The Role and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education. Working Paper, The World Bank. Washington, D.C. Chapter 3 and Conclusion (20 pp). Electronically available here

Silova, I and G. Steiner-Khamsi (eds) (2008): How NGOs React. Globalization and Education Reform in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia. Kumarian Press. 1-29 and Chapter 6 (50 pp).

Vavrus, F. (2002): Making Distinctions: Privatisation and the (un)educated girl on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. International Journal of Educational Development. Vol. 22, No 5. 527-545 (18 pp).

Policies on decentralisation and their impact (88)

Bray, M. (2007): Control of Education: Issues and Tensions in Centralization asnd Decentralization. In: R. F. Arnove and Alberto Torres, C (Eds). Comparative Education; the Dialectic of the Global and the Local. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Third Edition. 175 – 196 (19 pp).

McGinn, N. and T. Welsh (1999): Decentralizationof Education: Why, what, when and how?. Fundamentals of Educational Planning, No 64. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP. Chapters 1, 2 and 4 (50 pp). Electronically available here

Weiler, H. (1990): Comparative Perspectives on Educational Decentralisation: an Exercise in Contradiction? In: Grenheim,M., M. Kogan and U. Lundgren (eds) Evaluation as Policy-making; Introducing evaluation into a national decentralised educational system. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 42-61 (19 pp).


Searching for relevance and effectiveness in education (49pp)

Bangay, C. And Blum, N. (2010): Education responses to climate change and quality: Two parts of the same agenda? International Journal of Educational Development. Vol. 30. 359 - 368 (9 pp). Electronically available here

Kubow, P.K. and P.R. Fossum (2007): Comparative Education: Exploring Issues in International Context. New Jersey: Pearson Merill, Prentice Hall. Chapter 3, 73-124.

Martin, C. (2009): Popular education innovations in the hierarchical world of Mexican policy. International Journal of Educational Development. Vol. 29, No. 2. 125-132 (8 pp). Electronically available here

Olsen, M., J. Codd and A. M. O’Neill (2004): Education Policy; Globalization, Citizenship & Democracy. 245-277 (32 pp).

Vocationalisation of education (91pp)

Foster, P. J. (1965): The Vocational School Fallacy in Development Planning. (27 pp) (This paper is found in these books (and in others): Anderson, C.A. and Bowman, M.J. (eds.). 1965. Education and National Development. Chicago: Aldine. Blaug, M. (ed.). 1968. Economics of Education 1: Selected Readings. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. Karabel, J. and A. H. Halsey (eds). 1977. Power and Ideology in Education. London: Oxford University Press)

King, K. and C. Martin (2002): The vocational school fallacy revisited: education, aspiration and work in Ghana 1959-2000. International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 22, No. 3-4. 5-25 (20 pp). Electronically available here

Lauglo, J. (2005): Vocationalised Secondary Education Revisited. In: J. Lauglo and R. McLean (eds) Vocationalised Education Revisited, UNESCO-UNEVOC. 3-47 (44 pp).

Alternative forms of schooling (75pp)

Daun, H. and G. Walford (eds.) (2004): Educational Strategies among Muslims in the Context of Globalisation. Some National Case Studies. Leiden: Brill, Chapter 1. (25 pp). Electronically available here

Farrell, J. and A. Hartwell (2008): Planning for successful alternative schooling; a possible route to Education for All. IIEP Research Paper, Quality Education for All. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP. (38 pp). Electronically available here

Hoppers, W. (2011): The Politics of Diversifying Basic Education Delivery; A Comparative Analysis from East Africa. International Journal of Educational Policy. Vol. 26, No. 4. 529-542 (19 pp). Electronically available here

Post-primary and higher education (80pp)

Halsey, A. H. (2006): The European University. In: Lauder, H., P. Brown, J.A. Dillabough, A.H. Halsey (eds). Education, Globalisation and Social Change. Oxford University Press. 854-864 (10 pp).

Hoppers, W. (ed.)(2008): Post-Primary Education in Africa; Challenges and Approaches for Expanding Learning Opportunities. Synthesis prepared for and lessons learned from the ADEA 2008 Biennale on Education in Africa (Maputo, Mozambique, May 5-9, 2008). 35-92 (57 pp). Electronically available here

Levin H. M. and Z. Xu (2006): Issues in the Expansion of Higher Education in the People’s Republic of China. In: Lauder, H., P. Brown, J.A. Dillabough, A. H. Halsey (eds). Education, Globalisation and Social Change. Oxford University Press. 909-922 (13 pp).

Citizenship and attitudes (27pp)

Lauglo, J. (2011): Are more knowledgable adolescents also more rational in their civic attitudes? Analysis on data from 38 countries. Paper prepared for UK Forum for International Education and Training: International Conference on Education and Development, University of Oxford, September. (27 pp).

Published Oct. 11, 2011 4:02 PM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2012 2:28 PM