Scavenger Hunt

On Friday, August 26th, first year students from the three International Master Programmes at the Faculty of Educational Sciences for a Scavanger Hunt around Oslo.

The students were divided into groups and were sent off with a set of tasks to complete while exploring the city of Oslo. This year we updated the hunt and added a hike through Ekebergparken, exploration of a fortress, a boat ride to visit an island. The students also explored some of our favorite stops such as where to buy the best vegetables in town, as well as a number of landmarks of Oslo that can be of use for the students during their stay in Oslo.

To finish the hunt, the students needed to find their way to a local pizza place for dinner provided by the faculty. The students shared their experiences over good food and laughter and were able to rest after a hectic and fun day. Each group was asked to document their day through pictures. We hope that the students enjoyed their day exploring Oslo!

Tags: semesterstart
Published Sep. 5, 2016 1:19 PM - Last modified Sep. 5, 2016 1:22 PM