Syllabus/achievement requirements

Updated May 2019

Unit 1 General introduction: History/ Philosophy of higher education

Clark, Burton: The higher education system:academic organization in cross-national perspectives, 1983. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 315 pp.

Castells, Manuel: Universities as dynamic systems of contradictory functions, 2001. In: Muller, J., Cloete, N. and Badat, S. (eds.) Challenges of Globalisation. South African debates with Manuel Castells. Maskew Miller Longman, Cape Town. pp 206-224.

Maassen, Peter: Higher Education Research: The Hourglass Structure and Its Implications, 2000. In: Teichler et al (eds) Higher Education Research. Its Relationship to Policy and Practice. Pergamon pp. 59-67

Tight, Malcolm: Working in separate silos? What citation patterns reveal about higher education research internationally. Higher Education, Vol. 68(3), pp. 379-395.

Trow, Martin: Reflections on the transition from mass to universal higher education, 1970. Daedalus vol 99. Winter 1970: The Embattled University.

Wells, R., Kolek, E., Williams, E. and Saunders, D. (2015). How We Know What We Know: A Systematic Comparison of Research Methods Employed in Higher Education Journals, 1996-2000 v. 2006-2010. The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 86. No. 2 March/April 2015. 171-198

Wittrock, Bj?rn: The Modern University: Its three transformations, 1993. In: Sheldon, Rothblatt & Wittrock (eds.) The European and American University since 1800, Cambridge. pp 303-362.

Unit 2 Changes in higher education's primary processes

Becher, Tony: The Significance of Disciplinary Differences, 1994. Studies in Higher Education, Vol 19, no 2. pp. 151-161.

Brew, A. Towards a New Model of the Relationship, 2006. In: Brew, A. Research and Teaching. Beyond the Divide. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.17-37.

Coate, K. (2009). Curriculum. In M.Tight et al, Eds, The Routledge International Handbook of Higher Education, pp. 77-90. London: Routledge.

Dam?a, C., Nerland, M., Jensen, K. (in press, to be published June 2017). Enrolment of first-year students in knowledge domains: Unpacking transformative practices in three introductory courses. In E.  Kyndt, V. Donche, K. Trigwell & S. Lindblom-Yl?nne (eds), Higher Education Transitions: Theory and Research, Chapter 18.  Routledge / EARLI book series ‘New perspectives on learning and instruction’.

Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., Marshall, S: Understanding student learning, 2009. In Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., Marshall, S., A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education. Routledge, pp 8-26.

Gale, Trevor & Stephen Parker (2014) Navigating change: a typology of student transition in higher education, Studies in Higher Education, 39:5, 734-753,

Henkel, Mary : Evaluation in Higher Education: conceptual and epistemological foundations., 1998. European Journal of Education, Vol. 33. pp. 285-299.

Nerland, M. (2012). Professions as knowledge cultures. In Jensen, K., Lahn, L., Nerland, M. Professional learning in the knowledge society, pp. 27 – 48. Sense Publishers

Roberts, Pamela (2015) Higher education curriculum orientations and the implications for institutional curriculum change, Teaching in Higher Education, 20:5, 542-555.

Tight, Malcom: I, 2012. Researching Higher Education. Berkshire:SRHE and Open University Press. Chapters 1,4-7, 11.

Xiaoyan Wang, Yelin Su, Stephen Cheung, Eva Wong and Theresa Kwong : An exploration of Biggs’ constructive alignment in course design and its impact on students’ learning approaches, 2013. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 38(4), pages 477-491.

Unit 3 The conditions under which higher education operates

Altbach, Ph. & J. Knight (2007). The Internationalization of Higher Education: Motivations and Realities. Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 11(3/4), pp. 290-305.

Cloete N., Maassen P., Pillay P. (2017) Higher Education and National Development, Meanings and Purposes. In: Shin J., Teixeira P. (eds) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer, Dordrecht

Gornitzka, ?. (1999). Governmental Policies and Organisational Change in Higher Education. Higher Education, Vol. 38. pp. 5-31.

Gornitzka, ?. & P. Maassen (2000). Hybrid Steering Approaches with respect to European Higher Education. Higher Education Policy, Vol. 13. pp. 267-285.

Gumport, P. (2000). Academic Restructuring: Organizational change and institutional imperatives. Higher Education, Vol. 39. pp. 43-66.

Huisman, J., B. Stensaker & B. Kehm (2009). Bologna, Quo vadis? In B. Kehm, J. Huisman & B. Stensaker (eds) The European Higher Education Area: Perspectives on a Moving Target. Rotterdam, Sense Publishers. pp. xiii-xv.

Jongbloed, B. (2000). The Funding of Higher Education in Developing Countries. In B. Jongbloed & H. Teekens (eds.) The Financing of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. pp. 13-43.

Jungblut J., Maassen P. (2017) Types of Higher Education Systems. In: Shin J., Teixeira P. (eds) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer, Dordrecht

Meek, V. L.: Introduction, 2003. In A. Amaral et al. (eds.) The Higher Education Managerial Revolution? Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-29

Musselin, C. (2005). Change or Continuity in Higher Education Governance? Lessons Drawn from Twenty Years of National Reforms in European Countries. In I. Bleiklie & M. Henkel (eds) Governing Knowledge: A Study of Continuity and Change in Higher Education. A Festschrift in Honour of Maurice Kogan. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 65-79.

Slaughter, S. & B. Cantwell (2012). Transatlantic moves to the market: the United States and the European Union. Higher Education, Vol. 63(5), pp. 583-606.

Steinhardt, I. Schneijderberg, C., G?tze, N., Baumann, J., and Krücken, G.(2017). Mapping the quality assurance of teaching and learning in higher education: the emergence of a specialty? Higher Education, Vol. 74(2), pp. 221-237.


Published May 21, 2019 2:25 PM - Last modified July 30, 2019 12:48 PM