Syllabus/achievement requirements

Unit 1 - Governance and Change of Higher Education

Session 1 & 2 - Higher Education Governance and Policy

Gornitzka, ?. M. Kogan and A. Amaral (eds.) : Reform and Change in Higher Education – Analysing Policy Implementation, 2005. Dordrecht: Springer .

Enders, J.M. Jeliazkova, and Peter Maassen (2003): Higher education policy formulation and implementation: framework for case analysis., Paper prepared for the CHER 16th annual conference "Reform and Change in Higher Education: Renewed expectations and improved performance?", Porto, 4-6 September 2003 (20 p.).

Peters, B. Guy (2001). Changing States, Governance, and the Public Service. In: B. Guy Peters: The Future of Governing, Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 2nd Edition, pp. 1-23 (23 p.).

Gornitzka, Kyvik and Bj?rn Stensaker (2005). Implementation Analysis in Higher Education. In: Gornitzka, Kogan and Amaral (eds.): Reform and Change in Higher Education - Analysing Policy Implementation, The Netherlands: Springer, pp. 35-56 (21 p.).

McGuinness, Aims (2005): Changes in Financing and State Policy Related to American Public Research Universities., Paper presented at a seminar on "University Management and Higher Education Policies - Trends, Issues and Prospects" in Tokyo, September 2005, organized by the Center for University Management and Policy Studies, The University of Tokyo and Center for National University Finance and Management, Japan. (29 p.).

Olsen, J.P. and P. Maassen (2007) European debates on the knowledge institution: the modernization of the university at the European level. In: P. Maassen and J.P. Olsen (eds.) University Dynamics and European Integration, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 3-22.

Olsen, J.P. (2007) The Institutional Dynamics of the European University. In: P. Maassen and J.P. Olsen (eds.) University Dynamics and European Integration, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 25-54.

Gornitzka, ?., P. Maassen , J.P. Olsen, and B. Stensaker (2007) “Europe of Knowledge”: Search for a new pact. In: P. Maassen and J.P. Olsen (eds.) University Dynamics and European Integration, Dordrecht: Springer,181-214.

Please read again:

Gornitzka, ?. (1999). Governmental Policies and Organisational Change: Higher Education, Vol. 38, pp. 5-29. Fulltext.

Session 3 - New Public Management and Managerialism in Higher Education

Maassen, Peter (2003). Shifts in governance arrangements: An interpretation of the introduction of new management structures in higher education. In: A. Amaral, L. Meek, and I.M. Larsen (eds.): The Higher Education Managerial Revolution?, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pulbishers, pp. 31-55 (24 p).

Pollitt, C. (1993): Managerialism and the public services. Cuts or cultural change in the 1990s? (2nd edition), Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, Chapter 1: Naming the parts: the content of managerialism, pp. 1-27 (27 p.).

Politt, C. & G. Bouckaert (2000): Public management reform. A comparative analysis, Chapters 1 and 7, pp. 6-23 and 149-171, (39 p.).

Country studies:

Reed, M. I. (2002). New managerialsim, professional power and organisational governance in UK universities: A review and assessment. In: A. Amaral, G. A. Jones, and B. Karseth (eds.): Governing higher education: national perspectives on institutional governance, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 163-186 (23 p.).

Salminen, A. (2003). New Public Management and Finnish Public Sector Organizations: The case of Universitites. In: A. Amaral, V. L. Meek, and I. M. Larsen (eds.): The higher education managerial revolution?, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 55-71, (16 p.).

Session 4 - Governance and quality/performance of HE

Gornitzka, ?, J.C. Smeby, B. Stensaker, and H. de Boer (2004). Contract arrangements in the Nordic countries. Solving the efficiency - effectiveness dilemma?: Higher Education in Europe, Pp. 87-101 (25 p.). Fulltext.

Dill, D.D. (2007) Will Market Competition Assure Academic Quality? An Analysis of the UK and US Experience. In: D.F. Westerheijden, B. Stensaker and M.J. Rosa (eds.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Trends in Regulation, Translation and Transformation. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 47-73.

Stensaker, B. (2007) Quality as Fashion: Exploring the Translation of a Management Idea into Higher Education. In: D.F. Westerheijden, B. Stensaker and M.J. Rosa (eds.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Trends in Regulation, Translation and Transformation. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 99-119

Session 5 - Did we open Pandora's Governance Box?

Cloete, N., P. Maassen, and J. Muller (2005). Great Expectations, Mixed Governance Approaches and Unintended Outcomes: The post-1994 Reform of South African Higher Education. In: Gornitzka, Kogan and Amaral (eds.): Reform and Change in Higher Education - Analysing Policy Implementation., The Netherlands: Springer, pp. 207-226 (19 p.).

Peters, B. Guy (2001). Can we go home again? Where do we go then? In: B. Guy Peters: The Future of Governing (2nd edition), Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, pp. 177-202 (35 p.).

Bovens, Mark, Pault Hart, and Guy B. Peters (eds.): Success and Failure in Public Governance - A comparative analysis, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Chapters 1 and 2 (27 p.).

Unit 2 - Higher Education Management

Amaral, Alberto, Jones Glenn.A.& Karseth Berit (2002): Governing Higher Education: Comparing National Perspectives. In: Governing Higher Education: National Perspectives on Institutional Governance. Kluwer avcademic publishers. 279-298.

Birnbaum, Robert. (1989):How Colleges Work. The Cybernetics of Academic Organizations and Leadership. Jossey-Bass Publisher. 1-29.

Breznitz, S., & Feldman, M (2010): The engaged university. In:The Journal of Technology Transfer. 1-19.Fulltext

Clark, Burton(2003): Sustaining change in universities: Continuities in case studies and concepts. In: Tertiary Education and Management, 9/ 2, 99-116.Fulltext

Clark, Burton(1972): The Organizational Saga in Higher Education. In: Administrative Science Quarterly, 17 (2), 178–184.Fulltext

De Boer, Harry & Goedegebuure, Leo(2009): The Changing Nature of the Academic Deanship. In: Leadership, 5/ 3, 347-364.Fulltext

Gornitzka, ?se & Larsen, I. M.(2004): Higher Education Towards professionalisation? Restructuring of administrative work force in universities. In: Higher Education,47/4,455-471.Fulltext

H?ltt?, Seppo & Karjalainen Kirsi(1997): Cybernetic Institutional Management Theory and Practice. In: Tertiary Education and Management: 3/3, 229-236.Fulltext

Jongbloed Ben & van der Knoop, Han (1999): Budgeting at the Institutional Level. Responding to Internal Presures and External Opportunities. In: Joengbloed Ben, Maassen Peter & Neave Guy: From the Eye of the Storm. Higher Education’s Changing Institution. Kluwer academic publishers, 141-164.

Jongbloed, Ben, Enders, Jurgen & Salerno, Carlos (2008): Higher education and its communities: Interconnections, interdependencies and a research agenda. In: Higher Education, 56, 303-324.Fulltext

Kek?le, Jouni (2003): Academic Leaders as Thermostates. In: Tertiary Education and Management, 9/4, 281-298.Fulltext

Kirkland, John (2010): The Management of University Research. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (eds.): International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition. Elsevier. 316-321.

Krücken, Georg. and Meier, F. (2006): Turning the University into an Organizational Actor. In: Drori, G., Meyer, J., and Hwang, H. (eds.): Globalization and Organization: World Society and Organizational Change. Oxford University Press. 241-257.

Krücken, Georg (2003): Learning the ‘New, New Thing’: On the role of path dependency in university structures. In:Higher Education, 46, 315-339.Fulltext

Kulati, Tembile & Moja, Teboho (2002): Leadership. In: Transformation of Higher Education. Global Pressures and Local Realities in South Africa. Centre of Higher Education Transformation. 230-260.

Laredo, Phillippe (2007): Revisiting the Third Mission of Universities: Toward a Renewed Categorization of University Activities? In: Higher Education Policy, 20, 441-456.Fulltext

Middlehurst, T. Kennie, S. Woodfield. (2010): Leading and Managing the University: Presidents and their Senior Management Team. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (eds.): International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition. Elsevier. 238-244.

Musselin, Christine (2007): Are universities specific organisations? In: Krücken, Georg, Kosmützky, A. and Torka, M. (eds). In:Towards a Multiversity? Universities between global trends and national traditions. Transaction Publishers. 63-84.

McCaffery, Peter (2004):Managing Change. In: McCaffery, P. (ed.):The Higher Education Manager’s Handbook. London, New York: Routledge Falmer. pp. 230-251.

Mignot-Gerard, Stéphanie (2002): “Leadership” and “Governance” in the Analysis of University Organisations: Two Concepts in Need of De-construction. In:Higher Education Management and Policy, 15/ 2, 135-163.Fulltext

Minzberg, Henry (2000): The Professional Bureaucracy. In: Jenniskens, I. (Ed.):Management and Decision-Making in Higher Education Institutions. Lemma Publishers, 171-194.

Reed, Michael, Meek Lynn, & Jones, Glen A. (eds.)(2002): Introduction. In: Governing Higher Education: National Perspectives on Institutional Governance. Kluwer academic publishers. 15-31.

Ritsil?, Jari, Nieminen, Mika, Sotarauta, Markku. & Lahtonen, Jukka (2008): Societal and Economic Engagement of Universities in Finland: An Evaluation Model. In:Higher Education Management and Policy, 20/2, 1-19.Fulltext

Shattock, Michael (2005): European Universities for Entrepreneurship: Their Role in the Europe of Knowledge–The Theoretical Context. In:Higher Education Management and Policy, 17/3, 13-25.Fulltext

Slaughter, Sheila (2010): Research Commercialization. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (eds.):International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition, Elsevier. 300-306.

Taylor, James (2006): Managing the Unmanageable: The Management of Research in Research-intensive Universities. In:Higher education Management and Policy, 18/2, 1-25.Fulltext

Vorley, Tim & Nelles, Jen (2008): (Re) Conceptualising the Academy: Institutional Development of and beyond the Third Mission. In:Higher Education Management and Policy, 20/3, 1-17.Link to fulltext

Watson, David (2008): The university in the modern world: Ten lessons of civic and community engagement. In:Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 3/1, 43-55.Fulltext

Weick, Karl (1976): Educational Organizations as Loosely Coupled Systems. In:Administrative Science Quarterly, 21/1, 1-19.Fulltext

Zechlin, Lothar (2010): Strategic Planning in Higher Education. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (eds.):International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition, Elsevier. 256-263.

Published Oct. 1, 2010 9:52 AM - Last modified May 16, 2011 1:38 PM