Syllabus/achievement requirements

Updated November 2014

HEM4220 Unit 1: Higher Education Governance and Policy

Bovens, M., P. ‘t Hart, and B.G. Peters (eds.): Success and Failure in Public Governance - A comparative analysis, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Chapters 1 and 2 (27 p.).

Braun, D. (2008) Organising the political coordination of knowledge and innovation policies. Science and Public Policy, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 227-239. (12 pages)

Braun, D. (2008) Lessons on the political coordination of knowledge and innovation policies. Science and Public Policy, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 289-298 (10 pages)

Christensen, T. (2011) University Governance Reforms: Potential Problems of More Autonomy? Higher Education, Vol. 62, Number 4, pp. 503-517. (14 pages)           

Dill, D.D. (2007) Will Market Competition Assure Academic Quality? An Analysis of the UK and US Experience. In: D.F. Westerheijden, B. Stensaker and M.J. Rosa (eds.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Trends in Regulation, Translation and Transformation. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 47-73. (26 pages)   

Fumasoli, T., ?. Gornitzka, and P. Maassen (2014). University Autonomy and Organizational Change Dynamics. ARENA working paper 08/2014. Oslo: ARENA/UiO. (26 pages)

Gornitzka, ?. and P. Maassen (2014), ‘Dynamics of convergence and divergence: exploring accounts of higher education policy change’. In: P. Mattei (ed.), University Adaptation in Difficult Economic times, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 13–30.  (17 pages)

Gornitzka, ?., S. Kyvik and B. Stensaker (2005): Implementation Analysis in Higher Education. In: ?. Gornitzka, M. Kogan and A. Amaral (eds.): Reform and Change in Higher Education - Analysing Policy Implementation, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, pp. 35-56 (21 p.).           

Gornitzka, ?., P. Maassen , J.P. Olsen, and B. Stensaker (2007) “Europe of Knowledge”: Search for a new pact. In: P. Maassen and J.P. Olsen (eds.) University Dynamics and European Integration, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 181-214. (33 pages)

Maassen, P. (2011). Universities and the effects of external funding: Sub-Saharan Africa and the Nordic countries. In: A.R. Nelson and I.P. Wei (eds) The Global University- Past, present and future perspectives. Palgrave. pp. 231-254. (23 pages)

Maassen, P., E. Moen and B. Stensaker (2011) - Reforming higher education in the Netherlands and Norway: the role of the state and national modes of governance, Policy Studies, Volume 32, Issue 5, pp. 479-495. (16 pages)         

Maassen, P. and B. Stensaker (2011) The knowledge triangle, European higher education policy logics and policy implications. Higher Education, Vol. 61, pp. 757–769 (13 pages)           

Marginson, S., S. Kaur, and E. Sawir (2011) “Global, Local, National in the Asia-Pacific”. In: S. Marginson, S. Kaur, and E. Sawir (eds.) Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific. Strategic Responses to Globalization. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 3-35. (32 pages)
McGuinness, Aims (2005): Changes in Financing and State Policy Related to American Public Research Universities. Paper presented at a seminar on "University Management and Higher Education Policies - Trends, Issues and Prospects" in Tokyo, September 2005, organized by the Center for University Management and Policy Studies, The University of Tokyo and Center for National University Finance and Management, Japan. (29 p.).    

Olsen, J.P. (2007) The Institutional Dynamics of the European University. In: P. Maassen and J.P. Olsen (eds.) University Dynamics and European Integration, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 25-54. (29 pages)       

Peters, G.B. (2001). The Future of Governing. Second Revised Edition, Chapter 1 & 9, Kansas University Press, pp. 1-22 & 177-201. (45 pages)

Slaughter, S. and B. Cantwell (2012) Transatlantic moves to the market. The United States and the European Union. Higher Education, 63 (5), pp. 583-606. (23 pages)

Stensaker, B. (2007) Quality as Fashion: Exploring the Translation of a Management Idea into Higher Education. In: D.F. Westerheijden, B. Stensaker and M.J. Rosa (eds.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Trends in Regulation, Translation and Transformation. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 99-119 (20 pages)         

Stensaker, B. (2011) Accreditation of Higher Education in Europe – Moving towards the US-Model? Journal of Education Policy, Volume 26, Issue 6. pp. 757-769 (12 pages)       


Antall sider totalt unit 2: 428 pages

HEM 4220 - Unit 2 - Higher Education Management

Astley, G. and van de Ven, A. (1983). Central Perspectives and Debates in Organization Theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28/2, 245-273. 28 pages

Bonaccorsi, A. and Daraio, C. (2007) Universities and Strategic Knowledge Creation: Specialisation and Performance in Europe  (pages 3-20) 17 pages

Brunsson, N., and Sahlin-Andersson, K. (2000). Constructing organizations: The example of the Public Sector Reform. Organization Studies, 21(4), 721-746. 25 pages

Clark, B.R. (2004) Delineating the character of the entrepreneurial university, Higher Education Policy, 17, 355-370.  15 pages

Gioia, D. A., & Thomas, J. B. (1996). Identity, image and issue interpretation: Sensemaking during strategic change in academia. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41, 370–403. 33 pages

Hardy, C. (1991). Configuration and strategy making in universities: Broadening the scope. The Journal of Higher Education, 62, 363–393. 30 pages

Huisman, J., Norg?rd, J. D. , Rasmussen, J., Stensaker, B. (2002) `Alternative' Universities Revisited: A Study of the Distinctiveness of Universities Established in the Spirit of 1968, Tertiary Education and Management, 8(4),  316-332 49 pages

Jongbloed, B. and H. van der Knoop (1999) Budgeting at the Institutional Level. Responding to Internal Pressures and External Opportunities. In: Jongbloed B., Maassen, P. & Neave G. (eds.) From the Eye of the Storm. Higher Education’s Changing Institution. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 141-164. 23 pages

Kezar, A. (2013). Understanding sensemaking/sensegiving in transformational change processes from the bottom up, Higher Education, Volume 65 (6), 761-780. 19 pages

Krücken, G. & Meier, F. (2006): Turning the University into an Organizational Actor. In: Drori, G., Meyer, J., and Hwang, H. (eds.): Globalization and Organization: World Society and Organizational Change, Oxford University Press, 241-257. 16 pages

Lepori, B., Usher, J. and Montauti, M. (2013) Budgetary allocation and organizational characteristics of higher education institutions: a review of existing studies and a framework for future research, Higher Education, 65(1), 59-78 19 pages

Leslie, D. W. (1996). ‘‘Strategic governance’’: The wrong questions? The Review of Higher Education, 20, 101–112. 11 pages

Mintzberg, H. 1979 The Professional Bureaucray. In: Mintzberg The Structuring of Organization. The Theory of Management Policy Series. pp 348-379 31 pages

Musselin, C. (2007). Are universities specific organisations? In: Krücken, G., Kosmützky, A. and Torka, M. (eds) Towards a Multiversity? Universities between global trends and national traditions. Transaction Publishers, 63-84. 21 pages

Navarro, J. R. and F.O. Gallardo (2003) ‘A model of strategic change: Universities and dynamic capabilities’, Higher Education Policy, 16: 199-212. 13 pages

Olsen, J. P. (2009) Change and continuity: an institutional approach to institutions of democratic government, European Political Science Review, 1/1, 3-32 29 pages

Salancik, G.R. and Pfeffer, J. (1974). The bases and use of power in organizational decision making: The case of a university. Administrative Science Quarterly, 19(4), 453–473. 20 pages

Weick, K. (1976): Educational Organizations as Loosely Coupled Systems. Administrative Science Quarterly, 21(1), 1-19. 18 pages

Whitley, R. 2008. Universities as strategic actors: Limitations and variations. In The University in the Market, eds. L. Engwall and D. Weaire,. London: Portland Press. 22–37 15 pages.

Zechlin, L. (2010): Strategic Planning in Higher Education. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition, Elsevier. 256-263. 7 pages.

Antall sider totalt unit 2: 439 pages


Published Dec. 1, 2014 12:37 PM - Last modified Dec. 1, 2014 12:37 PM