
HEM 4230 -Unit 1 Economics of Higher Education

Becker, G. (1964), Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis,with Special Reference to Education, Columbia University press - NBER

Arrow, K.J. (1973) "Higher Education as a Filter", Journal of Public Economics, 2(3) Pp.193-216.Fulltext

Weiss, A. (1995) "Human Capital vs Signalling Explanations Of Wages", Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(4), pp.133-154.Fulltext

Allen, Jacob [2001], Effects of a country’s economic and social context on the rates of return to education: A global meta-analysis, Working Paper, School of Education, Stanford University

Bl?ndal S., S. Field and N. Girouard, "Investment In Human Capital Through Post-Compulsory Education and Training: Selected Efficiency and Equity Aspects" OECD Economics Department Working Paper No. 333.

Psacharopoulos, G & Patrinos, H. A. (2002) Returns to Investment in Education: A Further Update, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2881, September 2002

Fox, M. (1993). "Is it a Good Investment to Attend an Elite Private College?" Economics of Education, 12(2), 137-151.Fulltext

Rumberger, R. W., & Thomas, S. L. (1993). “The Economic Returns to College Major, Quality and Performance: A Multilevel Analysis of Recent Graduates. ” Economics of Education Review, 12(1), 1-19.Fulltext

Teichler, U. (1998) “Research on the Relationships between Higher Education and World of Work: Past Achievements, Problems and New Challenges”, Higher Education 38 (2), 169-190.Fulltext

Brennan, J., Kogan, M. & Teichler, U. (1996) "Higher Education and Work: A Conceptual Framework", pp.1-12, In Brennan, J., Kogan, M. & Teichler, U. (1996) Higher Education and Work, London, Jessica Kingsley (Introduction)

Garcia-Aracil, A. and Van der Velden, R. (2008) Competencies for young European higher education graduates: labor market mismatches and their payoffs. Higher Education, 55. pp. 219-239.

Hartog J., (2000) Overeducation and earnings: where are we, where should we go? The Economics of Education Review 19 2 (2000), pp. 131–147.

Eicher J.C. and Chevaillier T. (2002a) "Rethinking the Financing of Post-Compulsory Education", pp. 69 – 88, Higher Education in Europe Vol 27, N 1-2.Fulltext

Eicher J.C. and Chevaillier T. (2002b) "Higher Education Funding: A Decade of Changes" pp. 89 – 99, Higher Education in Europe Vol 27, N 1-2 .Fulltext

Grubb, W.N. The Roles of Tertiary Colleges and Institutes: Trade-offs in Restructuring Postsecondary Education.Fulltext

Winston, G. (1997), “Why can't a college be more like a firm?” Change, Vol. 29 (5), pp. 32-38.

Barr, N. (1998), Economics of the welfare state, (3rd edition) Oxford: Oxford University Press. chapter 13: Education, pp. 320-361

Jongbloed, B.W.A. & J.J. Vossensteyn (2001), Keeping up Performances: an international survey of performance-based funding in higher education, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 127-145.Fulltext

Teixeira, P.; Dill, Jongbloed & Amaral, (2004), Markets in Higher Education, Dordrecht: Kluwer.

  • “Introduction”, pp.1-12
  • William Massy, “Markets in higher education: Do they promote internal efficiency?”, pp.13-36
  • David Dill & Maarja Soo, “Transparency and Quality in higher education markets”, pp.61-86
  • Ben Jongbloed, “Regulation and competition”, pp.87-112Teixeira, P., Johnstone, B., Rosa, M., Vossensteyn, H. (2006) Cost-Sharing and Accessibility in Higher Education: A Fairer Deal?, Dordrecht: Springer
  • D. Bruce Johnstone, “Cost sharing and cost effectiveness of grants and loan subsidies to higher education”, pp. 51-78
  • Bruce Chapman, “Income related student loans : Concepts, international reforms and administrative challenges”, pp.79-104

OECD (2001) The Well-Being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital , Paris: OECD

Carnoy, M. (2006) “Higher Education and Economic Development: India, China, and the 21st Century”, SCID Working Paper No. 297,Stanford Center for International Development.

Temple, J. & Johnson, P. (1998) "Social Capability and Economic Growth", Quarterly Journal of Economics, August, pp.965-988.Fulltext

Castells, M. (2000) The Rise of the Network Society, Volume I of The Information Age: Economy, society and culture, 2nd Edition, Blackwell, Oxford (pp. 67-147)

Held, D. & A. McGrew (2000). The Global Transformations Reader. An Introduction to the Globalization Debate. Cambridge: Polity Press. Pp. 1-47.Fulltext

World Bank (2002). Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education. Pp. 7-23.Fulltext

Beerkens, E. (2004). Globalisation and Higher Education. Chapter 2 in: Global Opportunities and Institutional Embeddedness; Higher Education Consortia in Europe and Southeast Asia. Enschede: CHEPS. Pp. 7-28 [261-274]

Marginson & van der Wende (forthcoming) Globalisation in Higher Education.. OECD. 75

Gornitzka, ?., Gulbrandsen, M., and Langfeldt, L. Crossing the Borders. In: ?. Gornitzka and L. Langfeld (eds) Borderless Knowledge Understanding the “New” Internationalisation of Research and Higher Education in Norway. Springer. p.171-184.

Maassen, P, and J. P. Olsen (2006) “European Debates on the Knowledge Institution: The Modernization of the University at the European Level. ARENA Working Paper:

Corbett, Anne (2003) Ideas, Institutions and Policy Entrepreneurs: towards a new history of higher education in the European Community. European Journal of Education 38 (3), 315–330.Fulltext

Olsen, J.P. (2002) The many faces of Europeanization. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 40, pp. 921-952.Fulltext

Gornitzka, ?se (2007) The Lisbon Process: A Supranational Policy Perspective. Institutionalizing the Open Method of Coordination. In: P. Maassen and JP Olsen (eds). University Dynamics and European Integration. Springer: 155-178.

Henry Etzkowitz, Andrew Webster, Christiane Gebhardt, Branca Regina Cantisano Terra (2000) The future of the university and the university of the future: evolution of ivory tower to entrepreneurial paradigm. Research Policy 29 p.313–330.Fulltext

Maassen, P., A. Vab? and B. Stensaker (2008) Translation of Globalisation and Regionalisation in the Nordic Cooperation in Higher Education. In: ?. Gornitzka and L. Langfeld (eds) Borderless Knowledge Understanding the “New” Internationalisation of Research and Higher Education in Norway. Springer. p. 125-140.

Cloete, N. et al. (2005) Multilateral and bilateral efforts to contribute to higher education in Africa. Cape Town: CHET, pp. 1-30,

World Bank (2002). Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education. Pp. 7-23.

AnnaLee Saxenian (2005) From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation: Transnational Communities and Regional Upgrading in India and China. Studies in Comparative International Development, Summer 2005, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 35-61.Fulltext

Devesh Kapur and John McHale. The Global Migration of Talent: What Does it Mean for Developing Countries? CGD Brief October 2005.

Garrett, R. & L. Verbik (2004). Transnational higher education: major markets and emerging trends. In: Mapping borderless higher education: policy, markets and competition. The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education. Pp. 319-371

Further Reading: Beck, U. (2000a). What is globalization? Cambridge, MA: Polity.Fulltext

Castells, Manuel and Pekko Himanen (2002) The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Fulltext

Currie, J., R. DeAngelis, et al. (2003) Globalizing practices and university responses : European and Anglo-American differences. Westport, Connectitut; London, praeger.Fulltext

Corbett, Anne (2005). Universities and the Europe of Knowledge Ideas, Institutions and Policy Entrepreneurship in European Union Higher Education 1955-2005. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Drori, G. S., Meyer, J. W., Ramirez, F. O., & Schofer, E. (2003). Science in the Modern World Polity: Institutionalization and Globalization. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Chapter 1 and 2.Fulltext

European Commission (2005). Mobilising the brainpower of Europe: enabling universities to make their full contribution to the Lisbon Strategy.

European Commission (2005). Progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training.

Guillen, M.F. (2001). Is Globalization Civilizing, Destructive or Feeble? A Critique of Five Key Debates in the Social Science Literature. In: Annual Review of Sociology, No. 27, pp. 235-260.Fulltext

Habermas, J. (1996). The European nation-state: Its achievements and its limits. On the past and future of sovereignty and citizenship. In G. Balakrishnan (Ed.), Mapping the nation. London: Verso.Fulltext

Hoogvelt, A. (1998). Globalisation and the post-colonial world: The new political economy of development. London: Macmillan.

Kwiek, M. (2004).The Emergent European Educational Policies Under Scrutiny. The Bologna Process from a Central European Perspective. In: Voldemar Tomusk (ed.), The Bologna Process - Voices from the Peripheries, Kluwer, 2004)

Marginson, Simon and Erlenawati Sawir (2006). University Leaders’ Strategies in the Global Environment: A Comparative Study of Universitas Indonesia and the Australian National University. Higher Education, 52(2), 343-373.

Maassen, P. & N. Cloete (2002). Global Reform Trends in Higher Education. In: Cloete et al (edit). Transformation in Higher Education. Global Pressures and Local Realities in South Africa. CHET. Pp. 13-32

Mazzarol, T & G.N. Soutar (2001) The global market for higher education. Sustainable competitive strategies for the new millennium. Edward Elgar Publishers.

Neave, G. (2003). The Bologna Declaration: Some of the Historic Dilemmas Posed by the Reconstruction of the Community in Europe's Systems of Higher Education. In: Educational Policy, Vol. 17 No.1, pp. 141-164.Fulltext

Nowotny, H. Peter Scott, and Michael Gibbons (2001). Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty. London: Polity Press. Pp 1-21, 66-96.Fulltext

Nowotny, Helga, Michael Gibbons, Peter Scott (2003) Mode 2 Revisited: The New Production of Knowledge. Minerva, 41(3) 179-194.Fulltext

OECD (2004). Internationalisation and trade in higher education – Opportunities and Challenges. Chapter 5 & 6.Fulltext

Olson, J.P. (2005) The institutional dynamics of the (European) Universities. ARENA Working Paper.

Rip, Arie (2004). Strategic Research, Post-modern Universities and Research Training. Higher Education Policy, 17(2), 153–166.

Schofer, Evan; John W. Meyer (2005). The Worldwide Expansion of Higher Education in the Twentieth Century. American Sociological Review 70(6) 898-920.Fulltext

Slaughter, S. and L.L. Leslie (1997). Academic Science and Technology in the Global Marketplace. In: Academic Capitalism: Politics, Policies and the Entrepreneurial University. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Stehr, Nico (1994). Knowledge Societies. London: Sage. Chapter 1. Stiglitz, J. E. (2002). Globalization and its discontents. Pp. 3-23. New York: Norton & Co.

Urry, J. (ed.) (2000) Millennium Special. Special Issue of British Journal of Sociology, 51(1). (Castells, Beck, Urry, Wallerstein, Sassen, Featherstone).Fulltext

Vaira, Massimiliano (2004). Globalization and higher education organizational change: a framework for analysis. Higher Education, 48(4) 483-510.2Fulltext

Vught, Frans van (2006) A supranational European university policy? An analysis of the European Union’s higher education and research policies. Working Paper.

Vught, van F. A, M.C. van der Wende & D.F. Westerheijden (2002). Globalisation and Internationalisation. Policy Agendas Compared. In: Higher Education in a Globalizing World. International Trends and Mutual Observations. J. Enders & O. Fulton (eds.) Dordrecht: Kluwer. Pp.103.- 121.

Wende, M.C. van der (2001). Internationalisation Policies: About New Trends and Contrasting Paradigms. Higher Education Policy, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 249-259.Link to fulltext

Wende, M.C. van der (2003). Globalisation and Access to Higher Education. In: Journal for Studies in International Education. Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 193-206.Fulltext

Wende, M.C. van der & R. Middlehurst (2004). Cross-border post-secondary education: Regional case study on Europe. In: Internationalisation and trade in higher education – Opportunities and Challenges. Paris: OECD/CERI, pp. 87-137.

Published Apr. 9, 2010 10:14 AM - Last modified May 16, 2011 4:04 PM