Syllabus/achievement requirements

Updated May 2014

Unit 1 Higher Education Economics

Asian Development Bank : Moving Towards Knowledge-Based Economies: Asian Experiences, A Technical note, 2007. Manila: Asian Development Bank. pp. 1-57.

Chen, D and Dahlman, C : The Knowledge Economy, the KAM Methodology and World Bank Operations, 2005. World Bank Institute Working Paper No. 37256. pp. 1-42.

Scott, Peter: The Knowledge Society and the Production of Knowledge., 2004. Industry and Higher Education, Vol. 18 (5). pp. 293-298.

Pillay, Pundy: Higher Education and Economic Development: A literature review, 2010a. Cape Town; Centre for Higher Education Transformation.. pp. 1-63.

Pillay, Pundy: Linking Higher Education and Economic Development: Implications for Africa from three successful systems. , 2010a. Cape Town; Centre for Higher Education Transformation. pp. 1-42.

Fonkeng, George E and Ntembe, Augustine N: Higher education and economic development in Africa: case of Cameron, 2009. Education Research Review 4 (5). pp. 231-246.

Goddard, John and Puukka, Jaana: The engagement of higher education institutions in regional development: an overview of the opportunities and challenges. , 2008. Higher Education and Management Policy, 20 (2). pp. 3-32.

Unit 2 Globalization, internationalization and the knowledge society

Knowledge Society/Economy:

Altbach, P. (2013) Advancing the national and global knowledge economy: the role of research universities in developing countries, Studies in Higher Education,38 (3) 316-330. (14 pages)

Castells, M. (2000) The Rise of the Network Society, Volume I of The Information Age: Economy, society and culture. 2nd Edition, Blackwell, Oxford (pp. 67-147) (80 pages)

Peters, M. (2011). Three forms of the knowledge economy: learning, creativity and openness. In: King, R., Marginson, S., and Naidoo, R. Handbook on Globalization and Higher education. (pp.76-94) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (18 pages)

Powell, W. and Snellman. K. (2004). The Knowledge Economy. Annual Review of Sociology 30:199–220. (21 pages)

Globalization and Internationalization:

Gornitzka, ?, Gulbrandsen, M. and Langfeldt, L. (2008) Crossing the borders. Changing patterns and forces of internationalization. In Gornitzka, ?, and Langfeldt, L. (Eds). Borderless Knowledge. Understanding the “New” internationalization of research and higher education in Norway. Springer pp. 203-218 (13 pages)

Knight, J. (2012). Concepts, Rationales, and Interpretive frameworks in the internationalization of higher education. In: Deardorff, D. K., Wit, H. D., Heyl, J. D., & Adams, T. (Eds.). The SAGE handbook of international higher education. (pp.27-43) Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications (16 pages)

Maassen, P., A. Vab? and B. Stensaker (2008). Translation of Globalisation and Regionalisation in the Nordic Cooperation in Higher Education. Pp149-165. (16 pages)

Rumbley, L., Altbach, P. and  Reisberg, L. (2012) Internationalization within the Higher Education Context. In: Deardorff, D. K., Wit, H. D., Heyl, J. D., & Adams, T. (Eds.). The SAGE handbook of international higher education. (pp.3-26) Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications (23 pages)

Regional integration:

Gornitzka, ?se (2007) The Lisbon Process: A Supranational Policy Perspective. Institutionalizing the Open Method of Coordination. In: P. Maassen and JP Olsen (eds). University Dynamics and European Integration. Springer: 155-178. (23 pages)

Neave, Guy and Peter Maassen (2007) The Bologna Process: An Intergovernmental Policy Perspective. In: P. Maassen and JP Olsen (eds). University Dynamics and European Integration. Springer: 135-153 (18 pages)

Vogtle, E. and Martens, K. (2014) The Bologna process as a templace for transntational policy coordination. Policy Studies. P.1-16 (16 pages)

International organizations and HE

Lebeau, Y. and Sall, E. (2011). Global institutions, higher education and development. In: King, R., Marginson, S., and Naidoo, R. Handbook on Globalization and Higher education. (pp. 129-147) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (18 pages)

Van der Wende, M. (2011). Global institutions: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In: King, R., Marginson, S., and Naidoo, R. Handbook on Globalization and Higher education. (Pp.95-113) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. (18 pages)

International Student Mobility and brain drain

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2011) Student mobilities, migration and the internationalization of higher education. London: Palgrave. Chapter 2, pp. 22-44 (22 pages)

Kritz, M. (2013) International student mobility and tertiary education capacity in Africa. International migration. Pp1-21 (21 pages)

Hawthorne, L. (2012). Designer Immigrants? International Students and Two-Step Migration In: Deardorff, D. K., Wit, H. D., Heyl, J. D., & Adams, T. (Eds.). (2012). The SAGE handbook of international higher education. (pp.417-437) Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications (20 pages)

Saxenian, A. (2005) From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation: Transnational Communities and Regional Upgrading in India and China. Studies in Comparative International Development, 40( 2) pp. 35-61. (26 pages)

Wiers-Jenssen, J. (2013) Degree Mobility from the Nordic Countries: Background and Employability. Journal of Studies in International Education 17(4) 471–491 (20 pages)

Ziguras, C. and  McBurnie, G. (2011). International Student Mobility in the Asia-Pacific: From Globalization to Regional Integration? In: Marginson et al. (eds.), Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific (pp.123-140). Springer (17 pages)

Current Educational Trends

Education hubs (branch campuses)

Knight, J. (2013) Education hubs: international, regional and local dimensions of scale and scope. Comparative Education 49(3) 374-387 (13 pages)

Burgess, P. and Berquist, B. (2012). Cross-Border Delivery: Projects, Programs, and Providers. In:  Deardorff, D. K., Wit, H. D., Heyl, J. D., & Adams, T. (Eds.). The SAGE handbook of international higher education. (pp. 325- 342) Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications (18 pages)


Yuan, L. and Powell, S. (2013) MOOCs and Open Education: Implications for Higher Education. White paper. (21 pages)

Published June 27, 2014 12:06 PM