Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd. Kapittel 5-9
Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 5 – The Social Life of Education Data Science: Learning analytics, educational data mining and metrological platforms. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.)
- Hva refererer “education data science” til, if?lge Williamson (2017)?
- Williamson (2017, s. 115) stiller sp?rsm?let “who owns big data”? Hvilke svar gis p? dette i teksten? P? hvilken m?te problematiseres svaret?
Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 6 – The CompPsy Complex: Non-cognitive learning, psychological enhancement and behaviour change. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.)
- Hva handler “biopolitics” om, if?lge Williamson (2017, s. 125-126)?
- Williamson (2017) problematiserer en “therapeutic trend in education”. Hva g?r “the therapeutic trend in education” ut p? og p? hvilke m?ter problematiserer han dette?
- Kapittel 6 har som tittel: “The CompPsy Complex”. Hva betyr “CompPsy Complex”, if?lge Williamson (2017)? P? hvilke m?ter kan “The CompPsy Complex” p?virke det som foreg?r i skoler, if?lge Williamson (2017, s. 130-148)?
Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 7 – Rewiring Brains: Artificial intelligence, cognitive systems and neuroeducation. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.)
- Hva er fokuset i dette kapittelet?
- Hva er ambisjonen til IBM og Pearson, knyttet til “neurocomputational technologies” i utdanning, if?lge Williamson (2017)?
- P? hvilke m?ter kan IMBs og Persons prosjekter for utdanning bli kritisert, if?lge Williamson (2017)?
Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 8 – Making and Coding Cultures: Digital citizens, DIY makers and apprentice data analysts. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.)
- Hvordan defineres konstruktivisme og i hvilken sammenheng henvises det til i dette kapittelet?
- Hvordan forst?s “the maker movement” i kapittelet?
- Hva slags “political discourse” har blitt knyttet til koding, if?lge Williamson (2017)?
Williamson, B. (2017). Chapter 9 - Conclusion: Programmable public pedagogies of software and bid data. (In Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education?: The Digital Future of Learning, Policy and Practice. SAGE Publications Ltd.)
- Hva g?r “public pedagogy” ut p? og hva er eksempler p? “public pedagogy”, if?lge Williamson (2017)?
- Williamson (2017, s. 201) skriver: “we are now living in a period of personalized political learning”. Hva mener han med det?