
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
05.09.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus? Introduction, goal image and learning needs? It is compulsory to attend the first lecture.?
12.09.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? PC-rom 241 Helga Engs hus? Technologybased learning in organisations. Introduction to Mohive, an e-learning tool.? NB: The time of the lecture has been changed to 15.15-17.00?
19.09.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus? Learning, contexts and organisation.? Presentation of Requirement.

Literature: Lave and Wenger?

26.09.2007? ? ? No lesson this week?
03.10.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus ? Learning paradigms: Acquisition or participation?? Literature: Koschman, Sfard?
10.10.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? ? Visit at WW headquarters at Lysaker ? Tentative date ?
17.10.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus? Learning design. Didactical analysis.? Requirement Milestone 1. Draft delivery, with acceptance.

Literature: Schank, part 2 and 4?

24.10.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus ? E-learning technology.? Literature: Schank, part 1?
31.10.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus ? The role of an OD manager in a larger corporation.? Literature: Nordhaug, chapter 1,2,3 and 14?
07.11.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus ? Implementation. Changing a large organisation.? Literature: Nordhaug, chapter 12 Orlikowski?
14.11.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus ? Requirement Milestone 2: Peer evaluation.? ?
21.11.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? PC-rom 035, Harriet Holters hus? Requirement Deadline.? ?
28.11.2007Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminarrom 234 Helga Engs hus ? Evaluation.? ?
Publisert 27. apr. 2007 12:21 - Sist endret 16. nov. 2007 09:59