
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
06.02.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus? Introduction, goal image and learning needs? It is compulsory to attend the first lecture.?
13.02.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Rom 241, Helga Engs hus? E-learning technology, practical training? Literature: Schank part 1?
20.02.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? Didactical analysis ? Literature: Schank part 2 and 4?
27.02.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? ? Cancelled?
05.03.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? Learning design workshop ? ?
12.03.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? Learning: Acquisition or participation? Technology based learning: Learning paradigms? Literature: Sfard. Koschman?
26.03.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? Learning, contexts and organisation? Literature: Lave og Wenger?
02.04.2008Anette Bordewick, Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? ICA head quarter, Sinsenveien 45? The role of an OD manager a larger corporation? Literature: Nordhaug chapter 1, 2, 3 and 14?
09.04.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? Changing a large organisation? Literature: Nordhaug chapter 12?
16.04.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? PC rom 241, Helga Engs hus? Implementation and resistance? Literature: Orlikowski. Nordhaug chapter 12. ?
23.04.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? Branding by learning? Literature: Nordhaug chapter 8?
30.04.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? Practical work on Mohive, prepare for exam? ?
07.05.2008Lasse Hamre og Trude Haram Fr?lich ? Seminar room U30, Helga Engs hus ? Evaluation? Literature: Schank part 4?
Published Nov. 15, 2007 4:02 PM - Last modified Apr. 9, 2008 12:31 PM