
Published Nov. 24, 2015 8:06 AM

You can find your candidate number for the exam paper in PED2130 in your StudentWeb. Do not write your name or student number on the paper, only your candidate number.

The folder for submission in Fronter is open. In addition to uploading your paper, you must also remember to upload the obligatory declaration in the right folder, within the deadline.

Published Oct. 30, 2015 8:01 AM

The results are now registered. You can find your result in StudentWeb.

Published Aug. 14, 2015 11:25 AM

See if you are granted admission in StudentWeb.

The course is now full.

Remember to meet for the first lecture (mandatory attendance).

Published June 16, 2015 10:20 AM

There are still places available in this course, and applicants may enlist in StudentWeb from June 17.

Published May 22, 2015 9:49 AM

It is required that all students attend the first lecture/seminar. Those who fail to show up will lose their place in the course.

Students who are ill or otherwise prevented from attending, must contact the study administration of the course in advance. See contact information on the semester page.