Exam Regulations at the Institute for Educational Research (PFI), University of Oslo - Bachelor courses

Regulations for when you are not able to hand in your home assignments or attend exams:

Home assignments:
If you are ill during the last 14 days prior to the deadline of a home assignment, you may be able to obtain an extension if you present documentation from your doctor. The documentation must include which period you have been ill; what date the illness started and when you are expected to recover. It must be issued on the date of the deadline or prior to this. This is vital in order to determine the new deadline.

The documentation must be delivered to the administrative person in charge of the course - not the professor (but we recommend that you inform your professor by e-mail).

The note must be delivered within 3 days after the deadline either by postal mail or handed to the PFI reception. In order for PFI to provide a quick reply it is important to include with the documentation what course it is issued for.

School exam:
If you fall ill on the date of a school exam you must present documentation no later than 3 days after the exam date. The documentation is to be presented to the exam administrator, whose office is situated at the Faculty of Education.

If you fail to meet a given deadline for a home assignment or do not attend an exam that you have registered for, you will have failed the course. A student can normally attend an exam no more than three times for each course. Unless the student withdraws from the exam within the announced deadline, it will count as one exam attempt. The deadline for withdrawal is usually 2 weeks preceding the exam date.

Withdrawal of exam registration is done in the StudentWeb.

Unless otherwise stated, grades will be announced within 3 weeks after the exam/deadline.

Regulations for written and oral examinations

As a student you are entitled to receive an explanation of the grade given for each exam. The request should be directed to the study administration no later than three weeks after the grades have been published. The examiner is entitled to decide whether the explanation will be provided in written or oral form. The student should receive the explanation within two weeks after the request has been filed.

If you request an explanation of your grade from an oral exam, the request must be made immediately after you have been given the exam results.

In order to request an explanation, you must fill out this form and give it to the UV student information.

Requesting an explanation is the first step in making a formal complaint/ appeal of the grade. However, a request does not lead to a formal complaint/appeal. If, after receiving an explanation of your grade, you are not satisfied, you can lodge a formal complaint/appeal.

Appeals against written exam results should be presented no later than three weeks after the grades have been published. The exam appeal is treated by two new examiners. The new examiners are entitled to grant a new grade. This grade can either be the same, worse or better than your previous mark. You can not appeal the new grade.

There are some grades that you cannot file a complaint about. Oral and practical exams cannot be reevaluated and thus grades in these exams cannot be appealed against.

In order to make an appeal against your exam result, you must fill out this form (lenk til engelsk klageskjema) and give it to the UV student information.

Suspicion of fraud
If the examiner/ censor suspects fraud in connection with an exam, the institute will withhold the grade and inform the faculty. The student will receive a letter from the faculty inviting the student for a meeting, and presenting the rules and regulations concerning cases of suspected fraud.

Based on the conclusions of the meeting between the student and the faculty, the faculty will either conclude that the case is not one of attempted fraud and the grade will be granted according to ordinary procedures, or conclude that it might be a case of attempted fraud and the case will be passed on to the University Appeal Committee.

If the University Appeal Committee concludes that it is a case of attempted fraud, the consequence for the student might be for example a failed exam, expulsion from the University for a period of time etc.

More information concerning exam regulations are found in the course descriptions of each course.