
Oppdatert mai 2015


Litteratur for delemne L?replan og utdanningsreformer


Au, Wayne (2011). Teaching under the new Taylorism: High-stakes testing and the standardization of the 21st century curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43(1), 25-45. (20 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Engelsen, B.U. (2009). Et forskningsblikk p? skoleierne i implementeringen av kunnskapsl?ftet og LK 06. I: Dale, E.L. (red.). L?replan: Et forskningsperspektiv. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. s. 62-109. (47 sider)

Ensor, P. (2004). Contesting Discourses in Higher Education Curriculum Restructuring in South Africa, Higher Education, 48, 339-359. (20 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Grek, S., Lawn, M., Lingard, B., Ozga, J., Rinne., Segerholm, C. & Simola, H. (2009). National policy brokering and the Construction of the European Education Space in England, Sweden, Finland and Scotland. Comaparative Education. 45(1), 5-21. (16 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Gundem, B.B. (1992b). Notes on the Development of Nordic Didactis. Curriculum Studies, 24(1), 61-70. (9 sider)

Hopmann, S.T. (1999). The curriculum as a Standard of Public Education. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 18, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherland, 89-105. (16 sider)

Hopmann, S.T. (2008). No child, no school, no state left behind: schooling in the age of accountability. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 40(4), 417-456. (39 sider) Elektronisk versjon

H?st og Hovdhaugen (2013). Kapittel 4. Ny struktur - tradisjonelle m?nstre. Kunnskapsl?ftets endringer i et historisk perspektiv. I Karseth, M?ller og Aasen (red.) (2013): Reformtakter. Om fornyelse og stabilitet i grunnoppl?ringen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 4. (19 sider)

Karseth og Engelsen (2013). Kapittel 3. L?replanen for Kunnskapsl?ftet: Velkjente track og nye spor. I Karseth, M?ller og Aasen (red.) (2013): Reformtakter. Om fornyelse og stabilitet i grunnoppl?ringen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, kapittel 3. (14 sider)

Karseth, B. & Sivesind, K. (2009). L?replanstudier - perspektiver og posisjoner. I: Dale, E.L. (red.). L?replan: Et forskningsperspektiv. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 23-52. (29 sider)

Levin, B. (2008). Curriculum policy and the politics of what should be learned in schools. In Connelly, M.F. (ed). The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction. Toronto: Sage, pp. 7-24. (17 sider) Elektronisk versjon

McEneaney, Elizabeth H. (2003). The Worldwide Cachet of Scientific Literacy. Comparative Education Review, 47(2), 217-237. doi: 10.1086/376539 s. 217-237. (20 sider)

M?ller, Pr?itz, Rye og Aasen (2013). Kunnskapsl?ftet som styringsform. I: Karseth, M?ller og Aasen (red) (2013): Reformtakter. Om fornyelse og stabilitet i grunnoppl?ringen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, kapittel 2. (17 sider)

Nespor, J. (2002). Neworks and contexts of reform. Journal of educational change 3(3-4), 365–382. (17sider) Elektronisk versjon

Ottesen, E. (2013).Grunnleggende ferdigheter og individuell vurdering - mellom regulering og profesjonsmakt. I: Karseth, M?ller og Aasen (red.) (2013): Reformtakter. Om fornyelse og stabilitet i grunnoppl?ringen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, kapittel 7. (14 sider)

Pinar, W.F. (2008). Crisis, reconceptualization, internationalization: US curriculum theory since 1950. Presented in Shanghai. (28 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Sockett, H. (2008). The moral and epistemic purposes of teacher education. In: M. Cochran-Smith, S. Feiman-Nemser & D.J. McIntyre (eds.). Handbook of Research on Teacher Education. New York: Routledge, pp.45-65. (20 sider)

Spillane, J og Burch, P. (2006). The institutional Environment and Instructional Practice: Changing Patterns of Guidance and Control in Public Education. In: H-D. Meyer og B.Rowan (eds.). The New Institutionalism in Education. New York: Suny, pp. 87-102. (15 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Sundberg, D. and Wahlstr?m, N. (2012). "Standards-based Curricula in a Denationalised Conception of Education: the case of Sweden". European Educational Research Journal 11(3), 342-356. (14 sider)  Elektronisk versjon

Telhaug, A. O., Medi?s, O. A. and Aasen, P. (2006). The Nordic Model in Education: Education as part of the political system in the last 50 years. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 50(3), 245-283. (38 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Yates, L. (2009). From curriculum to pedagogy and back again: knowledge, the person and the changing world. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 17(1), 17-28. doi: 10.1080/14681360902742837. (11 sider)

Young, M. (2010). Alternative Edaucational Futures for a Knowledge Society. European Educational Research Journal, 9(1), 1-12. (11 sider)

Til sammen ca. 441 sider

Litteratur for delemne Approaches to studies for Teaching and Learning

Alexander, R. (2008). Essays on pedagogy. London: Routledge. (212 sider)

Dale, E. L. (2008): Fellesskolen – reproduksjon av sosial ulikhet. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk forlag, kapittel 12, s. 249-276. (27 sider)

Davis, H. A. (2003). Conceptualizing the role and influence of student-teacher relationshipson children’s social and cognitive development. Educational Psychologist, 38(4), 207-234. (23 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Engelsen, B.U. (2015). Skolefag i l?replan-reformer 1939-2013. Oslo: Gyldendal. Kapittel 1-10. (137 sider)

Huizinga, T., Handelzalts, A., Nieveen, N., & Voogt, J. M. (2013). Teacher involvement in curriculum design: need for support to enhance teachers’ design expertise. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(1), 33-57. doi: 10.1080/00220272.2013.834077. (24 sider)

Kerchner, Charles Taylor & ?zerk, Kamil (2014). Teaching language minority students in Oslo and Los Angeles-A metropolitan perspective nr 1. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education.  ISSN 1307-9298.  6(2), s 315- 331. (16 sider)

?zerk, Kamil & Kerchner, Charles Taylor (2014). Diversity and Educational Challenges in Oslo and Los Angeles - A Metropolitan Perspective nr 2. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education.  ISSN 1307-9298.  6(3), s 441- 462 (21 s)

Pomeroy, E. (1999). The teacher-student relationship in secondary school: insight from excluded students. British Journal of sociology of education, 20, 465-482. (17 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Reeve, J. (2009). Why teachers adopt a controlling motivationg style toward students and how they can become more autonomy supportive. Educational Psychologist, 44, 159-175. (26 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Sahlstr?m, F. (2008). Fr?n l?rare till elever, fr?n undervisning til l?rande - utveklingslinjer i svensk, nordisk och internationell klassromsforskning. 9, 8-71. (63 sider)

Turner, J. C. & Meyer, D.K. (2000). Studying and understanding the instructional contexts of classrooms: Using our past to forge our future. Educational Psychologist, 35, 69-85. (16 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Til sammen 424 sider

Litteratur for delemne Utdanningshistorie og samfunnskonteksten

Biesta, G. (2009). Good education in an age of measurement: on the need to reconnect with the question of purpose in education. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (formerly: Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education), 21(1), 33-46. doi: 10.1007/s11092-008-9064-9. (13 sider)

Dale, E.L. (2008). Fellesskolen – reproduksjon av sosial ulikhet. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk forlag, kapittel 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14 og 15. (130 sider)

Dembour, M.-B. (2010). What Are Human Rights? Four Schools of Thought. Human Rights Quarterly, 32(1), pp. 1-20. (19 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Englund, T. (2010). The Potential of Education for Creating Mutual Trust: Schools as sites for deliberation. Educational Philosophy and Theory. (13 sider)
Elektronisk versjon

Fredriksson, A. (2009). On the Consequences of the Marketisation of Public Education in Sweden: for-profit charter schools and the emergence of the ‘market-oriented teacher’.  European Educational Research Journal, 8(2), 299-310. (11 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Laberee, D. (2009). Educational Formalism and the Language of Goals in American Education, Educational Reform, and Educational History. In: P. Smeyers, M. Depaepe (eds.). Educational Research: Proofs, Arguments, and Other Reasonings, pp.41-60. (20 sider)

Lauglo, J. (1995). Populism and Education in Norway. Comparative Education Review, 39(3), 255-279. doi: 10.2307/1188908. (24 sider)

Popkewitz, T.S. (2009). Curriculum study, curriculum history, and curriculum theory: the reason of reason. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(3), 301-319 . (18 sider). Elektronisk versjon

Steiner-Khamsi, G. (2013). What is Wrong with the ‘What-Went-Right’ Approach in Educational Policy? European Educational Research Journal, 12(1). S 20-33. (13 sider)

Thuen, H. (2010). Skolen – et liberalistisk prosjekt? 1860- 2010. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, 94(4), 273- 287. (15 sider) Elektronisk versjon

Wiborg, S. (2004). Education and Social Integration: A Comparative Study of the Comprehensive School System in Scandinavia. London Review of Education, 2(2), 83-93. doi: 10.1080/1474846042000229430. (10 sider)

Wiborg, S. (2010). Why is there no comprehensive education in Germany? A historical explanation. History of Education, 39(4), 539-556. S 539-556 doi: 10.1080/00467601003685733. (17 sider)

Til sammen 440 sider

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Publisert 11. mai 2015 17:06 - Sist endret 11. mai 2015 17:13