RSNE4900 – Master's thesis in Research in Special Needs Education

Course content

The RSNE master's thesis is a scientific work relevant to the field of special education and inclusion. The work includes planning and implementing a research project, and reporting on this through a thesis in which the student shows insight into current research, theory and methods of relevance to the thesis.?

The task must be developed as an independent research project, although it can be related to the current research at the Department of Special Needs Education. The project can be either an empirical study or theoretical research. The thesis can also be linked to professional development project and / or an evaluation project.??

Learning outcome


After completing the course, you should have gained:??

  • knowledge about planning and implementing a rigorous and theoretically sound research project?

  • knowledge about ethical, sustainable, compassionate and inclusive research processes?


After completing the course, you should be able to:??

  • carry out an independent research work in the form of a thesis.?

General competence???

After completing the course, you should have gained:??

  • competence in making a critical assessment of quality, validity, reflexivity, and relevance of research works.?

  • competence in formulating a relevant and original research question and designing the best methodological approach?

Admission to the course

Requires admission to the master’s programme in Research in Special Needs Education.

Formal prerequisite knowledge

RSNE4001, RSNE4002, RSNE4011, RSNE4012, RSNE4013 and elective courses (30 ects).


The teaching consists of lectures and supervision. Some of the teaching takes place in the 2nd semester of the master's programme.

Compulsory activities:?

  • Research application

  • Research proposal

  • Course in privacy protection

  • Attendance at compulsory lectures

The assignment of supervisors is based on the project application. The project description must be passed in order to proceed with supervision.?The compulsory activities must be completed and approved before you are allowed to submit the thesis.?

Refer to the guidelines for attendance in compulsory teaching sessions.


The exam is the submission of the master's Thesis.?

Individual submission. The master’s thesis can be submitted as a monograph or an article based thesis.?

Refer to information about master's thesis in Research in Special Needs Education.?

Language of examination

English or Scandinavian.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about?the grading system.

Resit an examination

A master's thesis graded F (failed) may be resubmitted once as a revised attempt. A revised thesis cannot be submitted later than one year after the first attempt. Supervision is not offered for the second attempt.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 22, 2025 9:23:29 AM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Teaching language