
SNE3120 Obligatory reading: ca 220 p.

Befring, Edvard. (2001). The Enrichment Perspective. A Special Educational Approach to an Inclusive School. In B. H. Johnsen & M. D. Skj?rten, (eds.). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction(pp. 49 – 64). Oslo, Unipub. 15p.

Berfring, Edvard. (2005). The Child Welfare Service in Norway – Perspectives and Challenges. In B. H. Johnsen (ed.). Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 131 – 168) Oslo, Unipub - Oslo Academic Press. 37 p.

Dalen, Monica. (1982). Focus on co-teaching as a special educational provision. Gran?sen, National post-graduate college of special education.21p.

Eklindh, Kenneth & Brule-Balescut, Jill Van den. (2006). The Right to Education for Persons with Disabilities: Reflecting on UNESCO’s Role from Salamanca to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In H. Savolainen, M. Matero & H. Kokkala (eds.). When All Means All: Experiences in Three African Countries with EFA and Children with Disabilities (19-38). Helsinki: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Development Policy Information Unit. 19 p.

Engebretsen, Eivind & Johnsen, Berit H. (2005). The Child’s Voice. In B. H. Johnsen (ed.). Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 169-188) Oslo, Unipub - Oslo Academic Press. 19 p.

Flem, Annlaug, Moen, Torill & Gu?mundsdottir, Sigrun.(2005). An Empirical Study of How to Put Inclusive Education into Practice. In B. H. Johnsen (ed.). Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 323 – 344) Oslo, Unipub - Oslo Academic Press. 21 p.

Johnsen, Berit H. (2001). Curricula for the Plurality of Individual Learning Needs. In B. H. Johnsen & M. D. Skj?rten, (eds.). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction (pp. 255 – 303). Oslo, Unipub. 15 p.

Kokkala, Heikki. (2006). Five Years after Dakar. In H. Savolainen, M. Matero & H. Kokkala (eds.). When All Means All: Experiences in Three African Countries with EFA and Children with Disabilities (1-18). Helsinki: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Development Policy Information Unit. 17 p.

Sehic, Mersiha, Karlsdottir, Ragnhei?ur & Gu?mundsdottir, Sigrun. (2005). Socio-Cultural Foundation of Inclusion in Norwegian Schools. In B. H. Johnsen (ed.). Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 309 – 322) Oslo, Unipub - Oslo Academic Press. 13 p.

Savolainen, Hannu. (2006). Education for All: Where are the Children with Disabilities? In H. Savolainen, M. Matero & H. Kokkala (eds.). When All Means All: Experiences in Three African Countries with EFA and Children with Disabilities (172 - 184). Helsinki: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Development Policy Information Unit. 12 p.

Skj?rten, Miriam D. (2001). Cultural Activities as a Tool for Communication, Social Interaction and Inclusion. In B. H. Johnsen & M. D. Skj?rten, (eds.). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction (pp. 225 - 303). Oslo, Unipub. 30 p.

Additional individually selected reading

Published Aug. 8, 2007 11:31 AM - Last modified Sep. 11, 2007 4:40 PM