Teaching plan

This schedule is a working document - some lectures are still to be confirmed

Please note that attendance is obligatory at all lectures/seminars/study visits for students enrolled on the M. Phil. SNE Programme and individual course modules.

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
10.08.2009Orientation Week for new students 10-14 August. International Education Office (SIS)? Monday: Ground floor of main Administration Building - Blindern Campus? Information Packet (refer to instructions in Pre-Arrival Guide)? International students! Please collect information packet from SIS - available between 10:00 and 18:00. Also come and tell us at the Department that you have arrived! We are on the 4th floor (Norwegian) of Helga Eng's Building ?
11.08.2009? Tuesday Universitetsplassen - Old Campus Square downtown? Opening Ceremony? See separate progamme from SIS?
12.08.2009? Wednesday - see times and places in information packet? General Orientation Meeting and Group Orientation Meetings? See separate programme from SIS?
13.08.2009Faculty of Education Staff? (Thursday 08:30-09:30 HE Faculty Board) Room ? (Welcome breakfast and orientation!)? NB This meeting is for Exchange students only - ERASMUS and Nordlys?
13.08.2009Department staff? Thursday 09:30-11:00 HE U35? ? Introductory meeting for M. Phil. SNE Programme and autumn semester international exchange students (SNE4110, SNE3120, SNE4120 & SNE4130)?
14.08.2009Administrative staff - Faculty of Education & ISP? Friday 10:00-11:00 HE 236? Semester Registration? Semester registration session (help available)?
18.08.2009Academic Staff: Steinar Theie & Siri Wormn?s? Tuesday 12:15-14:00 HE 364? Introduction to M. Phil. SNE Programme? Academic introduction?
19.08.2009Steinar Theie? Wednesday 12:00-16:00 HE 232 ? SNE4110? Education For All?
21.08.2009Faculty administrative staff? Friday Meet at 12:15 sharp in the foyer of Helga Eng's building? ? Social day for all new international students at the Faculty of Education (all day event) SNE/CIE/HE Detailed information will be posted on "Messages"?
25.08.2009Steinar Theie? Tuesday 10:15-14.00 HE 364? SNE4110? NB Also deadline for delivery of Preparatory Assignment SNE4110

See message section for details?

26.08.2009Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday 12:15-16:00 HE 232? SNE4120/SNE3120? Inclusive Education?
28.08.2009Siri Wormn?s? Friday 09:15-13:00 HE 364? SNE4120/SNE3120 ? ?
01.09.2009Steinar Theie? Tuesday 10:15-14.00 HE 364? SNE4110? This lecture is cancelled today (will be re-scheduled later) to enable you to attend Guest lecture by Rob Horner HE Aud 1 from 12:00-13:45 See FRONTER for details.?
02.09.2009Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday 12:15-16:00 HE 232? SNE4120/SNE3120 ? ?
04.09.2009Siri Wormn?s? Friday 09:15-13:00 HE364? SNE4120/SNE3120 ? ?
08.09.2009Steinar Theie? Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 364? SNE4110? SNE4110 Assignment handed out today at 14:00 in HE 364?
09.09.2009Steinar Theie? Wednesday 12:15-16:00 HE 232 ? SNE4110? ?
10.09.2009Janicke Heldal Stray & Tone Guettler? Thursday 13:15-15:00 HE 236? Library Orientation? Time and date now confirmed. db?
11.09.2009Siri Wormn?s? Friday 09:15-13:00 HE 364? SNE4120/SNE3120? ?
15.09.2009Siri Wormn?s? Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 364? SNE4120/SNE3120? ?
16.09.2009Steinar Theie? Wednesday 12:15-16:00 HE 232? SNE4110? ?
18.09.2009Siri Wormn?s? Friday 09:15-13:00 HE 364? SNE4120/SNE3120? ?
22.09.2009Steinar Theie? Tuesday 09:15-13:00 HE 364? SNE4110? Also deadline for delivery of SNE4110 Assignment (written summary) before 11:00 as e-mail attachment to steinar.theie@isp.uio.no See also FRONTER.?
23.09.2009Siri Wormn?s? Wednesday 12:15-16:00 HE 232? SNE4120/SNE3120? ?
25.09.2009Steinar Theie? Friday 09:15-13:00 HE 364? SNE4110? ?
29.09.2009Steinar Theie? Tuesday 10:15-17:00 HE 364? SNE4110? Oral examination component of SNE4110

NB time now extended to accommodate three groups?

07.10.2009Steinar Theie /Denese Brittain ? Wednesday 12:15-14:00 HE 232? SNE4120/SNE3120 UiO grade scale/other examination information? Assignment for SNE4120/SNE3120 handed out today. NB note change of date?
07.10.2009Einar Sletmo? Wednesday 14:00-14:30 HE 232 ? Preparation for study visit? Study visit has been arranged for 15 October (see schedule under)?
15.10.2009Einar Sletmo? Thursday 10:00-13:00 Meet in HE foyer at 09:45 sharp? Study visit to kindergarden? Eilert Sundt studentbarnehage - Blindern campus for M. Phil. SNE and SNE3120 students. See details on FRONTER.?
21.10.2009Denese Brittain? Wednesday 09:00-10:00 HE 456? SNE4120/SNE3120? Assignment for SNE4120/SNE3120 to be delivered today. Please come to room HE 456 between 09:00 - 10:00. NB note change of date?
23.10.2009Berit H Johnsen? Friday 09:15-13.00 HE 364? SNE4130 ? Social and Cultural Perspectives on Special Needs Education

This lecture has been cancelled.?

27.10.2009Berit H Johnsen? Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 364 ? SNE4130? ?
28.10.2009Berit H Johnsen? Wednesday 12:15-16.00 HE 232 ? SNE4130? ?
03.11.2009Henning Rye? Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 364 ? SNE4130? ?
10.11.2009Henning Rye? Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 364 ? SNE4130? ?
10.11.2009Steinar Theie? Tuesday 14:00 HE 364? SNE4130? Steinar will hand out basis for obligatory student activity for SNE4130 ?
17.11.2009Henning Rye? Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 364 ? SNE4130? ?
18.11.2009Safwat Diab? Wednesday 12:15-16.00 HE 232 ? SNE4130? ?
20.11.2009Student group work at designated time? Friday 09:15-13:00 HE 364? SNE4130? Student group work based on "Rogoff" Chapters in Syllabus achievement requirements?
25.11.2009Einar Sletmo? Wednesday 11:15-11:45 HE 495? Preparation for study visit? Einar Sletmo will introduce study visit to Sollerudstranda Skole planned for 3 Dec.?
25.11.2009Steinar Theie /(Siri Wormn?s)? Wednesday 12:15-16:00 HE 232? SNE4130? Student presentations based on "Rogoff" Chapters in Syllabus achievement requirements

Term Paper /Assignment for SNE4130 handed out today.?

30.11.2009Siri Wormn?s? HE 481 (Siri's office)? SNE4120/SNE3120? Feedback sessions on SNE4120/SNE3120. Monday 30 Nov., Tuesday 1 Dec. and Wednesday 2 Dec. Please sign up on list on Siri Wormn?s' door HE 481.?
01.12.2009Steinar Theie? Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 364? SNE4230 General introduction to Research Methodology? Research Methodology?
02.12.2009Steinar Theie? Wednesday 12:15-16.00 HE 232? SNE4230? Survey?
03.12.2009Einar Sletmo? Thursday ca. 09:00-14:00? Study visit? Sollerudstranda skole - for M. Phil. SNE and SNE3120 students. Details later on FRONTER ?
04.12.2009Steinar Theie? Friday 09:15-13:00 HE 364? SNE4230? ?
07.12.2009Steinar Theie? Monday 09:15-13.00 HE U31? SNE4230 Survey? This replaces lecture originally scheduled for Tuesday 8 December. ?
08.12.2009Steinar Theie (cancelled)? Tuesday 10:15-14:00 HE 364? SNE4230? Cancelled and now re-scheduled on Monday 7 December.?
09.12.2009Denese Brittain? Wednesday 09:-10:00 HE 456? SNE4130? Term Paper/Assignment for SNE4130 to be delivered today. Please come to room HE 456 between 09:00 - 10:00. ?
Published June 10, 2009 11:58 AM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2009 12:24 PM