Syllabus/achievement requirements

Compulsory reading

Bronfenbrenner, Urie. (1979). The Ecology of Human Development. Cambridge, Harvard University Press. Chapter 2, 4, 5, 7, 9-11 188 p.

Bronfenbrenner, Urie and Morris, P.A (2006). The Bioecological Model of Human Development. In W. Damon and R.M. Lerner (Editors-in-Chief) and R.M. Lerner (Volume Editor), Handbook of Child Psychology Vol. 1. Theoretical Models of Human Development (6th ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons. 32 p.

Johnsen, Berit H. (2001). Introduction to the History of Special Needs Education towards Inclusion - A Norwegian and European Context. In B. H. Johnsen & M. D. Skj?rten (eds.). Education - Special Needs Education: An Introduction (pp.133 – 154). Oslo, Unipub. 11 p.

Johnsen, Berit H. (2001). Educational Policies and Debate concerning the School for All and Special Needs Education - National Perspective: The Situation in Norway. In B. H. Johnsen & M. D. Skj?rten (eds.). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction (155 – 173). Oslo, Unipub. 18 p.

Kirk, Samuel A. et. al. (2011). Educating Exceptional Children. Thirteenth edition. USA, Hougthon Mifflin Company. Chapter 1. Children with Exceptionalities (pp 4 – 34). Chapter 2. Exceptional Children and Social Institutions: Government, Schools, and the Courts (pp 35 – 70). 65 p.

Nilsen, Sven (2018). Inside but still on the outside? Teachers’
experiences with the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in general education
International Journal of
Inclusive Education

Reindal, Solveig M. (2016) Discussing inclusive education: an inquiry
into different interpretati6ns and a search for ethical aspects of inclusion using the
capabilities approach, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 31 :'1, '1-1 2, DOI: 1 0.1 080/08856257.201 5.1 0871 23* The article will appear in Canvas.

UN. (1991). Convention on the Rights of the Child. New York, United Nations. 15 p.

UN. (1994). Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disability. New York, United Nations. 50 p.

UNESCO. (1994). The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education. 47 p.

UNESCO (2004). EFA Global Monitoring Report 2005. Education for All: The quality imperative. Chapter 1. Understanding Education Quality (pp 27 – 37) Chapter 2. The Importance of Good Quality: What research tells us (pp. 38- 80) Paris. 52 p.

Vislie, Lise. (2003). From integration to inclusion: focusing global trends and changes in the western European societies. Eur. J. of Special Needs Education, Vol. 18, No. 1. 14p.

World Health Organization. (2002). Towards a Common Language for Functioning, Disability and Health. ICF. Geneva. 23 p.


Universal declaration of human rights


Published June 4, 2019 2:27 PM - Last modified June 12, 2019 2:47 PM