Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
01.01.2007MG 06/08 Programme M. Phil. SNE 2nd semester? ? This schedule is a working draft - some alterations may be made? Please note that attendance is obligatory at all lectures/seminars/study visits etc. for students enrolled on the M. Phil. SNE Programme?
02.01.2007? ? ? NORAD students attending Winter Seminar 2 - 6 January 2007?
08.01.2007Einar Sletmo? Monday 09:15-13:00 Room HE U35? SNE4210 ? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: visual capacity and barriers?
08.01.2007Steinar Theie / Denese Brittain? Monday 13:15-14:00? ? MG 06/08 group meeting?
09.01.2007See message. Lecture to be re-scheduled.? Tuesday 13:15-17:00 Room HE U35? SNE4220? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society II: Soc.-emotional mastery, growth & barriers?
10.01.2007Siri Wormn?s / Einar Sletmo? Wednesday 10:15-14.00 Room HE 231? Project? More detailed information later?
11.01.2007Monica Dalen? Thursday 08:15-12:00 room HE U35? SNE4230? Research Methodology: interview and observations?
15.01.2007Einar Sletmo? Monday 09:15-13:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210 ? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: visual capacity and barriers ?
16.01.2007Steinar Theie / Denese Brittain ? Tuesday 10:15-12:00 Room U35 ? ? Joint group meeting MG05/07 and MG06/08?
16.01.2007See message: lecture to be re-scheduled? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35? SNE4220? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society II: Soc.-emotional mastery, growth & barriers ?
17.01.2007Siri Wormn?s / Einar Sletmo ? Wednesday 10:15-14.00 Room HE 233 ? Project? More detailed information later ?
18.01.2007Monica Dalen? Thursday 08:15-12:00 room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Research Methodology: interview and observations ?
22.01.2007Oddvar Hjulstad? Monday 09:15-13:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: auditive capacity and barriers ?
23.01.2007Liv Randi Opdal (Steinar Theie)? Tuesday 09:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Thesis Seminar 2 for MG 05/07 - field study presentation?
25.01.2007Monica Dalen? Thursday 08:15-12:00 room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Research Methodology: interview and observations ?
29.01.2007Oddavar Hjulstad? Monday 09:15-13:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: auditive capacity and barriers ?
29.01.2007Einar Sletmo? Monday 13:15-14:00? SNE4210? Preparation for study visits to Vetland School and Huseby Resource Centre?
30.01.2007Liv Randi Opdal (Steinar Theie) ? Tuesday 09:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Thesis Seminar 2 for MG 05/07 - field study presentation ?
01.02.2007Monica Dalen? Thursday 08:15-12:00 room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Research Methodology: interview and observations ?
02.02.2007Vetland School / Principal Marit Dalbye? Friday 09:30-13.30 Vetlandsveien 79? SNE4210? Study visit to Vetland School (Hearing impairment/multiple disabilities) with Einar Sletmo?
05.02.2007Einar Sletmo? Monday 09:15-13:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Visual and hearing impairment?
06.02.2007Liv Randi Opdal (Steinar Theie) ? Tuesday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Thesis Seminar 2 for MG 05/07 - field study presentation ?
06.02.2007Terje Endrerud? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society II: Soc.-emotional mastery, growth & barriers

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07.02.2007Huseby Resource Centre / Sidsel Br?ndmo? Wednesday 10.00-14.00 Gml. Hovseter vei 3, 0768 OSLO? SNE4210? Study visit to Huseby National Resource Centre for Special Education of the Visually Impaired with Einar Sletmo?
08.02.2007Terje Endrerud? Thursday 08:15-12.00 Room HE U35? SNE4220? Soc.-emotional mastery, growth & barriers

NB SNE4230 lecture with Steinar Theie moved to 13 February?

12.02.2007Sol Lyster? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: language development and barriers?
13.02.2007Steinar Theie? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35? SNE4230? Survey

NB This lecture has been moved from 8 February to 13 February?

15.02.2007Steinar Theie? Thursday 08:15-12:00 Room HE U35? SNE4230? Survey?
19.02.2007(Supervised by Sol Lyster / Siri Wormn?s)? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35? SNE4210/SNE4220 Project work? More detailed information later ?
19.02.2007Liv M Lassen? Monday 15:15-16:00 Room He 231? UV International Forum? 15.02: The second UV International Forum this semester will be on Monday 19 Feb. from 15:15-16:00 in HE 231. Ass. professor Liv M Lassen will give a talk on "How to promote children's giftedness seen from a multiple intelligence perspective". You are all welcome! Light refreshments available before the meeting. Date for next UV Int. Forum is 12 March.?
20.02.2007Terje Endrerud & Carsten Blom Ruud? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35? SNE4220? Soc.-emotional mastery, growth & barriers

Carsten Blom Ruud will join Terje Endrerud for the lecture today. ?

22.02.2007Steinar Theie? Thursday 08:15-12:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230 ? Survey?
26.02.2007Sol Lyster? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Language development and barriers ?
27.02.2007Terje Endrerud ? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220 ? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society II: Soc.-emotional mastery, growth & barriers

Terje Endrerud will now have an additional lecture on this date.?

28.02.2007Peer M?ller S?rensen ? Wednesday 09:15-12:00 Room HE 233? SNE4230? Research methodology - statistics ?
01.03.2007? Thursday 09:15-12:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Research methodology - statisticsTeaching now re-scheduled to Wednesday 28 Feb. 09:15-12:00 HE 233?
05.03.2007Terje Endrerud? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? This session will be a whole day study visit to schools in H?nefoss. More information from Terje Endrerud. NB SNE4220 lecture here!?
05.03.2007Sol Lyster - teaching cancelled and moved to 9 March? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society II: Language development and barriers?
06.03.2007Terje Endrerud? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society II: socio-emotional mastery, growth and barriers

NB This lecture moved from 27 Feb. to 6 March ?

08.03.2007Peer M?ller S?rensen? Thursday 09:15-12:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Statistics ?
09.03.2007Sol Lyster? Friday 09:15-13.00 Room HE 231? SNE4220? Language development and barriers ?
12.03.2007Sol Lyster? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? Language development and barriers ?
13.03.2007Torgeir Onstad? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers ?
15.03.2007Peer M?ller S?rensen? Thursday 09:15-12:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Statistics?
16.03.2007Torgeir Onstad? Friday 09:15-13:00 Room HE 231? SNE4220? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers

This lecture was originally scheduled on 6 March/27 Feb and has now moved to 16 March.?

19.03.2007Gidske Holch? Monday 09:15-13:00 Room HE U35? SNE4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: developmental disabilities?
20.03.2007Marit Holm? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers ?
21.03.2007Gidske Holch? Wednesday - time to be confirmed? SNE4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: developmental disabilities - STUDY VISIT to "Tveten g?rd"

Your lecturer, Gidske Holch, will give you details concerning the study visit during her first lecture on Monday. It is in Oslo.?

22.03.2007Peer M?ller S?rensen? Thursday 09:15-12:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Statistics?
26.03.2007Gidske Holch? Monday 09:15-13:00 HE U35? SNE4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: developmental disabilites?
27.03.2007Steinar Theie? Tuesday 12:00 Room HE U35? SNE4230? Guidelines for Research Proposal SNE4230 can be accessed here Guidelines SNE4230?
27.03.2007Gidske Holch? Tuesday 13:15-17:00 Room HE U35? SNE4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: developmental disabilities?
29.03.2007Peer M?ller S?rensen? Thursday 09:15-12:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Statistics?
02.04.2007? ? ? Easter Week - public holidays Thursday 5 April, Friday 6 April & Monday 9 April?
10.04.2007Guri Nortvedt? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers

Powerpoint presentation accessible through this link:SNE4220 Guri A Nortvedt 1 ?

12.04.2007Peer M?ller S?rensen? ? SNE4230 (Statistics)? Deadline for delivery of second "Statistics Assignment" for SNE4230 portfolio - will be graded Pass/Fail. Deliver signed and dated assignment to Peer M?ller S?rensen (can place in his pigeon-hole opposite DSNE reception) preferably before 11:30 on Thursday 12 April.?
16.04.2007Siri Wormn?s - lecture cancelled? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Barriers to Learning, Development and Participation in Society I: Physical disabilities, alternative communication and concealed impairments ?
17.04.2007Guri Nortvedt? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4220? Arithmetic acquisition and barriers ?
19.04.2007Student study session - cancelled? Thursday 08:15-12:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Physical disabilities, alternative communication and concealed impairments ?
23.04.2007Siri Wormn?s - lecture cancelled? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Physical disabilities, alternative communication and concealed impairments ?
01.05.2007? ? ? Public holiday - 1 May?
03.05.2007Liv Randi Opdal? Thursday 08:15-12:00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Field study workshop

Assignment for SNE4210 group oral examination to be handed out at 12:15 in room HE 494?

07.05.2007Liv Randi Opdal? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4230? Field study workshop ?
17.05.2007? ? ? 17 May - public holiday (Norwegian Constituion Day and Ascension Day)?
21.05.2007Steinar Theie & Terje Endrerud? Monday 09:15-13.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Group Oral Examination ?
21.05.2007Liv Randi Opdal / Steinar Theie? Monday 13:00 Room HE U35? SNE 4230? Written assignments (2) for portfolio SNE4230 handed out. Deadline for first delivery to portfolio 14 June 2007.?
22.05.2007Steinar Theie & Terje Endrerud? Tuesday 13:15-17.00 Room HE U35 ? SNE4210? Group Oral Examination?
28.05.2007? ? ? 28 May - public holiday - Whit Monday?
29.05.2007Steinar Theie? Tuesday 13:15-14:15 Room HE U35? SNE4220? Written assignment for SNE4220 (Term paper 4) handed out?
07.06.2007Steinar Theie & Denese Brittain? Thursday 09:15-11:00 Room HE 232? Preparation for fieldwork? Please meet on Thursday 7 June from 09:15-11:00 in room HE 232 where we will discuss preparations for fieldwork - budget, local advisers, data collection, work with thesis etc. st/db ?
14.06.2007? ? SNE4230? Deadline for final delivery of all V-2007 portfolio assignments + approved research proposal for SNE4230?
20.06.2007Steinar Theie / Denese Brittain? Wednesday 09:15-13:00 Room HE 231? SNE4220? Deadline for delivery of essay (Term Paper 4 SNE4220) & joint concluding work shop/evaluation?
23.06.2007? ? ? Departure for field studies/research in home countries from 23 June 2007. Return to Norway first week of January 2008.?
Published Nov. 9, 2006 4:15 PM - Last modified May 29, 2007 4:34 PM