Syllabus/achievement requirements

Compulsory reading

Gelso, C.J., & Fretz, B. R. & Williams, E. N. (2014).  Counseling Psychology. USA: Wadsworth Cengage. Ch. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13,14, & 16: 266p.

Johnsen, B. H. (2019). Care and Sensitivity in Resource-Based Interaction within Education and Upbringing - A conceptual Discussion. In B. H. Johnsen (Ed). Comparative Classroom Studies of Inclusive Practices - An International comparative Research Project (Working title). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 19 p.

Lassen, Liv. (2005). Five Challenges in Empowering Teachers. In B. H. Johnsen (Ed.). Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 229-247). Oslo: Unipub – Oslo Academic Press. 18 p. 

Malloch, S., Shoemark, H., Marcs, R., Newnham, C., Campbell, P., Prior, M., Coward, S. & Burnham, D. (2012). Music Therapy with Hospitalized Infants – the Art and Science of Communicative Musicality. In Mental Health Journal, Vol. 33(4), 386–399. 13 p. 

Mjelve, L. H., Ulleberg, I. & Vonheim, K. (2018). “What do I Share?” Personal and Private Experiences in Educational Psychological Counselling. In Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2018.1527396. 14 p.

Mjelve, L. H. (2017). Process Competence and Expert Knowledge: Educational and Psychological Counseling Service vis-a-vis kindergartens and schools.  In NORDVEI Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk, vol. 2, Issue 1, 1-15. 15 p.

Preisler, G. M. (1991). Early Patterns of Interaction between Blind Infants and Their Sighted Mothers. In Child: Care, Health and Development, 17, 65-90. 25 p. 

Skogen, K. ( 2001). Innovation for Inclusion - An Introduction to the Process of Change. In B. H. Johnsen, & M. D. Skj?rten (Eds.). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction (pp.325 - 358). Oslo, Unipub. 33 p. 

Skogen, K. (2019). The Challenges of the School Leader. In B. H. Johnsen (Ed.). In B. H. Johnsen (Ed). Comparative Classroom Studies of Inclusive Practices - An International Comparative Research Project (Working title). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 16 p. 

Wichmann, Sonia Secher. (2011). Self-Determination Theory: The Importance of Autonomy to Well-Being Across Cultures. In The Journal of Humanistic Counseling. Volume 50, Issue 1. 10 p.

Additional reading

Rye, Henning. (2001). Helping Children and Families with Special Needs - A Resource-Oriented Approach. In B. H. Johnsen &M. D. Skj?rten (Eds.). Education – Special Needs Education: An Introduction. Oslo, Unipub.65 p. (Repetition from SNE4130)

Rye, Henning. (2005). The Foundation of an Optimal Psychosocial Development. In B. H. Johnsen (Ed.). Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies (pp. 215-228). Oslo: Unipub–Oslo Academic Press. 13 p.

Additional individually selected reading

Power point presentations, DVD material, group and individual activities. Power point presentations used in class will be published in Canvas.

Published Nov. 20, 2019 11:13 AM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2019 11:13 AM