Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
21.08.2006 | ? | Monday 08:15-10:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng building? | Information meeting? | The meeting is together with SPED3000. The most relevant information for SPED3010 will be after 09:00 AM. ? |
24.08.2006 | Rolf Fasting? | Thursday 14:15-16:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng building? | Foundations of literacy and reading fluency ? | ? |
25.08.2006 | Rolf Fasting? | Friday 10:15-12:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng building? | Foundations of literacy and reading fluency ? | ? |
31.08.2006 | Arne Lerv?g? | Thursday 14:15-16:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng building? | Dyslexia and fonology? | ? |
01.09.2006 | Arne Lerv?g? | Friday 10:15-12:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng building? | Dyslexia and fonology? | ? |
07.09.2006 | Anne-Lise Rygvold? | Thursday 14:15-16:00 Aud 3 Helga Engs building? | ? | ? |
08.09.2006 | Anne-Lise Rygvold? | Fredag 10:15.12:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng ? | ? | ? |
14.09.2006 | Sol Lyster? | Torsday 14:15-16:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng ? | Lese og skriveutvikling? | ? |
21.09.2006 | Bente Gj?rum? | Torsdag 12:15-14:00 Store fysiske auditorium? | ? | The contents of this lecture is not covered by the reading list/syllabus. Due to the contents of the next lecture today, at 14.15-16.00, you are however advised to attend this lecture as it will give you a useful introduction to neurological aspects of special needs education.? |
21.09.2006 | Bente Gj?rum? | Torsdag 14:15-16:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng ? | ? | ? |
22.09.2006 | Sol Lyster? | Fredag 10:15-12:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng ? | Lese og skriveutvikling? | ? |
29.09.2006 | Vigdis Refsal? | Fredag 10:15-12:00 Aud 3 Helga Eng ? | Case fra Bredtvet kompetansesenter? | ? |
Publisert 14. juni 2006 13:02
- Sist endret 12. sep. 2006 12:31