Vitenskapsteori og utvikling av forskningssp?rsm?l
Crotty, Michael (2015). The Foundations of Social Research. Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. London: Sage. [NB! Reprint av utgave fra 1998, b?ker med begge trykke?r kan brukes.]
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Survey og kvantitative design
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Kvalitativ metode
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Tekst- og dokumentanalyse, samt kildestudier
Karianne Skovholt og Aslaug Veum 2014: Tekstanalyse. Ei innf?ring. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
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Grounded Theory
Charmaz, K. ( 2014). Constructing Grounded Theory. 2nd Ed. London: Sage Publication.
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Sigstad, H.M.H. (2014). Characteristic interviews, different strategies: Methodological challenges in qualitative interviewing among respondents with mild intellectual disabilities. I: Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, Vol.18, No.2. Side 186-200.
Narrativ analyse
Labov, William; Waletzky, Joshua. Narrative analysis: Oral versions of personal experience. Journal of Narrative & Life History, Vol 7(1-4), 1997, 3-38.
Kelly, Gregory J., Stephen Druker, and Catherine Chen. "Students’ reasoning about electricity: Combining performance assessments with argumentation analysis." International journal of science education 20.7 (1998): 849-871.
Simon, Shirley. "Using Toulmin’s argument pattern in the evaluation of argumentation in school science." International Journal of Research & Method in Education 31.3 (2008): 277-289.
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