
Litteratur som er merket med * finnes i kompendium som kj?pes p? Akademika. Listen vil suppleres med inntil 90 sider med ny litteratur i l?pet av studiet.

Medisinsk teknisk og pedagogisk audiologi

Stach, B. A (2010), Clinical audiology, an Introduction. Delmar Chengage Learning, USA, NY. Kap. 2 – 13 (654 s)

* Laukli, E. (1990) Ensidig d?vhet. ( 6 s.)

* Lindholm, S. (1994), Medicinsk barnaudiologi for vardagsbruk. Studentlitteratur (90 s)

* Ryugo, DK., Limb, C.J. & Redd, EE. (2000) Brain Plasticity: The Impact of the Environment on the Brain as it Relates to Hearing and Deafness. I (Red.) Niparko, John K et al. Cochlear Implants, Principles and Practice ss. 33-56. Lippencot Williams & Wilkins. ( 23 s.)

H?rsel og spr?k

Bishop, D.V.M. & L. Leonard (Ed) (2001) Speech and Language Impairments in Children: Causes, Characteristics, Intervention and Outcome. Brighton; Psychology Press. Kap. 1-9, 11 (194 s)

Cole Elizabeth B., Flexer Carol (2010) Children with Hearing Loss Developing Listening and talking (Birth to Six). Plural Publishing, San Diego, Oxford (295 s)

Dodd, B. (2005) Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with Speech Disorder, London, Whurr Publisher. (301 s.)

Endresen, R. T., Simonsen, H. Gram, & Sveen, A. (red.) (2000) (2. ed) Innf?ring i lingvistikk Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 1 og 5 (133 s.)

Estabrooks, W. (2006) Auditory-Verbal Therapy and Practice. Washington, DC: A.G. Bell. Kap 1,2,3(s45-54), 4, 5(s89-99), 7. (Samlet blir det 84 s)

Hull, Raymond H. (2001) Aural Rehabilitation. Serving children and adults. Singular, Thomson Learning San Diego, Fourth edition. 2,3,5,7—13,15-19,21 (297 s.)

Kristoffersen, K. E., Simonsen, H. G & Sveen, A. (red) (2005) Spr?k; en grunnbok. Oslo Universitetsforlag. (Kap 8 og 9).

Ray D. Kent, Charles Read (2002) The acoustic analysis of speech. Singular (150 s.)

Skaug, I. (2005) Norsk spr?klydl?re med ?velser. Cappelen Akademiske forlag AS, Oslo

* Penninton, B.F., & Bishop D.V.M (2009) Relations Among Speech, Language and Reading Disorders. Annual review of Psychology, 60(1), 283-306

* Pollack, D., Goldberg, D., Caleffe-Schenk, N. (1997) Educational Audiology for the Limited-hearing Infant and Preschooler. (3rd Ed.). Charles C Thomas Publisher Ltd. Springfield, Illinois, USA. (Kap. 1-3, 8 -11) (189 s.)

R?rbeck, L. (2006) Stemmebrugsl?re. Reizels forlag, K?benhavn. Kap. 4, 7-8 (59 s.)

* Skollerud, Siri Heftye, (1991), Se hva de sier. Praktisk innf?ring i munnavlesning., Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1991 (61s)

* Wie O. B. (2005), Kan d?ve bli h?rende? En kartlegging av de hundre f?rste barna med cochleaimplantat i Norge. Perspektiv 17 x 24, nr. 29 Unipub forlag, Oslo. Kap. 2, s. 17 – 62 (45 s)

* Wie O.B, Falkenberg E-S, Tvete O, Tomblin B., Children with Cochlear implant: Characteristics and determinants of speech recognition, growth rate, and speech production. International Journal of audiology 2007; 46: 232 – 243 (9 s)

* Wie, O.B. (2010): Language development in children after receiving bilateral cochlear implants between 5 and 18 months. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 74 s. 1258-1266 (8 s)


* Falkenberg, E.-S.,Tungland, O.P. & Skollerud, S. (2003) Habituation Therapy of Chronic Distressing Tinnitus: a Presentation of a Treatment Programme and an Evaluation Study of its Effects. Audiological Medicine; 2: 132-137. (6 s.)

* Hazell, J. (2002) Hypersensitivity of Hearing (5s)

* Hazell, J. (2002) Tinnitus Retraining Therapy from the Jastreboff Model. (5s)

* Jastreboff PJ, Jastreboff MM. (2006) Tinnitus retraining therapy: A different view on tinnitus. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec.;68 (1):23-9; discussion 29-30. Epub 3. (8 s.)

Alternativ kommunikasjon

Braadland, N.: (2005) Tegn- til- tale- for alle. En vei til talespr?ket. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS, 2. utgave. Kap. 4 & 7, (44 s.)

Tetzchner, Stephen von & Martinsen Harald A, (2002) Alternativ og supplerende kommunikasjon. Gyldendal akademisk. Kap 8-11 (119 s)


Norman, T. Sandvin JT. & Thommesen (2006) Om rehabilitering: Mot en helhetlig og felles forst?else? Kommuneforlaget, Oslo. (151 s.)

* Falkenberg, Eva- Signe (2007): Holistic Aural Rehabilitation – a Challenge. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, nr. 2 (16 s.)

* Kermit P. (2010) Choosing for the child with cochlear implants: a note of precaution. Med Health Care and Philos 13:157–167.

* Mo B, Lindbaek M, & Harris S (2005), Cochlear implants and quality of life: a prospective study. Ear Hear Apr; 26 (2): 186 – 194 (8 s)

* Simonsen, E., Kristoffersen, A.E., Hyde, M.B., Hjulstad, O. (2009) Great Expectations: Perspectives on Cochlear Implantation of Deaf Children in Norway. American Annals of the Deaf, Volume 154, Number 3, pp. 263-273.

Kommunikative og psykososiale konsekvenser av h?rselstap

Vernon, McCay & Andrews, J.F. (1990) The Psychology of Deafness. Longman. Kap. 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 og 12. (126 s.)

Edwards L & Crocer S (2009) D?ve og h?rehemmede b?rn med s?rlige behov. Materialecenteret, Alborg Kap 1-5 (150 s)

* De Graaf R, Bijl R. Determinants of mental distress in adults with a severe auditory impairment: Differences between prelingual and postlingual deafness. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2002; 64: 61–70

* Hindley P. Psychiatric aspects of hearing impairments. Journal of Child Psychiatry. 1997; 38(1): 101–117

* Kvam, Marit H. and Mitchell Loeb (2006) Mental Health in Deaf Adults: Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among Hearing and Deaf Individuals. Inl. of Deaf Studies and Deaf EducationVolume12, Issue 1 Pp. 1-7.

* Polat F. (2003) Factors affecting psychosocial adjustment of deaf students, Journal of Deaf studies and Deaf Education, 8, 325-338

* Wie et sl.2010: Unilateral Deafness in Adults: Effects on Communication and Social Interaction. Annals of Otologhy, Rhinology & Laryngology 119(11):772-781


Chapey, R (ed) (2008) Language intervention strategies in aphasia and related neurogenic communication disorders. (5th ed) Baltimore: Lippencott Williams & Wilkins. Kap: 2,4 (minus 70-76), 6,9,11,(13) 14,18,20,21,24,25,27,30,34.

* Cycyk, L.M. & Wright, H.H. (2008) Frontotemporal dementia: Its definition, differential diagnosis, and management. Aphasiology 22(4), s. 422 - 444

* Lind, M. & Haaland-Johansen, L. (2010). Kartlegging og dokumentasjon i afasilogopedisk praksis. I: Lind, M. et al. (red.). Afasi – et praksisrettet perspektiv. Oslo: Novus forlag.

* Qvenild, E., Haukeland, I., Haaland-Johansen, L., Knoph, M. I. K. og Lind, M. (2010). Afasi og afasirehabilitering. I: Lind, M. et al. (red.). Afasi – et praksisrettet perspektiv. Oslo: Novus forlag.

* Reinvang, I. Afasi – spr?kforstyrrelser etter hjerneskade, s. 50–57. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

* Thompson, C.K. & L. Worral (2008). Approaches to aphasia treatment. I Martin, N., C.K Thompson & L. Worral (ed) Aphasia rehabilitation: The impairment and its consequences (s. 3-24). San Diego: Plural publishing.

Supplerende litteratur (ikke pensum)

Adams, Catherine Edwards, Margaret Brown, Betty Byers (1997) Developmental Disorders of Language. London; Whurr Publishers Asker-Arnason, L. (2011) Narration and reading comprehension in Swedish children and adolescents with hearing impairment. Doktoravhandling, Universitetet I Lund

Bishop D.V. M. (1999) Uncommon understanding. Development and disorder of language Comprehension in Children. Psychology Press, New York. ( Kap. 2, 3, 7 & 8)

Bishop, D. & Mogford, K. (red): (1993) Language development in exceptional circumstances. Edinburg: Churchill: Livingstone. (270 s.)

Bollingmo, L., H?ium, K., Johnsen Bj?rn-Erik (red.) (2004) Det er mitt liv. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo

Clausen, T (2003) N?r h?rselen svikter. Om konsekvenserne af h?reneds?ttelse i arbejdslivet, uddannelsessystemet og for den personlige velf?rd. Socialforskningsinstituttet, K?benhavn. (228 s.)

Flexer, C. (1999) Facilitating Hearing and Listening in Young Children. (2nd edition). Singular Press Group, Inc. San Diego, London

Frank, A. M (2009) Strukturelle og temporale trekk iI norske spedbarns lydutvikling. Doktoravhandling NTNU, Trondheim

Gr?nlie, S (2005). Uten h?rsel – en bok om h?rselshemming. Fagforlaget, Bergen.

Gullacksen, AC. (2002) N?r h?rselen svikter. Om livsomst?lling och rehabilitering. Center f?r handikapp- och rehabiliteringsforskning, Malm?

Hansen, Viggo Moss: Kompendium i artikulasjon for d?ve, Aalborg 1996.

Hart B & Risely T.R. (1995) Meaningful Differences. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Maryland

Hart B & Risely T.R. (1999) The Social World of Children Learning to Talk. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Maryland

Helvik, Anne-Sofie (2006), Coping and everyday life in a population of adults with hearing impairment. Doktoravhandling NTNU (Medisinsk fakultet)

Hilmen, Liv: 2002 ”H?r n? her” Unipub, Oslo

Hindley, P & Kitson, N. (2000). Mental health and deafness. Whurr, London.

Hoffmann G. (2002) Forberedende artikulasjon med praktiske ?velser. Briskeby HLFs skole og kompetansesenter.

Hoffmann, G. (2001) Hvert barn sitt spr?k. Kommunikasjon – l?ring og spr?k. Kommuneforlaget AS, Oslo

Howell, J & E Dean (1994): Treating Phonological Disorders in Children. Whurr Publishers Ltd. London. (Kap. 2 – 6)

Hull, R. H. (1995) Hearing in Aging. Wichita State University, Singular Publishing Group Inc. San Diego, California

Lane Harlan (1976) The Wild Boy of Aveyron, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Laukli Einar (red.), Nordisk l?rebok i audiologi (2007), Fagbokforlaget, Bergen

Leonard, L. (1998) Children with specific language impairment. MIT Press, London

Lind, M. (2000): Ord som ikke vil: innf?ring i spr?kpatologi. Oslo: Novus forlag (Spesielt kap. 4.)

Lloyd M. Hulit , Merle R. Howard , Kathleen R. Fahey (2011) Born to Talk: An Introduction to Speech and Language Development, 5th Edition

Malmquist, A.K., & Mosand, N.E. (1996) Se mitt spr?k! Spr?kbok – en innf?ring i norsk tegnspr?k. Bergen: D?ves Forlag.

Moriggi, S.N (2006). La hendene snakke. H. Aschehoug & CO, Oslo

Norman, T. Sandvin JT. & Thommesen (2003) Individuell plan. Et sesam sesam? Kommuneforlaget. (Kap. 3,4 og 5)

Ohna, S. E. (2001) ? skape et selv. D?ves foretellinger om Interaksjon med h?rende. Perspektiv 17x24, Unipub forlag, Oslo (s.41-90)

Plack, Christopher J (2005): The Sense of Hearing. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. New Jersey, USA

R?mer, Lotte (1999), Hva`?, Aschehoug, Danmark

Roos C., Fischbein S.(red) (2006), D?vhet og h?rselsnedsetning. Spesialpedagogiske perspektiv. Studentlitteratur.

Sletthei, Kolbj?rn (1996): Grunnbok i fonetikk for spr?kstudenter. Cappelens akademiske forlag

Stach, A. (2003) Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology, 2nd edition. Delmar learning, Thomson Learning Inc.NY

Strand, L. (2003). Barn med cochleaimplantat, ? h?re til.... Samtaler med foreldre. Sk?dalen Publikasjon nr. 19

Sundqvist, A.(2010) Knowing me, knowing you. Metallization abilities of children who use augmentative and alternative communication. Doktoravhandling Linkoping Universitet. Link?ping

Tomasello, M. (2003) Constructing a language. A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition. Harvard University Press, London

Tyler, R.S. (2000) Tinnitus Handbook Singular, Thomson Learning San Diego

Vedeler, L. (1999). Pedagogisk bruk av lek. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.

Vonen, A.M.: 1997 et merke?r i d?veundervisningens historie. Sk?dalen kompetansesenter, Oslo

Wie O. B. (2005), Kan d?ve bli h?rende? En kartlegging av de hundre f?rste barna med cochleaimplantat i Norge. Perspektiv 17 x 24, nr. 29 Unipub forlag, Oslo.

Publisert 11. okt. 2011 16:02 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2011 11:18