
Lese- og skrivevansker


Elliot, J. G.  & Grigorenko, E. L. 2014. The dyslexia debate. Cambridge University press (hele boken,  ca. 182 sider pensum)

  + Dorothy Bishops blog-kommentar til boken: My thoughts on the dyslexia debate (4 sider)


Kapitler i b?ker

Kamhi, G.  & H.W.Catts. 2011 Language and Reading Disabilities. (3rd edition). Boston: Pearson. Kap. 5 - 8 (106 sider)

Duke, N.K, Pressley, M., & Hilden, K. (2004). Difficulties with reading comprehension. I: C.A. Stone, E.R. Sillman, B.J. Ehren, & K. Apel (ed). Handbook of Language and literacy - Development and disorders, side 501 – 520. New York: The Guilford Press. (16 sider).

Hulme, C.  & Snowling, M.J. (2009). Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition (2nd edition). West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.  Kap. 1: Understanding developmental cognitive disorders.  ( 36 sider).

Hulme, C.  & Snowling, M.J. (2009). Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition (2nd edition). Kap.2. Reading disorders I: developmental dyslexia (53 sider).

Torgesen, J.K. (2007). Recent Discoveries from Research on Remedial Interventions for Children with Dyslexia.  I Snowling, M.J. & Hulme, C., The Science of Reading: A Handbook ( 2nd edition) s. 521 – 537. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. (16 sider)



Rose, J. 2009. Identifying and teaching Children and young People with Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties. An independent report from Sir Jim Rose to the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. (Stip. lesemengde 80 sider).



Bowers, P. N., Kirby, J. R., & Deacon, H. S. (2010). The effects of morphological instruction on literacy skills: A systematic review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 80, 144–179. (30 sider)

Br?ten, I., Anmarkrud, ?., Brandmo, C., & Str?ms?, H. I (2014). Developing and testing a model of direct and indirect relationships between individual differences, processing, and multiple-text comprehension. Learning and Instruction, 30, 9-24.(13 sider)

Finbak, L. (2005). Analyser av stavefeil. Spesialpedagogikk, 9, s. 20-29. (8 sider)

Goodwin, A. P., & Ahn, S. (2010). A meta-analysis of morphological interventions: Effects on literacy achievement of children with literacy difficulties. Annals of Dyslexia, 60, 183–208. (13 sider)

Helland, Turid; Plante, Elena; Hugdahl, Kenneth. (2011). Predicting dyslexia at age 11 from a risk index questionnaire at age 5. Dyslexia. 17: 207-226. doi: 10.1002/dys.432. (16 sider)

Lawrence, J. F., Crosson, A. C., Paré-Blagoev, E. J., & Snow, C. E. (2015). Word Generation Randomized Trial: Discussion Mediates the Impact of Program Treatment on Academic Word Learning. American Educational Research Journal. doi: 10.3102/0002831215579485. (33 sider)

Lerv?g, A., & Aukrust, V. G. (2010). Vocabulary knowledge is a critical determinant of the difference in reading comprehension growth between first and second language learners. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 612-620. (7 sider)

Mangen, A., Walgermo, B.,& Br?nnick, K. (2013). Reading linear texts on paper vs. computer screen: Effects on reading comprehension. International Journal of Educational Research 58, 61-68. (7 sider)

Melby-Lerv?g, Monica & Lerv?g, Arne (2014). Reading Comprehension and its Underlying Components in Second Language Learners: A Meta-analysis of Studies Comparing First and Second Language Learners. Psychological bulletin. ISSN 0033-2909.  doi: 10.1037/a0033890. (20 sider)

Melby-Lerv?g og Lerv?g: John Hatties visible learning: Ingen ?Hellig Gral? for undervisning. Bedre skole 2014, 1, 86-91.(5sider)

Melby-Lerv?g ; Lyster, S. A. H.; Hulme, C. (2012). Phonological skills and their role in learning to read: A meta-analytic review.  Psychological Bulletin, Vol 138(2), Mar 2012, 322-352. (21 sider)

Nagy, W., Carlisle, J. F., & Goodwin, A. P. (2014). Morphological knowledge and literacy acquisition. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47(1), 3-12. doi:10.1177/0022219413509967. (8 sider)

Ottem, E.(2007a) Spr?k 6-16: profilanalyser for barn med spr?krelaterte vansker. Skolepsykologi, 42, s. 25-31. (6 sider)

Ottem, E.(2007b). Spr?k 6-16: Screening-test. Manual II. Nye normer til bruk I forskning og utredning. Skolepsykologi, 42, 13-23. (9 sider)

Perfetti, C. (2007). Reading Ability: Lexical quality to comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading. 11, p. 357-383. (24 sider)

 Snowling, M.J. (2014). Dyslexia: A language learning impairment.  Joint British Academy/British Psychological Society Lecture read 24 September 2013. Journal of the British Academy, 2, 43–58. DOI 10.5871/jba/002.043. (13 sider)

Wolter, Julie A.; Green, Laura. (2013). Morphological Awareness Intervention in School-Age Children With Language and Literacy Deficits: A Case Study. Wolter, Julie A.; Green, Laura Less  Topics in Language Disorders. 33(1):27-41 (12 sider)




Bele, I.V. ( 2008). Spr?kvansker -  teoretiske perspektiver og praktiske utfordringer. Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forlag. Kapittel  2, 3, 4, 5, 6 og 7 (155 sider)

Kristoffersen, K. E., Simonsen, H. G. & Sveen, A (red). (2005). Spr?k; en grunnbok. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Kap. 8, 9, 11 og 12.

Leonard, L (2014): Children with specific language impairment. London; MIT Press. Second edition. Kapitlene 1, 2,5 og 7-13.(120 sider)

Lind, M. & Kristoffersen, K.E. (2014).  N?r spr?ket svikter. Oslo: Novus: forlag


Kapitler I b?ker

Hulme, C. & Snowling, M.J. (2009). Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition, (2nd edition). Kap. 4,  Specific language impairment. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell (42 sider).

Snowling,  M.J. & Charles Hulme, C. (Eds) (2009). The Science of Reading: A Handbook ( 2nd edition). Kap. 21, Learning to Read with a Language Impairment. s. 397-412. Wiley-Blackwell,  (16 sider)



Bishop, D. V. M. (2014). Ten questions about terminology for children with unexplained language problems. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 49, 381-415 (Sider, inklusive kommentarer, 35)

Bishop, D. V. M. (2013). Research Review: Emanuel Miller Memorial  Lecture 2012 – Neuroscientific studies of intervention for language impairment in children: interpretive and methodological  problemsJournal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54:3, pp 247–259. (11 sider)

Bishop, D. V. &  McDonald D. (2009). Identifying language impairment in children: combining language test scores with parental report. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 44(5):600-15. doi: 10.1080/13682820802259662. (10 sider)

Leonard, L.B. (2014). Specific Language Impairment Across Languages.  Article first published online: 8 NOV 2013. DOI: 10.1111/cdep.12053. (4 sider)

Klem, Marianne; Melby-Lerv?g, Monica; Hagtvet, Bente Eriksen; Lyster, Solveig-Alma Halaas; Gustafsson, Jan-Eric & Hulme, Charles (2014). Sentence repetition is a measure of children’s language skills rather than working memory limitations. Developmental Science.  ISSN 1363-755X. . doi: 10.1111/desc.12202 (17 sider)


Supplerende litteratur knyttet spesielt til praksis

Frost, J.Kvalitet i leseoppl?ringen (2010). Erfaringer med oppstart av spr?k- og leseveiledning. Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forlag.

Frost, J., Hagtvet, B. & Refsahl, V. (2015). Den intensive leseoppl?ringen.Dialog og mestring n?r lesingen har l?st seg. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Helland, T. (2014). Dysleksi og spr?k. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget
(Siste del av boken er rettet spesielt mot praksisfeltet)

Klinkenberg, J.E. (2005)? bedre barns leseflyt. 27 varianter av repetert lesing. Oslo:Aschehoug

Lyster, Solveig-Alma Halaas (2003). STAS - Standardisert test i avkoding og staving. Spesialpedagogikk, Volum 68. s. 48-51

Lyster, S.A.H. (1994). Spr?krelaterte l?revansker hos barn og unge. Kartlegging og tiltak. Oslo: Gyldendal.

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          For h?sten 2015 og ogs? for v?ren 2016 vil flere artikler og bokkapitler kunne bli lagt inn





Chinn, S. (Ed.) (2015) The Routledge International Handbook of Dyscalculia and Mathematical Learning Difficulties. Routledge: Oxon. 419 pages (index not included).

Gersten, R. & Newman-Gonchar, R. (2011) Understanding RTI in Mathematics. Proven methods and applications. Paul Brookes Publishing: Baltimore, Maryland. 219 pages (index not included)

Chapters in books:
Fuchs, L., Fuchs, D., Schumacher, R. F., & Seethaler, P. M. (2013). Instructional intervention for students with mathematics learning disabilities. pp. 388-404. In Swanson, H.L. Harris, K.R. & Graham, S. (Eds.) Handbook of Learning Disabilities – 2nd edition. The Guilford Press, New York. 16 pages.

Geary, D. C. (2013) Learning Disabilities in Mathematics – Recent Advances. pp. 239-255. In Swanson, H.L. Harris, K.R. & Graham, S. (Eds.) Handbook of Learning Disabilities – 2nd edition. The Guilford Press, New York. 16 pages

Ostad, S. (2015). Matematikkvansker- forskningsbasert tiln?rming.  Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. Kapitlene 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 og 14 (ca. 125 sider).

Aunio, P. & R?s?nen, P. (2015). Core numerical skills for learning mathematics in children aged five to eight years - a working model for educators. European Journal of Early Childhood Education Research. 21 pages

Cheung, A.C.K. & Slavin, R.E. (2013). The effectiveness of educational technology applications for enhancing mathematics achievement in K-12 classrooms: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 9, 88-113. 22 pages

Fletcher, J.M. (2005). Predicting math outcomes: Reading predictors and comorbidity. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38 (4) 308-312. 4 pages

Geary, D.C., Bailey, D.H. & Hoard, M.K. (2009). Predicting mathematical achievement and mathematical learning disability with simple screening tool. The number sets test. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 27 (3) 265-279. 12 pages

Kane, S. T., Walker, J. H. & Schmidt, G.R. (2011) Assessing college-level learning difficulties and “At Riskness” for learning disabilities and ADHD: Development and validation of the learning difficulties assessment. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44 (6) 533-542. 9 pages

Kearns, D. M. & Fuchs, D. (2013). Does cognitively focused instruction improve the academic performance of low-achieving students? Exceptional Children, 79 (3) 263-290. 27 pages

Korhonen, J., Linnanm?ki, K. & Aunio, P. (2014). Learning difficulties, academic well-being and educational dropout: A person-centred approach. Learning and Individual Differences, 31, 1-10. 10 pages

'Lindberg, S.M., Hyde, J.S., Petersen, J. L. & Linn, M.C. (2010) New trends in gender and mathematics performance: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 136 (6) 1123-1135. 12 pages

Mononen, R., Aunio, P., Koponen, T. & Aro, T. (2014) A review of early numeracy interventions for children at risk in mathematics. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 6 (1) 25-54. 29 pages

Monuteaux, M.C., Faraone, S.V., Herzig, K. Navsaria, N. & Biederman, J. (2005) ADHD and dyscalculia: Evidence for independent familial transmission. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38 (1) 86-93. 7 pages

Ostad, S.A. (2013). Private speech in arithmetical calculation: contributory role of phonological awareness in children with and without mathematical difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 46(4), 21-36.

Ostad, S.A. (2015). Private speech use in arithmetical calculation: relationship with phonological memory skills in children with and without mathematical difficulties. Annals of Dyslexia.  DOI 10.1007/s11881-015-0103-1.

Seethaler, P.M. & Fuchs, L. S. (2011). Using curriculum-based measurement to monitor kindergarteners’ mathematics development. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 36 (4) 219-229. 10 pages

Slavin, R.E. & Lake, C. (2008). Effective programs in elementary mathematics: A best-evidence synthesis. Review of Educational Research, 78 (3) 427-515. 66 pages

Slavin, R. E., Lake C. & Groff, C. (2009). Effective programs in middle and high school mathematics: a best evidence synthesis. Review of Educational Research 79 (2) 839-911. 62 pages

Supplerende litteratur 

Ostad, S. A. (2013). “Strategier, strategiobservasjon og strategioppl?ring”. Trondheim: L?reboka forlag.


Endringer vil kunne skje:
For h?sten 2015 vil flere artikler kunne bli lagt inn, for v?rhalv?ret 2016 vil flere b?ker og bokkapitler kunne bli lagt inn.

Publisert 29. mai 2015 12:18 - Sist endret 24. sep. 2018 15:20